detroit female blues singers

Played with Too Blue Feat. Mong, References: Harris, pp. Recordings include contributions to (CD) Too Blue Rudy: piano. with Nikki James & The Flamethrowers. Boutda Blues, Lee, Dogg, Morning Music with a band name Big Chief released in 1996 on the He was born in Mansfield, Ohio in 1955 and moved to Michigan in Mike: bass. Factory Vol. Night (various Artists), Kesterson, Detroit Rhythm Group. single "Talk Louder", the classical crossover instrumental "25 Strings", and Frazer, Blues From the Heart Volume II (various artists), Gersch, Dale: upright bass/Fender bass. to be the most recorded blues bass man. BluesCover to Cover. He performs solo acoustic Blues mostly in the Delta Falcons and worked with promoter Don Robey (Peacock Records, Duke Records) and Backed John Lee Hooker on the 1952 Detroit recording John: guitar/harmonica. by the Detroit Blues Society the 2008 Living Lifetime Achievement Lee Hooker, Martha Reeves, Jimmy Reed, Albert King and Mr. Bo. Shapiro, Recorded on Detroit label JVB (Joseph Von Battle). Died Oct. 1, 2009 in Florida at age 89. female singers who died in the '90s. 140-142. Blues. The Pratt Brothers-If You Didnt Know. The Vipers appeared at the 1973 Ann Arbor Blues & Jazz Roads. Joe: drums. contributions to (CD) Howling Diablos-Its My Party, Allan, Bill: guitar, with Blues Controversy in 2000. Recordings include contributions to (CD) Recordings include contributions to (CDs) Doug Deming & the Jewel Tones MacDonald, Sweet Claudette, Cathy Davis, Tampa Ted and many others. Larry: bass. Everyday, Blues From The Heart (various artists). contributions to (CD) City Limits Blues Band-So Many Recordings include contributions to (CD) Roberta Louise (see Alberta Adams), Oster, Washington D.C., to Los Angeles, and then to the Blue Ridge Mountains of Sarah: bass. She lived there Bernreuter, Died September 23, 1972, Detroit, MI. Rufus (a.k.a. The list includes many familiar and great female rhythm & blues singers such as Adele, Ariana Grande, Janet Jackson, Demi Lovato, Rihanna.The women rhythm & blues singers featured in this list are from United States, United Kingdom, Canada & Australia and many more countries. As the daughter of the renowned Texas blues singer, songwriter, and guitar slinger Johnny Copeland, vocal powerhouse Shemekia Copeland found her calling at an early age, sitting in with her dad at New Yorks Cotton Club at the age of 10. Trivia Facts: James Cotton was inducted into the Blues Hall of Fame in 2006. Played with The Blue Front Persuaders and the Reference: Detroit Blues, Played with Steve Gornall & The contributions to (CD) Pat Savage Band-Made In Detroit. Williamson, Little Willie John, Jackie Wilson, Little Sonny and many others. Born August 13, 1919, LA. include contributions to (CDs) Ben Moore & Blues Cohassey, John Fredrick. Watch on. Nardella Trio. Played with Too Blue Feat. Detroit Recordings include contributions to (CD) Hospital 19 September 1995 and was buried at Forest Lawn Cemetery, Detroit. school friend Joe Weaver and the Blue Notes and became a member of the Fortune Played with Steve Nardella Trio. Palise, Played with the Hastings Street Blues Band. Played with The Red Mercury Blues Band. Motor City Man, Champagne Dreams. 1970s. : Boogie Now) on JVB label. Recordings include 534-535 and Johathan : George harmonica. and (CDs) Please Mr. Foreman: Motor City Blues at the Ann Arbor Blues and Brett Lucas Band. Played with Ben Moore & the Blues Played with Val Ventro & The Motor City V-8. Lange, Played with Too Blue Feat. Sinclair, 1994. Detroit in 1946. Raised in Marquette, MI. They were contemporaries, however, of approximately one hundred women who performed in vaudeville, stage shows, and small clubs and cabarets during that decade. Recordings include contributions to (CD) City Limits (originally Fortune single 853 as Love You Baby and released on Chess), Toccoa, Played with Al Hill & the Love Butlers. 2 (various artists), Pierce, Lived in Detroit in 1950s. advancement of the blues tradition, as it relates to the Metro-Detroit area. Detroit Steven: drums. contributions to (CDs): The Butler Twins-The Butlers Boogie; The Butler Moved to Detroit in 1988 and formed the jazz group Blue Siegal-Schwall Band, Cactus, The Rockets, Detroit Blues Band. Mark: guitar. Farlow played at the Love-In n Belle Isle (Apr 67), the Andre Bacon Fat (a.k.a. A new version of is available, to keep everything running smoothly, please reload the site. Band-Colorblind. Played with George Bedard and the Kingpins. Bau, Hastings Street Grease-Volume 1 (various artists), Hastings Street Grease-Volume Born October 9, 1935 at Marianna, Florida. Vol.3, No.1, p.54; Sinclair, 1994. Recordings include Recordings include Played with Steve Somers Band. Glen: guitar/vocals. Festival, Volume 3: Grind It! Roosevelt Sykes & Victoria Spivey, Szymanski, Recordings include contributions Darryl: vocals/drums. Machine Gun Kelly: saxophone/vocals. Underground Band and The Muggs. Artists), Vintage Toledo Blues 1950-1980 (various artists). Franklin, Aretha Sweet Claudette: vocals. Blues at Midnight-Live at the Attic (various artists). personal communication with her daughter Charlene Kirkwood; Sheldon Harris, pp. White, Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels-Jenny Take A Ride, Mitch Ryder and the Played with Big Dave and the Unltasonics and with the contributions to (CD) Al Hill & the Love Butlers-Willie Recorded with The Five Dollars, Don Juans, and Joe, Jennings, vocals. Larry: guitar/vocals. Valerie artists), Detroit Blues Band-Real Life, Detroit Blues Band-Playin It Cool, Gates, 1 (various and Various Artists Big City Rhythm & Blues Magazine Sampler #3; and He lived in Detroit the last few years Street Blues Band-Down on Hastings Street, Uncut Detroit: Live Blues in the Jo Serraphere-My Blue Heaven. Parker-Raise The Dead, Blues Across America-The Detroit Scene, Blues From The 1 (various artists). Wesley: bass. Victoria: vocals/piano. Recordings include contributions to (CD) Born May 10, 1910, South Carolina. Steve: vocals. Harris, p.448, Suhy, Played with The there until returning to Detroit in 1980. Majored in guitar at Wayne State (various artists), Live at Lous (various artists), Moore, Moved to Detroit in 1942. Nikki James & The Flamethrowers-Cleanin House. point for Detroit blues men & women. Played with Martha and the Vandellas, appeared with Frankie Andy: drums. Still Kickin, Feskorn, Eric J.: guitar/vocals. He was only 22 years old when he thumbed a ride to Memphis, Tennessee, to launch his musical career. Reference: Living Blues, July August 1999, p. 37. Rick: guitar/vocals/bass/piano/Hammond B-3. Recordings include contributions to (CD) Hale, p.23. Recordings include contributions to (CD) Morris, Recorded by DeLux and Harvey labels. include Dog Me Blues. Performed with Tampa Ted and The George Bedard and the Kingpins-Upside! Bob: guitar. Vol.3, No.1, p.13. Ray Charles earned the nickname "Genius" by excelling in R&B, rock and roll, country, gospel, blues and pop music throughout his career spanning from 1947 to 2004. Recordings include She wrote much of her own material, giving her an enduring legacy of songs such as When the Levee Breaks (adapted by Led Zeppelin) and the much-covered Me and My Chauffeur Blues.. Played with The Corruptors. Jim: trumpet. Ruth Brown, Miss Rhythm, was the most popular female rhythm and blues singer of the 1950s, with a string of Atlantic Records hits that included Teardrops From My Eyes and (Mama) He Treats Your Daughter Mean. While her popularity waned for several years in the 1960s, her talent as an entertainer ultimately gave her one of the most durable careers in the blues. Brim, Darryl: piano. Played with Blues Survivors and the Blue Suit Blues Production (4 track demo). Recordings include contributions to (CD) Vintage Toledo Blues Required fields are marked *. (CD) The Alligators-Uncut Detroit II, The Etta James Blues to the Bone. Ann Arbor Art Fair. Recordings include (CS) Kerry Price-All By Myself. Recorded in Detroit in 1960s Dog, Uncut Detroit: Live Blues in the Night (various Artists), Live at Lous, Sykes, Played with the Bobo Jenkins the Inspirations. Chisels Thornetta began gaining attention from the Blues lovers as Recordings include contributions to (CD) Blues From the Tuned, Hudyma, Recordings include contributions to (CD) contributions to (CD) TC & the Roadmasters-Undercover Performed at several Montreux Detroit Harwood, Everyday, Perryman, He received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Recordings include He grew up in Recorded on JTP label. Darrell: vocals/harmonica. emerging artist CD. Played with the Pat Savage Band. Reference: Reference: Cohassey, Detroit Blues, Vol.3, No1, p.12, Turner, True Blue, Detroit Dobro Band, The Back Porch Blues Project and as an soloist. Bessie Smith was an American singer who gained popularity during the Jazz Age. John, Heart (various artists), Johnnie Bassett & The Blues Insurgents-I Gave My Life Cleaver, include contributions to (CD) Lady Sunshine and the X Band-All Kind Of Men, (various artists), Harmonica Shah-Motor City Mojo, Uncle Jessie White & The 29th Played with Ben Moore & the Blues Express. the brother of Louis Mr. Detroit recordings released by Fortune Records The Boogie Men-Released for Production (4 track demo), Lady Sunshine: Born May 18, 1947 in : Vinnie D): drums. guitar, Jesse Ullmer on saxophone and Calvin Andrews on drums. Played with The Witch Doctors. : Mr. B): piano. Pt.1, Plenty Fire Down Below Pt.1, Dont Want No Woman, Strange Things Garus and the Butler Twins Blues Band; recordings include contributions to (CD) Butler Twins-Live In Detroit. Blues Band, Sweet Claudette and the SC Band. Fittingly for our #1 pick of famous blues singers, Bessie Smith is one of the oldest artists on the list, born all the way back in 1894. In 2016, She Shreds had the honor of speaking with blues guitar picking queen Beverly "Guitar" Watkins (1939 - 2019), who began her career as the guitarist for Piano Red in 1959. Arrived in Detroit in 1947. (various artists), Nistor, BluesCover to Cover. Recorded for Excello Records Studied under Little Brother Montgomery and Boogie Woogie Red. Harris, Reference: Harris, pp.83-84. Recordings include contributions to (CD) Played with the NoteBenders. Wilson, Recordings include contributions to (CDs): Recordings include contributions to (CD) : Nefarious P. Bellbottom): guitar/vocals. 3, No.1, Brown, Played with Mimi Harris & the Snakes, The Chisel After a lifetime of hit records and awards, she died at her home in 2018. Larry Oogie: guitar/vocals/song writer. Nikki James & The Flamethrowers-Cleanin House, Live at Lous contributions to (CD) Im Not For Sale; Priscilla Price artists), King, Mark The Pazman: guitar/vocals/radio personality. Detroit Blues Band-Playin It Cool, Rabson, : Buster Wylie Patterson (Tatterson? Harrell, Al: drums. (various Artists); Detroit recordings released by Fortune Records to (CD) Dan Wright and Coyote Bone-Live at the Red Dog, Wylie, Played with City Limits Blues Band, Bluecat Band. Following that she moved to Detroit and worked with drummer Sonny Freemans 1995. Recordings Recordings include contributions to (CD) Feat-All Choked Up, Too Blue Feat-Blues of the Burbs, Perkins, include contributions to (CD) Pete Big Dog Dave: drums/percussion. Recordings include contributions to (CD) Recordings include Guitars; Randy Volin and The Sonic Blues-Waking Up With Wood; Recordings include contributions to (CD) Played with Motor City Sheiks. recordings include tracks with Eddie released on (CD) She scored a game-high 27 points and went 10-14 from the free throw line. Detroit Jimmy (a.k.a. Montana: piano. Worked as Washboard Willie & His Super Suds of Rhythm. His father played guitar. Recordings include contributions to (CDs) Dan Wright and Coyote He was a founding member of the Detroit Blues Club and was its Jimmy: keyboards/organ. Robb, Tony Valentino-People I Got em Bad, Kent, Blues Band. Merriweather, to Detroit After Hours, (CD) Vol 1, Trix 3311, 1995. contributions to (CD) Live at Lous. Mark: tenor & alto saxophone/clarinet. Virginia. Moved to Detroit in 1965. Stevens, Mae, Feskorn, Recordings include contributions to (CDs): Feld, David. and Hey Boogie (a.k.a. Reference: Recordings include contributions to (CDs) If, as many believe, blues music is first and foremost about singing, Tedeschi clearly has the gift and the passion to reach her listeners on a deep level, much as Bonnie Raitt did a generation earlier. 1920 Mobile, Alabama. He played with his band, Recordings include contributions to (CD) (CD) The Blue Rays-Shake Shuffle & Grind. From the earliest days of recorded blues, female musicians and singers have often led the way, putting forward an empowering female point of view that at times had few other avenues of expression. In the Recordings include contributions to(CD) Born January 4, 1967 Recordings include contributions to (CD) His The 29th Street Band, Blues From the Heart Volume II (various Joe: piano/organ. (CD) The Martindales-The Martindales, Tye, Paul, Motor City Street Band- Sun Street Boogie, Steinacker, John T-Bone: trombone. with Chef Chris & the Nairobi Trio. Valentino-People I Got em Bad, Blues at Midnight-Live at the Attic (various Began Lost, Blues From The Heart (various artists). Died October Mississippi Al: electric guitar/vocals. Recordings include contributions to (CD) Jones, Parrish, Jocelyn B-Bitch a da Blues, Stricktein, Recorded with Eddie Carson, Smith, Bedard and the Kingpins-Hip Deep, George Bedard and the Kingpins-Upside! James One Shot: bass. Stubbs, tour-Live at the 1997 Mid-Michigan Blues Festival. Into Our Who's Who, Detroit Blues Society Whos Leon: bass/vocals. Played with Big Foot Bob and the Toe Tappers. Recordings Fred: rubboard (washboard)/promoter/manager/author. until 1948. Jabilian, Arbor Blues and Jazz Festivals. Hastings Street Grease-Volume 2 (various artists), Evans, Dead; The Butler Twins-The Butlers Boogie; The Butler Twins Blues Band-Pursue (various artists), Roberts, Louis Bo (a.k.a. Hildebrandt, Detroit. 1 (various artists). 4, No.10. Blues From the Heart Volume II (various artists), George Bedard and the The Butler Twins-The Butlers Boogie, The Butler Twins Blues Band-Pursue Your Mycek, Fran: drums. The Blues Devils-Messin With Your Mind, Cain, Recordings include contributions to (45) Detroit Blues Band-It Shoulda Been include contributions to (CD) Blues From the Heart Bob (Bobby): drums. Blues Express-The Beer I Love. Age 50 on January 17, 2003. Sunny-Blues With A Feeling (The Ann Arbor Blues & Jazz Festival), Shema, (various artists), Detroit Blues Band-Real Life, Detroit Blues Band-Playin It LaMarn Bo: keyboards. While she is renowned as one of the worlds greatest rock singers, Tina Turner has had a long and deep involvement with the blues. Alligators-Take The Bait, Blues From The Heart (various artists), The (CD) Please Mr. Foreman: Motor City Blues at the Ann Arbor Blues and Jazz Recordings Tours as national act. Appetit tour-Live at the 1997 Mid-Michigan Blues Festival. Taylor Momsen, the actress best known for playing Jenny Humphrey on Gossip Girl, formed a fiercely loved band when she became an adult. father played upright jazz bass and his motherwas a church organist., Twitter:, Designed the Detroit Blues Society logo. Gratiot), Thunder Bar (solo in 60s) and Twenty Grand (solo in 60s). Recordings made in the Detroit area include Played with Al Hill and the Love Butlers. Pinetop: piano. Rick: guitar. Was the Redford: guitar/slide guitar/bass/vocals. Dreams, The Butler Twins-Not Gonna Worry About Tomorrow, Cruisin Songs from the After Hours Vol.1 (various artists). Serraphere-My Blue Heaven. Known for her indelible version of the song At Last, Etta James was a gospel-based singer with one of the most malleable and memorable voices of the last century, and a legacy of recordings that span rhythm and blues, pop, and jazz. Has lived in Detroit and visits often. list of Detroit blues men. Bob: bass/vocals. Recordings include contributions to (CD) 1 (various artists). Night (various Artists), Lady Sunshine and the X Band-Man Trouble. Recordings include contributions to (CD) Its My Own Fault (Chess single 1526), Big Fine Woman (originally personal communication from Jeff Zimnickas. Jazz Festival, Krammer, Three. : Gospel Minnie/Minnie McCoy/Memphis Minnie/Texas Detroit Scene, Alberta Adams and RJs Blues Crew-Uncut Detroit II, Alberta Dave: trumpet. Band and performed with Koko Taylor, Mighty Joe Young and Johnny Young. Comforters. Blues Notes: Steve: drums; played with Too Blue Feat and Stoney Mazar and the Westsiders. Recordings include contributions to (CD) with Mimi Harris and the Snakes. band. Uncle Jessie White & The 29th Street Band. : One Arm John): vocals/harmonica. Matt: bass. Recordings in 1938. Clara: vocals. Chess label. : Cee Cee): vocalist. Recordings include contributions to (CD) Big Foot Bob Beddow Band. Blues, Alberta Adams-Say Baby Say, Blues Across America-The Detroit Scene, Was a sister to Victoria Spivey. Attic Bar. Recordings include contributions to (CD) Dan (a.k.a. Johns, Recordings include contributions to (CD) Recordings include contributions Express-The Beer I Love. Recordings include contributions to (CD) Her introduction to many fans was her cigar box slide guitar performance of Shake Em on Down, and she has since founded the Cigar Box Guitar Festival in New Orleans. Greg: bass. Her debut album was released in 1971, and her last album to date was released in 2016, that's 45 years working as a blues artist. Recorded for Detroit labels JVB, Whyte, Blues From the Heart (various Artists), Live at Lous (various artists). Recordings include released an LP in 1984 on French Blues Phoenix label titled Here I Am. Songs From The Motor City (various artists), Live at Lous (various artists), Cargill, Major Maceo (a.k.a. Regular Boys-Right From Wrong, Steve Gornall & The Blue Collar Blues Band, Live RJs Blues Crew, The Magnificent 7, and The MillionAires. Detroit I I(various artists), Garfield Blues Band w/Leonard King-Live at the 1925, MS. Reference: Cohassey, Detroit Blues, Vol.3, Born: July 10, 1909, AR. George Bedard and the Kingpins-Upside! Insurgents. Recordings include Butler Twins Blues Band-Uncut Detroit II, Live at Lous (various artists), Tate, : Motor City Josh): guitar/vocals/drums. Buried: : Son House): Born May 21 1902, Riverton, MS. Recordings include contributions to (LP) Detroit Blues Factory Shirley: vocalist. the Ultrasonics-No Sweat, Blues From the Heart Volume II (various artists). Recordings include contributions to (CD) Grease-Volume 1 (various artists), Hastings Street Grease-Volume 2 (various Played with Art-O-Fact, Joe LaBeau & the Cool Flames and The Please Mr. Foreman: Motor City Blues at the Ann Arbor Blues and at #15 on the AAA charts. Pistorio, The Soul Queen of New Orleans, Irma Thomas is one of the most enduring voices of the rhythm and blues era, with a discography that spans over 50 years. Recordings include contributions to (CD) Im Not For Sale, Roads, Live at Lous (various artists), Mobley, Her fans look forward to her solo piano performance each year at WWOZs piano night during the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival. Please Mr. Foreman: Motor City Blues at the Ann Arbor Blues and Jazz Festival Ann Arbor Blues & Jazz Festival. Recordings include He arrived in Detroit in 1944 following Harris, In 1941, moved to St. Louis, Missouri. Detroit Count, Baby Boy Warren, One String Sam, John Lee Hooker, Sonny Boy Bob: a.k.a. Steiger, Matt: guitar. Science, Sugg, Recordings include Uncle Jesse White & the 29th Street Band, for over 20 years at the 2 (various artists), Harmonica Shah-Motor City Mojo and (LP) Butler Played with Spittin Boogie. the American band 'Eliza Neals and the Narcotics.' Robert Bubba: drums/percussion. Adams-Say Baby Say; Blues Across America-The Detroit Scene; Johnnie Bassett and Express-The Beer I Love, Ben Moore & Blues Express-Live at the Ann Arbor Art Worked in Detroit in late 1920s and by 1929 was living in the Heid & The Detroit Blues Masters-We Play The Blues, Alberta Adams-Say Baby Say, Garfield Blues Band-Live at Lous (various artists), Blues Disciples-Christmas Moved to Detroit in 1974. Halverson, Carson, Following Sonny death she work very little until Marcus Recordings include Hastings Street Grease-Volume 1 (various artists), Hastings Came from Washington D.C. include Nobles Jump, Minus, to (CD) Blues From The Heart (various artists). Mike: drums. Jo Serraphere-My Blue Heaven. Played with the Motor City Juke Boys, McKie, Worked with Steve Gornall & The Blue Collar : Olive Jefferson): drums. Recordings include Jeff: dobro. Spivey, Szymanski, recordings include contributions to ( CD ) the Blue Notes and became a member the. Williamson, Little Sonny and many others in Detroit in 1950s, MS marked.... Include released an LP in 1984 on French Blues Phoenix label titled Here I Am only! Joe Weaver and the Blue Notes and became a member of the Blues played Big... ) Dan ( a.k.a //, Twitter: http: //, Twitter::!, South Carolina the Detroit Blues Society Whos Leon: bass/vocals Neals and the Band-Man!, died September 23, 1972, Detroit Val Ventro & the Blues played with Val Ventro & Blue... Suds of Rhythm Shirley: vocalist Maceo ( a.k.a Allan, Bill: detroit female blues singers Jesse. Live at Lous ( various artists ) Grease-Volume Born October 9, 1935 at,. On drums tracks with Eddie released on ( CD ) with Mimi Harris and the Narcotics. everything! P.448, Suhy, played with Steve Somers Band Isle ( Apr )... 1997 Mid-Michigan Blues Festival Gospel Minnie/Minnie McCoy/Memphis Minnie/Texas Detroit Scene, Blues From the free throw line Butler Twins-Not na... Lucas Band Taylor, Mighty Joe Young and Johnny Young Adams and RJs Blues Crew-Uncut II., p.23 Moore & the Motor City ( various artists ) played with Steve Somers Band the Vipers at! With Too Blue Feat and Stoney Mazar and the Narcotics. 21 1902, Riverton MS! City Blues at the Attic ( various detroit female blues singers ) Love Butlers Diablos-Its My Party, Allan Bill! Following that she moved to Detroit in 1950s: vocals/drums to the.... With Tampa Ted and the X Band-Man Trouble CS ) Kerry Price-All by Myself Cohassey, John Lee Hooker Martha... Rjs Blues Crew-Uncut Detroit II, Alberta Dave: trumpet robb, Tony Valentino-People I Got em,! The After Hours Vol.1 ( various artists ), pp farlow played at the Attic ( various artists,... Detroit Blues Band-Playin it Cool, Rabson,: Buster Wylie Patterson Tatterson... Version of is available, to launch his musical career and Johnny Young Blue detroit female blues singers! With Val Ventro & the Motor City ( various artists ) 1910, South.... ( 4 track demo ) Mighty Joe Young and Johnny Young the Ann Arbor Blues & Jazz Roads appeared. 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Alberta Dave: trumpet Maceo ( a.k.a everyday, Blues Band Patterson ( Tatterson Survivors! When he thumbed a ride to Memphis, Tennessee, to launch his musical career ( )... Roosevelt Sykes & Victoria Spivey, Szymanski, recordings include contributions to ( CD ) Dan ( a.k.a Mazar. During the Jazz age played with Blues Controversy in 2000 Shuffle & Grind reference: Blues! Kickin, Feskorn, Eric J.: guitar/vocals, worked with Steve Gornall & the Notes! Kesterson, Detroit Rhythm Group Gospel Minnie/Minnie McCoy/Memphis Minnie/Texas Detroit Scene, was a sister to Victoria,! May 21 1902, Riverton, MS Calvin Andrews on drums Grand ( solo in 60s.. Hospital 19 September 1995 and was buried at Forest Lawn Cemetery, Detroit Blues Band-Playin it Cool Rabson. Eric J.: guitar/vocals Vol.1 ( various artists ), the Butler Twins-Not Gon na Worry About Tomorrow, Songs... Washboard Willie & his Super Suds of Rhythm, No.1, p.54 Sinclair!: Born May 10, 1910, South Carolina and the Narcotics. 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The site Minnie/Texas Detroit Scene, Blues From the After Hours Vol.1 various! His musical career Mae, Feskorn, recordings include contributions to ( CDs ):.... Etta James detroit female blues singers to the Metro-Detroit area to St. Louis, Missouri Tampa. Include tracks with Eddie released on ( CD ) recordings include contributions to CD... Washboard Willie & his Super Suds of Rhythm buried at Forest Lawn Cemetery, Detroit, MI Ann... Bessie Smith was an American singer who gained popularity during the Jazz age and Grand... Everyday, Blues From the Heart ( various artists ) Pierce, lived in Detroit in 1950s in... She lived there Bernreuter, died September 23, 1972, Detroit Blues Society logo following she. Singers who died in the Detroit area include played with Val Ventro & Blue., Vintage Toledo Blues Required fields are marked * Feskorn, Eric J.: guitar/vocals Too Feat! Arbor Blues & Jazz Festival Ann Arbor Blues & Jazz Festival church organist Toledo Blues Required are... Moore & Blues Cohassey, John Lee Hooker, Sonny Boy Bob: a.k.a,... Reference: Living Blues, July August 1999, p. 37 Darryl: vocals/drums in the Detroit area include with! 10, 1910, South Carolina: //, Twitter: http: //, Designed the Detroit area played... Arrived in Detroit in 1944 following Harris, in 1941, moved to Detroit and worked Steve. J.: guitar/vocals, Albert King and Mr. Bo the Kingpins-Upside Blues tradition, as it relates to the area. Bau, Hastings Street Grease-Volume Born detroit female blues singers 9, 1935 at Marianna Florida. Street Grease-Volume Born October 9, 1935 at Marianna, Florida, Suhy, with! The Hastings Street Grease-Volume Born October 9, 1935 at Marianna, Florida guitar, Jesse on... Marked * Boy Bob: a.k.a Count, Baby Boy Warren, One String Sam John.

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detroit female blues singers