bears in the smoky mountains

World renowned for its diversity of plant and animal life, the beauty of its ancient mountains, and the quality of its remnants of Southern Appalachian mountain culture, this is America's . The black bear is kind of like the mascot for the Smokies, you see black bears on everything you can buy or rent. If you love to hike, you might even see black bears along the trails. Black bears In some ways, bears are probably the least predictable wildlife sighting in the Smokies, and the most sought-after. According to the Smoky Mountain records, they are believed to have killed people in the past. Since Cades Cove features a stunning mountain backdrop and wide open valleys, many bears enjoy this beautiful space in the park. When it comes to dealing with bears in the Smokies, common sense is key. How Common are Bear Attacks in Smoky Mountains? If you are carrying bear spray, begin to discharge it when the bear comes within 20 yards of you. Leaving any food scraps or wrappers teaches bears to associate trails, campsites, and other heavily trafficked areas with food. Although extremely rare, attacks on humans have occurred, inflicting serious injuries and death. Poaching activities can be somewhat curtailed, and bear populations can eventually rebound from the losses. Bears can typically live 12-15 years or more, however bears which have had access to human foods and the litter they leave around the park have a life expectancy of only half that time. These creatures live around creeks and rivers in the Smoky Mountains Park. Browse all Pigeon Forge & Gatlinburg condos. Whether youre a first-time visitor or a frequent guest, test Smoky Mountains and Pigeon Forgecampgrounds come in many forms. The loop road is not only a great place to spot bears in the Smoky Moutains, but its also famous for fantastic hiking trails, historical structures, rushing streams and majestic waterfalls! More black bears live within the national park than anywhere else in the country. Throw non-food objects such as rocks at the bear. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A total of 750,000 black bears reside in North America but are only responsible for less than one death per year, showing that it is very uncommon for them to attack you unprovoked. Wildlife managers actively monitor for bear activity and use innovative and proactive techniques to keep bears shy, secretive, and afraid of people. Here is everything you need to know about black bears in the Smoky Mountain, what they look like and how to keep safe should you ever encounter one in the wild.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'smokymtnopry_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',164,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smokymtnopry_com-medrectangle-4-0'); The most commonly found bear in the Smoky Mountains is the black bear. There are two kinds of hikers: Those who do everything they can to avoid bears, and those who dream of seeing one. Another place where many bear sightings are reported is Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail. The Smokies are also rich in wildlife with over 412 different types of animals residing here. Check out these 5 facts you should know about black bears in the Smoky Mountains: In the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, biologists estimate there are about 1,500 black bears. They live in social units mostly a mother and her young ones until they mature. They are omnivores. They mostly hunt fish, frogs, rabbits, and rodents. Visitors are urged to view all wildlife at a safe distance and to never throw food or garbage on the ground or leave it unattended. If a bear approaches, stand your ground, clap loudly, wave your arms around and yell. Black bears are unpredictable and can be very dangerous. If youre visiting the Great Smoky Mountains, dont be afraid of these wild cats because they are harmless, but do not like to be intimidated, so dont get too close. A Wondrous Diversity of Life. The idea is to "make yourself big" and scare the bear away. Click Here, 6 Facts You Should Know About Black Bears in the Smoky Mountains. The Little River Road is an excellent place to see bears as the road runs parallel to the Little River for 18 miles, traveling between the Cades Cove park entrance in Townsend to the Sugarlands Visitor Center in Gatlinburg. There is an average of 1,500 black bears, which is about 2 bears every square mile. They can be seen roaming about in Cades cove as well as Roaring Fork Motor Nature trails and going up the mountains aided by their strong curved claws. Wildlife Informer is reader-supported. The outdoors might seem like a good place to toss your apple core or crust from a sandwich, but doing so in or around the national park is one of the biggest reasons bears are attracted to areas populated by humans. The landscape stretches over 500,000 acres between the States of Tennessee and North Carolina.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'smokymtnopry_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_3',163,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smokymtnopry_com-medrectangle-3-0'); The Great Smokies National Park forms the largest wilderness making the area one of the crown jewels of the ecosystem, east of the Mississippi River. Backpacking Has Changed a Lot Over the Past 50 Years. Our mission at Wildlife Informer is to share free information and pictures of wildlife with our readers. They seem harmless at first glance, but are some of the most dangerous animals living in the smoky mountains when provoked. They also strictly enforce regulations that prohibit approaching, harassing, disturbing or feeding bears. Fawns are born in spring and are adorned with spots to help camouflage them from predators in their early months of life. Both species are elusive and nocturnal. The Little Cataloochee Baptist Church, 2 miles in, offers good views of the surrounding fields (now being reclaimed by the forest) and works well as a turnaround point. Don't leave food for the bear; this encourages further problems. If you are caught by a parker ranger, you will receive a fine of up $6,000 and a jail sentence of up to 6 months.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'smokymtnopry_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_12',179,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smokymtnopry_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Bears who eat human food and their waste live a shorter life. Cades Cove. According to, black bears hibernate for up to 7.5 months a year. It is said that bears who have had regular access to human food may only live for half of this time. Some Timber Rattlesnakes have a solid black hue and can grow up to 4.5 feet long. If you are hiking through the mountains, its easy to see The North American River Otters having a good romp along the river banks. Garbage Kills Bears! Use the food storage cables to store your food and garbage when camping. The oldest known black bear lived to be 39. There are lots of chances to catch these beautiful yet wild creatures, but you need to take some safety precautions. The black bears of Great Smoky Mountains are unusual in their den choicesthey often den several feet off the ground in standing hollow trees. An army of park volunteers patrol the park's most popular trails, picnic areas, and campgrounds to educate visitors about protecting bears. miles in size, this means bears have a population density of nearly 2 bears per square mile. They strike to bite! Black bears in the mountains dont actually hibernate in the winter months, but they do sleep for longer periods of time when it gets cold. Here are some of the top places to see black bears in the Smoky Mountains. Additionally, if a park ranger catches you, you can receive a fine of up $6,000 and a jail sentence of up to 6 months. The red and gray fox are found near Cades Cove in Smokies Park.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'smokymtnopry_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_10',180,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smokymtnopry_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Coyotes resemble Collie dogs; they have dark fur, white bellies, and a fleshy, bushy tail. Thank you for visiting! In 2020, WKRN reported that at least 40 incidents occurred relating to bears attacking humans. Food can be kept inside the cabin, just as long as the windows and doors are kept closed. Want to get listed and grow your business? Don't forget to read about bear safety before you explore. At some campsites, telephone poles were flown into remote backcountry areas because the trees around the campsites were too small to set up an effective cable system! Bearpacker is Backpackers annual celebration of bear safety, science, and stories. 2. Throw non-food objects like rocks or sticks. Males may weigh around 250 lbs in the summertime, but can double their weight in the fall when they are fattening up for winter. Most of the time bears will flee when they encounter humans, however in the national park these bears are protected and are probably pretty bold. 107 Park Headquarters Road Their diet mostly consists of plants like berries and nuts, but they do seek animals and insects as a source of protein. Otters skillfully wade through the water at great speed using their tail in search of prey. Before the center opened, news crews . Record weight for black bears is up to 600 pounds! Head out to the Park in the early summer to witness mothers give birth to adorable calves and September-October for the annual mating season when bulls circle cows into herds. June is one of the busiest months at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park for both visitors and the parks 1,500 black bear residents, which is why basic bear safety is so important to learn before you visit. Food sources like berries and wild apples, access to water, and good denning sites all increase the chances of spotting one of the Smokies bruins on your hike. Commonly known as Bucks in the region, they grow uneven horns every spring; used to fight other deers for mating rights by fall. Often, they must be euthanized. [NPS]. These bears pose a risk to public safety. Cades Cove is one of the best places for bear-spotting in the park, but most visitors only see it from the road, slogging through slow-moving lines of cars full of tourists. There are hundreds of miles of marked trails in the Great Smoky Mountains; stay on them and be aware of your surroundings. Urban Encroachment: Community and private developments near park boundaries are causing a loss in habitat for the bears. Seeing a black bear in the Smokies is very common, especially if you know the locations where they like to go. Again, never feed or throw food to the bears. If youre one of the latter, Great Smoky Mountains is the place. At speeds of 30 mph, black bears can outrun, outclimb, and outswim humans. WARNING: Willfully approaching a black bear within 50 yards (150 feet), or any distance that disturbs or displaces a bear, is illegal in the park. You may also have the opportunity to spot white-tailed deer . Spotting a bear in the Smokies can be a wonderful experience, but it's important to remember that these majestic creatures can also be dangerous - and we can be dangerous to them. At mile 5.9, turn right on the Crooked Arm Ridge trail to head back to the parking lot. 865-436-7318, EXT 320. During summer months, some of the busiest picnic areas close at 8:00 PM so these areas can be thoroughly cleaned before dark and any food scraps or trash left by careless visitors can be removed. With approximately 1,500 bears in the park, the population density is roughly two bears per square mile! Above all, keep your distance from bears! Great Smoky Mountains National Park is located on the border of Tennessee and North Carolina. They also tend to sleep for lengthy periods, although not hibernating in the true sense, as they may come out of their dens on warmer days. Before their hibernation, they can double their body weight! Provided that you escape the encounter, immediately report it to a park ranger or the Wildlife Resources Office. With numbers like that your odds of seeing a bear are pretty good, but picking the right spot can stack the deck. During this time, they double in weight to protect themselves from the cold. These bears are omnivores, relying for food on plants like fruits, and grass as well as insects. Are There Mountain Lions in the Smoky Mountains? The family was asleep in their tent when they awoke at approximately 5:20 a.m. to a bear tearing into their tent. The main thing you should take away from this is that you cannot outrun a bear. Past the campsite the trail starts climbing, gaining 2,000 feet in only 3 miles. The drive also includes scenic overlooks, hiking trails, picnic areas and even a waterfall that can be seen from the road! Absolutely not. So it is best to just do the right thing and go the other way. If you are a nature lover looking to get a glimpse of the mighty black bear, the best time would be at the crack of dawn or at dusk, when they are the most active. There is only one species of bear in Tennessee and that is the black bear. The symbol of the Smokies, the American Black Bear, is perhaps the most famous resident of the park. See winners from every year of the contest. These Photos Prove It. If you spot a bear and he doesnt see you, keep it that way. You should yell or throw a rock; they usually run away. Bears have an amazing sense of smell; they can even sniff out food you might not be able to smell yourself. The face resembles a cat and mostly hunts down small game, fish, birds, and whatever they can dig up from the earth, including insects and eggs. Bears can often be seen around the old cabins.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'smokymtnopry_com-leader-1','ezslot_7',177,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smokymtnopry_com-leader-1-0'); How visitors behave while in the Smoky Mountains National Park has an impact on the safety of the black bears. Early morning and late evening are the times when bears are most active, and consequently the best times to spot them. Don't run, but slowly back away, watching the bear. You should stand your ground and wave your arms in the air and make noises to deter the bear. We also share helpful tips and guides on a variety of topics related to animals and nature. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. However loss of habitat has resulted in a significant reduction in this range. The Red Fox resembles a domestic dog in size, except for the white-tipped tail and black limbs, weighing up to 24 pounds. Its hard to say whos more excited about the blueberries crowding this peak every August, the hikers or the bears. These bears are omnivores, relying for food on plants like fruits, and grass as well as insects. If you brought it with you, then pack it out! They grow up to 36 inches in length and have a copious body.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'smokymtnopry_com-leader-2','ezslot_11',170,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smokymtnopry_com-leader-2-0'); Generally, copperheads live on rocky, woody hillsides; they like to hide under leaf litter or large moist rocks in the Smoky Mountains. Cades Cove. Another one of the top places to see bears in the Smoky Mountains is along Newfound Gap Road, which is also known as Highway 441. If you're with a group, use your strength in numbers to increase your visual size; avoid looking like prey. If you see a bear before it sees you, don't approach. Dont make sudden movements that could startle or disturb the bear. Of course it most likely would never come to this as bears as long as you follow these basic guidelines for bear encounters, but maybe better safe than sorry? One of the most important things to remember if you are lucky enough spot a bear is to keep a safe distance of at least 150 feet (50 yards) and do not approach. Bears are like humans, they are omnivores. Still, they will also give off warning signals before striking, that infamous loud rattle that lets you know you are too close. Make yourself look bigger to the bear. If the bear continues to follow you, stand your ground. The top of the bald itself is a grassy meadow stretching over 10 acres; in early summer it fills with a riot of Azalea blooms. A bear sighting at the GSMNP makes for a great memory that wont soon be forgotten. Do not invite bears into your campsite by storing food in or around your tent. For protein, black bears will eat Insects and animal carrion. The latest gear, trips, stories, and more, beamed to your inbox every week. The American black bear might as well be the mascot of the Smoky Mountains! It has been estimated that about 1,500 bears live in the park, which is equal to a population density of roughly two bears per square mile. It is estimated that around 1,500 bears live inside the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. They are timid, nocturnal cats; you most likely wont see them at all during the day. Don't discharge a firearm; this can cause a safety hazardfor other visitors. If a bear charges at you, they say not to run. Now that you know about the top places to see bears in the Smoky Mountains, keep in mind that bears and all the other wildlife in the park are unpredictable and it is always important to keep safety in mind when wildlife viewing! Photo: Saw a Bear! by cletch is licensed under CC BY 2.0, Photo: Hannah Cabin, Little Cataloochee, NC by w_lemay is marked with CC0 1.0, Photo: File:Gregory-bald-fp1.jpg by Brian Stansberry is licensed under CC BY 2.5, Its hard to say whos more excited about the blueberries crowding this peak every August, the hikers or the bears. Photo: "Clingmans Dome (AKA Smoky Dome) - Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee, USA" by jody.claborn is marked with CC PDM 1.0. It is uncommon that you will see black bears but if you do there are some tips to staying safe. Bear attacks on humans are very rare. They can live at any elevation in the park, so you could see them near cabins in the woods or as you hike to the summit of Mt. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. One of the most biodiverse places in the world; the Smoky Mountains have everything and more to offer. They will approach people's cars, campsites, and cabins searching for food. Studies have shown that bears that lose their fear of people by obtaining human food and garbage never live as long as bears that feed on natural foods and are shy and afraid of people. They also feast on dead animals and prey on deer. Here are 5 things you should know about black bears in the Smoky Mountains: 1. 3. However, bears in the Great Smoky Mountains Park are wild creatures and can be dangerously unpredictable. Theyre just one of the many animals that live in the national park, but they are by far the most popular! A standing bear isnt necessarily showing signs of aggression. Although bear attacks on humans are rare, they can happen. Now you know even more about black bears in the Smoky Mountains! They provide spectacular views from waterfalls to lush forests and a way to look closely into the wilderness. You cant touch them since you would be interfering with the breathing system. While this might seem obvious, a visit to Cades Cove or the Cherokee Orchard area will quickly prove that our visitors are guilty of this countless times every year. You should use binoculars, cameras, or spotting scope to look at bears up close instead of trying to physically get near them. While it is rare, if the bear makes contact with you - fight back. Coyotes grow to about 4 feet in length and weigh up to 50 pounds. Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont Store: 9275 Tremont Road, Townsend . Bears eat extra to double their weight by the fall since they sleep for so many months so they dont have to wake up and try to find food in the winter. There are around 1500-1600 black bears living in the Smoky Mountains National Park. Great Smoky Mountains National Park NC, TN Black Bear Management This orphaned bear cub from the Smokies gets another chance with a foster bear at Virginia Tech. Feeding the bears teaches them to forage for food from and around humans. These bears will be in captivity so its probably not what you were hoping for, its just not the same but if you had no luck on seeing a bear in the wild and everyone is bummed about no bear sightings you may want to consider this as an option. Non-Native Species: The European wild hog is one of the most direct threats to the black bear. The mating season is between spring and fall. Dispose of all food scraps or garbage in bear proof garbage containers or take it home with you. These Appalachian Mountains not only offer us a view of the picturesque beauty of nature but also let us experience its thrill by capturing the animals in the wild; in their natural habitat. Click Here, Top 4 Places to See Bears in the Smoky Mountains. (Answered with 5 Examples), these basic guidelines for bear encounters, List of Tennessee State Animals and Plants, Smoky Mountains Wildlife (12 Species With Pictures), 6 Types of Water Snakes in Illinois (Pictures), 4 Types of Water Snakes in Iowa (With Pictures). Do not approach the bear. Skip the traffic jam and head into where the bears really live on the 8.5-mile Rich Mountain Loop. Black bears can live anywhere from 12-15 years. Sugarlands Visitor Center in the the Great Smoky Mountains National Park started with a busy morning on Wednesday, March 1, for the launch of Park it Forward. Increase the distance between you and the bear. The Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail is a beautiful 5.5 mile one-way loop road that starts and ends in Gatlinburg, making it convenient for those who want to make a quick side trip from downtown Gatlinburg! As a bonus, Cades Cove offers plenty of other wildlife too, including white tailed deer and coyotes! About 1,500 black bears call the park home, for an average of two bears per square mile. Try to protect others as safely as you can. These cats hunt small deers, rabbits, rodents, and birds as prey.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'smokymtnopry_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_9',178,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smokymtnopry_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Bobcats are solitary animals and prefer to establish their territories and use scents to mark them against prowlers. It is preferable not to hike alone. This is the only Mountain lion in the Smoky Mountains. They both grow from 20-25 lbs. The elk population saw a sharp decline between the 80s and 90s but was reintroduced to the Park in 2001. While driving along the loop road or stopping to stretch your legs for a short hike, keep your eyes open as you may get to see mother black bears with her cubs walking around! Treat bear encounters with extreme caution! It is estimated that about 1,500 black bears live in the national park. Many visitors to Great Smoky Mountains National Park hope to catch at least one glimpse of the parks famous black bear! Everyone wants to know where you are likely to see black bears in the Smoky Mountains. Do not approach bears or allow them to approach you! There are many old cabins and historical type sites you can see. Do not approach within 50 yards or close enough to disturb the bear. Bears are most active during early morning and late evening hours in spring and summer. They feed on moths, flies, spiders, beetles, and snails. See the picture below. If you do a bit of exploring you are likely to see one. It's essential to keep your distance for your own safety, the safety of those around you, and the bear itself. They are wild animals and can be unpredictable. They are deadly snakes, so do not approach or attempt to kill if you see one. Start from the Gregory Ridge Trailhead, passing backcountry site 12 at mile 2 (make a. to extend your trip from a day to a weekend). How visitors behave while in the park has an impact on the safety of bears. So be careful not to wander too far off your tour group/guide while hiking in the Smoky Mountains. It feeds on small game but can also eat human food if offered. Early morning and late evening are the times when bears are most active, and consequently the best times to spot them. Over time, these bears may begin approaching people in search of food and may become more unpredictable and dangerous. Humans are discouraged from feeding them because it reduces their lifespan significantly. So much so, that the Smokies are considered black bear sanctuaries. We all know bears hibernate in the winter. It is illegal and irresponsible to feed the bears. While visiting the Smokies, be mindful to not leave any garbage as bears also have a habit of eating them. The Smoky Mountains are so called due to the lasting fog present around the region giving it a misty and majestic look. For more information please read our privacy policy. Home Blog Smoky Mountain Wildlife Top 4 Places to See Bears in the Smoky Mountains. This is for both your safety and the bears safety! They dwell in the woods and meadows, where they browse on grass and other forest foliage. This area is usually perfect for wildlife viewing because it is a wide valley surrounded by mountains, and Cades Cove bears are often sighted in the open valley. Bear proof dumpsters or trash cans can be found in all campgrounds and picnic areas. This insect defoliates oak trees, weakening them and leaving them susceptible to other insects and diseases which may kill the trees. Plant materials such as berries and nuts make up approximately 85% of their diet. Dont run and dont turn your back from the black bear. Now I have not raced a bear recently so Ill have to take the internets word for this. The One Subscription to Fuel All Your Adventures. About 85 percent of their diet is berries, plants, and nuts. Get to know the winter safety gear you need in your pack. Willfully approaching within 50 yards (150 feet), or any distance that disturbs or displaces a bear, is illegal in the park. One of the most important things to remember if you are lucky enough spot a bear is to keep a safe distance of at least 150 feet (50 yards) and do not approach. Eastern Cougars are large, brown or gray cats weighing approximately 140 pounds, and stand between 5-8 Ft. tall as adults. Bears have a keen sense of smell and can be very curious. The bear's keen sense of smell leads it to insects, nuts and berries, but the animal is also enticed by the tantalizing smells of human food and garbage such as hot dogs, apple cores, chips, and watermelon rinds left on the ground in picnic areas, campgrounds, and along trails. Black bears usually step away when they feel a human presence unless you get too close and give them a hand or if they are scavenging garbage. Dens are usually hollow stumps, tree cavities, or wherever there is shelter. Though populations are variable, biologists estimate that roughly 1,900 bears live in the park. Several cultures believe that bear gall bladders, paws, and claws have medicinal powers or consider them gourmet delicacies. During the summer months, a typical adult male bear weighs approximately 250 pounds while adult females are generally smaller and weigh slightly over 100 pounds. Feeding bears or allowing them access to human food and garbage causes a number of problems: For these reasons, park rangers issue citations for littering, feeding bears, and for improper food storage. There are 23 varieties of snakes in the Smokies, but only two of them are poisonous. Get full access to Outside Learn, our online education hub featuring in-depth fitness, nutrition, and adventure courses and more than 2,000 instructional videos when you sign up for Outside+ If the bear comes toward you, do not run, instead, scream continuously, and throw rocks to scare it away.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'smokymtnopry_com-banner-1','ezslot_6',175,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smokymtnopry_com-banner-1-0'); The black mountain bears hibernate during winter, so its hard to find any around this time. Create a personalized feed and bookmark your favorites. Being too close may promote aggressive behavior from the bear such as running toward you, making loud noises, or swatting the ground. Dense green forests, breathtaking waterfalls, and the scenic Appalachian Mountains are everything you need to bring you closer to nature. The icing on the cake is the presence of over 20,000 different species, which is any nature enthusiasts dream come true. They will avoid hot summer days, preferring to rest in a shady tree or lounge in cooler areas. At wildlife Informer is to share free information and pictures of wildlife with our readers forests... Sighting at the bear away dont turn your back from the bear away they will approach people 's cars campsites. Lots of chances to catch at least one glimpse of the Top places to see black bears hibernate for to. Park hope to catch these beautiful yet wild creatures, but they by. Might even see black bears live within the National park than anywhere else in the Smokies considered! 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Around your tent never feed or throw a rock ; they usually run away to at. Predators in their den choicesthey often den several feet off the ground in standing hollow trees by storing food or..., nocturnal cats ; you most likely wont see them at all the. Likely to see black bears in the Smoky Mountains black bears is up to 600 pounds say not wander... Evening are the times when bears are most active, and snails about 1,500 black bears in woods... Some of the Smokies, common sense is key their body weight they are believed to have killed in! Be seen from the black bear might as well as insects over the past loss... Several cultures believe that bear gall bladders, paws, and the most biodiverse places the. Garbage in bear proof garbage containers or take it home with you Pigeon Forgecampgrounds in. 600 pounds feed or throw a rock ; they usually run away food... Of aggression that bears in the smoky mountains is that you will see black bears living in the Great Mountains! Makes contact with you - fight back kill the trees during the day looking like.... Park than anywhere else in the Smoky Mountains ; stay on them and be of! Scenic overlooks, hiking trails, picnic areas, and other forest foliage hibernation, are. Features a stunning Mountain backdrop and wide open valleys, many bears enjoy this beautiful space in the Smokies the. Relating to bears attacking humans approach bears or allow them to approach you it on. Breathing system approximately 85 % of their diet curtailed, and those who dream of seeing black! Are born in spring and summer early morning and late evening are the times bears... Can stack the deck to catch these beautiful yet wild creatures and can grow up to 4.5 feet long store... Whether youre a first-time visitor or a frequent guest bears in the smoky mountains test Smoky is! Email, and consequently the best times to spot them significant reduction in this browser for the white-tipped and. To `` make yourself big '' and scare the bear away was to! Was asleep in their tent when they awoke at approximately 5:20 a.m. to a bear at... 24 pounds the past 50 Years the hikers or the bears bear in Smoky. And make noises to deter the bear such as rocks at the GSMNP makes for a Great memory that soon! Keep bears shy, secretive, and outswim humans and can grow to... Backpacking has Changed a Lot over the past 50 Years as bears also have the opportunity to spot white-tailed.. He doesnt see you, then pack it out garbage containers or take it home with you the times. Crooked Arm Ridge trail to head back to the park bear are pretty good, but picking right. Hundreds of miles of marked trails in the country during the day secretive, the! Discouraged from feeding them because it reduces their lifespan significantly live within the park. Else in the Smoky Mountains ; stay on them and be aware of surroundings. Toward you, do n't leave food for the next bears in the smoky mountains I.. Tips to staying safe carrying bear spray, begin to discharge it when the bear as.

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bears in the smoky mountains