mercury sextile uranus synastry

Body part theyre likely to find most attractive on a partner: Boobs/chest lmao, and the stomach. surprise dates. These people also may own weapons to protect themselves, i.e. Regardless, once a person masters this placement, they will give you their best and will aim to make you feel your best. Since this is also a humanitarian degree, they also might want to volunteer for a date. The . They just tend to think about shit over and over again. They have a good sense of who they are, and they have good intuition. The positive aspects of Mercury sextile Uranus synastry are that the couple will be able to understand each other very well, communicate effectively, and come up with new and innovative ideas together. Yes, all of this plays a role in how you 'do' your relationship. Im also very loud as well. Jupiter Synastry cant determine if youre gonna marry someone, its more of the energy between you and the person. Synastry:Venus-UranusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts being manipulative. They also might be fascinated by philosophy and might love to travel. Also, I could see divorced parents or a divorced family member being a big influence for them too. Taurus placements I feel just want to be strong all the time and dont want to get involved with emotions because theyre messy. They also might be tea aficionados. It can be extremely dangerous and volatile. You partner heightens your intellectual stimulation by challenging your ideas and usual mode of thinking. Moon in the 8th overlay: This one is more for romantic synastry, but this could be good in other types of relationships as well. My imagination is also very preoccupied with helping other people, Im literally always daydreaming about how Im going to help people at my future job (6). People with harsh Casanova aspects esp to their Mars tend to be unfaithful in relationships. Focus on other stuff. When Neptune wants to be dreamy and spiritual with the Uranus person, Uranus might want to rebel, which may make the Neptune person feel they cannot rely on the Uranus person. Synastry:Mercury-VenusAspects This means that its energy is more direct and personal than the energy of the outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. They also might be naturally athletic and might end up becoming athletes. Love yall tho. If you have 15 or more points then you likely have a soulmate or karmic relationship. They also value being self-reliant, and struggle balancing their feminine and masculine sides. This time is filled with exciting and stimulating mental activity and youre more open to new and progressive ideas. (The third house is typically associated with cars, some say the 4th, but I think its the third since 3rd house energy is more on the go and 4th house energy is a home-body type of energy). The two of you have a mutual respect for each others out-there ideas and give each other plenty of space. Obviously, not everyone with this placement is gonna be brooding or have an intensity to them. Synastry: I have uranus conjunct mercury with someone and uranus square mercury. They also want someone whos intelligent and will be able to have deep, philosophical conversations with them. I find this to be super accurate as I want to be a psychologist and/or a writer. No surprise here. I feel like Cancer suns are either super shy and introverted, or really outgoing and vivacious. The more flags means the harder it is to get past these, and remember just one or two isnt a deal breaker (unless its the ones with three flags). I literally have this aspect with most of my best friends. (i.e. pool, ocean, etc. I could also see them quite literally using s*x to get ahead. Indeed, Uranus stimulates Mercurys mind. Didnt stop him from cheating thoughits okay I was neverattracted to him anyway <3. a dad bod), if not they enjoy the traditional masculine form. veterinarian, zoologist, etc. They also might be into being woken up with or*l or sex (obviously with consent ofc). After I hang out with them for a long period of time, my jaw hurts from talking too much and Im mentally exhausted from pondering the ins and outs of life. Sun Semi-square Moon: Individuals with this aspect tend to have an ongoing conflict between what they should do and what they feel is right. For the next post, Im thinking of going deeper into each one (i.e. Moon sextile Mercury is a pleasant aspect in a romantic relationship. You do the math on that one. Mars in the 8th overlay: This shit is SPICY (romantic again). Talking about Lilith in the 2nd again, theyre very cunning. This creates a powerful personality that has something positive to share with the world. Also, I feel like this is so underrated, because every person Ive had this with always understands exactly how I feel and knows exactly how to make me feel better. In fact, this aspect is particularly beneficial for Neptunian types who tend to be daydreamers. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. Ive also noticed people with this aspect have divorced parents (myself included). a lake, the beach, etc. I think Aries moons tend to have more of the anger issues. I could also see them using their friends and organizations to help them become successful, i.e. Every single person Ive been attracted to without really knowing why, they have a Mars Square Pluto placement. However, I have noticed that this plays out in different ways. Mars in Hard Aspect (opposition, square, semi-square) with Uranus in Synastry Chart. Saturn: Your degree here shows what you struggle with. Some more Interpretations of Transit Uranus Sextile Mercury from our astrology reports and readings: Transit Uranus Sextile Mercury. So if you and your partner are always on the same wavelength, it might be because of this cosmic alignment! If not, they want someone who will travel the world with them. The couple may not be able to commit to each other or settle down into a predictable or stable relationship due to this aspect. Normally with asteroids in synastry, one or two aspects isnt significant if its not a conjunction or in a prominent house like the 1st or the 10th. The Uranus person in this case may feel very caged in by the Pluto person, and does not appreciate Plutos attempts to change or transform the way they express their uniqueness or individuality. These people are the go-getters of the world, and are likely to become the best at whatever theyre vying for. They do however have a lot of drive, and are extremely motivated. What Does Mercury Conjunct Uranus Mean in Synastry? They also have a mental connection and they are very open about what theyre thinking. They also struggle with being very sensitive. The Mercury sextile Uranus can be a very beneficial aspect in synastry, especially if both partners are open to change and willing to compromise. Theyre like a day dream, but a dark one. In short, the Mercury sextile Uranus synastry is a very good aspect for business partnerships as well as personal relationships. Indeed, Uranus challenges Mercurys way of thinking. Hope you guys enjoy! (In Detail), What Does Mercury Square Uranus Mean in Synastry? I definitely see d*ggy style being their preferred position. Vesta Conjunct Sun in synastry scares me a little. In relationships they also like to take their time and truly get to know the person, as they want to ensure that this person is truly right for them. They also strive to be the best at sex. Almost every married couple I know has placements that are neighboring, i.e. I could also see them pursuing a career in psychology since this degree deals with the psyche. Venus person is romantically drawn to Uranus's higher mind, while Uranus enjoys Venus's charming affection. Also more darkly, a lot of my dreams and imagination revolve around my depression and my fears and are very dark. Theyre also likely to join organizations thatll help them achieve their goals, i.e. I could also see an unevolved Leo degree still wanting attention from other people, and not wanting to give that up, because lets face it, Leo degrees do love praise. Also, my best friend and I have a lot of squares in our synastry, but we get along great because we have other aspects that balance it out. Body part theyre likely to find most attractive on a partner: Arms, shoulders, legs, hands. With my best friend, we have it aspecting our Chirons, and her and I have dealt with a lot of similar painful situations and have helped each other through them. I remember reading somewhere that Neptune rules the org*sm so looking at which house it falls in and which planets it aspects can tell you what youre like when you org*sm. Hope you guys enjoyed! The North Node person shares this aspect with most people around the Node persons age, but it does not mean the aspect is insignificant. More extremely, this individual may like the idea of wanting to have sex with an authority figure, i.e. Some aspects Ive noticed that tend to indicate a romantic relationship (or at least potential for it i.e. When your Mercury is conjunct your partners Uranus, communication figures strongly into your relationship. Sagittarius degrees in Venus are likely to date and/or marry people who are of a different culture than them, from a different country, etc. This is an aspect that can allow for both parties to share without holding back. Ambitions:Individuals withCapricorn degrees in their Mars are extremely ambitious. Ive found that people who I dont have a lot of aspects with in synastry, my relationships with them have never gone further than a first or second date. If not creative, theyre at the very least very fun to date. Both partners are able to share their unique perspectives with each other easily. So for me, my Pluto is in the 10 in the 1st house at 7. The Moon person may also become overly dependent on the Saturn person for emotional support. They increase the charm and social graces to a degree. Also, Virgo degrees may avoid talking about problems or diminish their importance to make their partner happy. This degree also deals with s*x, so they likely might consider a career as a s*x therapist. This is fun and exciting when the decisions are relatively harmless (for example, suddenly deciding to go to the beach), but care, of course, is needed before making more important decisions. * Interpretations from our Romantic Compatibility report. If youre a woman or a more feminine identifying person look to see if your partnersMoon or Venus falls in your first house. This aspect is particularly helpful in relationships where one person is more Uranian (brilliant, unique, eccentric, exciting, freedom-loving) and the other is more Mercurial (intelligent, articulate, curious, flexible, communicative). Chiron positively aspecting+conjunct moon: This is a very healing placement. This degree deals with doctors, health, and hospitals so theyre likely to be a doctor, nurse, veterinarian, clinical psychologist, etc. My Neptune falls in the 2nd house and I usually eat after having an org*sm. So for me, I have Mars in the 5 in the 7th house in the 7. Synastry:SunSunAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Synastry:Mercury-VenusAspects Juno Aspects to the Sun. For example, if I have Uranus in my 11th house, it means I attract eccentric, unique friends. I could also see them being into heavier set people i.e. This aspect is the epitome of the sayinglay all your cards on the table. I havethis with someone Im crushing on, and my friend said she could feel the tension between us. I could also see them perhaps become a pilot, since this degree deals with flying and high places. I have Uranus trine Sun exact, trine Merc and Dsc, too. not wanting to be like them), theyd be inspired by them. just anything creative. When the aspect between Mercury and Uranus is a flowing one ( sextile or trine ), your Uranus partner is an intellectual companion. Synastry:SunSunAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Talking together is exhilarating, inspiring and challenging. Also more extremely, I could see them being into er*tic electrost*mulation. They feel comfortable around each other, and can fully trust each other. In astrology, when two peoples planets form a sextile aspect, it creates an easy flow of energy between them. Also in synastry too, dont pay too much attention tothings like Pluto conjunct Pluto, Aquarius aspecting Pluto, etc. This is a pretty hard degree to have Venus in, but once the person masters this placement, they are bold and not afraid to show love. a teacher, boss, etc. There can be a lot of fights, and this is labeled as one of the worst synastry aspects. Why? These people want to be of service, and they want to help others in anyway they can. Sun Sesquiquadrate Moon: These individuals like Sun Semi-square Moon also value being self-reliant. The Mercury person may find it difficult to depend on the Uranus person to meet for dates. It keeps the relationship fresh. Synastry:MoonMarsAspects Not all information presented in this article is accurate Readers must apply their own due diligence before trusting the provided information. Too many trines in synastry isnt a great thing either, it can make the relationship fizzle out and go stale. Synastry:MoonMarsAspects They are easy to get along with, and they dont like taking sides in conflict. Its weird how certain aspects play out. So for me, Im very emotionally intelligent and Im very intuitive. They might pursue the same career that a family member does, or they might pursue a career in the psychology field since it deals with emotions. This fact can help you to understand each other, or, of course, it can get on your nerves from time to time. Synastry:SunPartofFortuneAspects Minor degrees included. I thought I was romantic, but Taurus Venuses give me a run for my money. I could also see them taking their time with sex, they dont like to rush it, they enjoy taking their time and enjoying every single feeling. Synastry:MoonMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Theres a lot of excitement here. Mercury Conjunct Mars: This is good for romantic relationships. Synastry:Mercury-PlutoAspects They also might want to pursue a career in fashion or they might enjoy looking at fashion magazines. They grow together and they also might fight for causes together. In this case, Uranus enlivens Mercurys ideas, and opens Mercurys mind to an array of intellectual viewpoints. Synastry:SunMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Whether this leads to open-minded and growth-oriented communications or stressful interactions depends on the aspect that joins Mercury and Uranus, as well as the individuals involved. a teacher and a student. However, minor aspects shouldnt really be counted in this (imo). Uranus in a hard aspect to one of the angles or ruler of the angles (cusps of the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th Houses), will also be felt strongly, because these . They probably have about twenty different things they want to try out in bed, and get turned on by those who are bold about their sexual feelings towards them. I usually do this to hide and avoid how I really feel. They are motivated by wanting the best for others, especially those that they care about. Since this degree deals with technology, I could see them preferring to date on dating apps because they find it easier to talk to people that way. I have this with a guy and even though I know I dont like him, there are times when sometimes I question myself, like hmm maybe I do like him? This is an optical illusion caused by the fact that Mercurys orbit around the Sun is much shorter than Earths orbit. They struggle with being able to communicate their aims and intentions to others. November 3, 2015 astrologyplace. Uranus represent change, liberation, and instability. Theyll choose their pride over fixing the argument. Libra degrees in love are all about harmony and balance in the relationship. playlists, art, etc. They are confident in themselves and are easy-going. Sun Semi-sextile Moon: Individuals with this aspect frequently adjust their paths and behaviors to adapt with others and lifes circumstances. This degree also deals with cars, so they might motivate themselves to get a good job so they can buy a nice car. Ive noticed women with Lilith in the 11th get hit on a lot on social media. Whatever they decide to do though, they have to be the best at it, and they have to be the first to achieve it. There are some negative aspects to the Mercury sextile Uranus synastry. Mars Square Mars: This aspect increases the possibility of abuse and violence. Im sorry, but every couple Ive seen with this aspect are always fighting, to the point where it becomes toxic. The Tauruses Ive hated, have had like an Aries stellium or prominent Aries placements. However, if an Aries sun is placed with another fire placement then they could definitely have anger issues LMAO. So take that as you will. Cap risings have big or unique teeth. Aries suns are noodges. Uranus Trine or Sextile your Partners Moon. In a non-romantic relationship, you guys both motivate each other to do the best you can and I think of a power couple type shit. Neptune: Your degree here shows what our dreams are like and our imagination. Synastry:Venus-MarsAspectsBetweenTwoCharts They are also are very nurturing in love and want to nurtured. Usually the individuals cant keep their hands off each other. I know the signs are typically squared, but theyre similar in a quite a few ways. Moon Square Mars is an underrated sex appeal aspect tbh. This can be a big motivator for them as this would make them great psychologists and therapists. Libra degrees in Venus are also very charming and know how to tell their partners what they want to hear. They have high expectations of both themselves and others in a relationship and this can become messy for them. Body part theyre likely to find most attractive on a partner: Hips, thighs, and legs. Sun Sextile Moon: Like the trine aspect, these individuals have a good balance between their ego and emotions. I dont know why this is, but it always tends to be the case. they start dating at a later age. Positive Mars-Saturn aspects, Mars-Mercury aspects, and opposition Mars-Jupiter aspects can indicate a small d*ck, but all other Mars-Jupiter aspects usually indicate a larger sized one. So for me, my moon is in the 2 (Im so cool I know, jk jk). This relationship is meant to teach the individuals something. Synastry:Venus-NeptuneAspects Most people born around the same time as you who you do synastry with, youre gonna have those aspects with them. Its a deeply spiritual and emotional experience for them. You are very perceptive and intuitive with one another, often able to finish each others sentences. They also might use their voice as a way of getting ahead, whether they pursue a career in communication or singing, or being able to talk their way into certain positions. Theyre also motivated by all the darkness and taboos of life that theyd want to have careers that deal with them such as a forensic psychologist, FBI agents, etc. Is it something that will help the conversation move forward or is it just a random thought that popped into your head? I could also see people with this degree being prone to stealing, but again this is more extreme, famous robbers John Dillinger, Patty Hearst both had prominent Scorpio degrees in their charts. Hey guys, its been a while, decided Id start back up with a degrees in Venus post! Synastry:Venus-PlutoAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Nothing is too good or too much for their partner. Not really an observation but Eros and Lilith persona charts can tell you what youre into s*xually. My friend is an Aries sun and hes extremely calm and never blows up on people. Body part theyre likely to find most attractive on a partner: The back. Also they might have a breeding k*nk. Synastry:Mercury-NeptuneAspects For example: cheating, lying, manipulation, abuse. The sextile aspect between these two planets indicates that there is a harmony between the way you think and communicate and the need for freedom and change. Save synastry for the people you do know and do have some sort of a connection with. Maybe you both like peaches. They might dissociate or feel disconnected from their body. Taurus placements really dont like to show emotions. Synastry:SunPlutoAspects I figured since I did a red flags synastry post, I might as well do a post with good synastry and some opinions. This degree also deals with car engines, so perhaps they might pursue a career as a mechanic. Pisces degrees in love are intense and mysterious. All in all, with Aries degrees theres either the need to want to be in love as quickly as possible and take control, or just completely struggle to do so. Oppositions are challenging, but not impossible. They also might love the idea of fucking on their wedding night. They also may want to have sex under the influence of dr*gs or alc*hol. When Mercury is in retrograde motion, its a good time to reflect on your life and your relationships. You guys just feel magnetically attracted to each other, and theres a lot of chemistry. Theyre sometimes considered as one, other times theyre more of a medium aspect. They also have the same unpredictability of Gemini, except you never know when theyre pissed off and they kind of just blow up on you out of nowhere. For example, my degree is 7 (Libra degree), and people have told me theyve seen me as really creative and someone who seems very level headed (even though Im far from it LMAO). For example, my 11th house is in the 25, and this shows because quite literally I was ab*sed by my friends and bullied in middle school. I could also see some of these people being really interested in archery and perhaps horses as well. You get the best of both worlds with this aspect. I had this with one of my exes, and he said he fell in love with me when he saw me (Im the Ascendant person, hes the Venus person). Synastry:SunUranusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Eros/Mercury When these two forces unite, they will feel a strong connection through communicating. Theyre more into mental stimuli than visual stimuli. Scorpio degrees need to learn how to be vulnerable. Both partners will find that they share the same values and have a similar way of looking at the world. I like to communicate through my art. They need to learn how to do acts of service for their partner but not to the point where they spread themselves too thin. They also enjoy surprises during sex, and unlike other degrees listed here, they dont like to plan sex out beforehand. Prepare to see them in your dreams. I could also see some of them being into some dark stuff, since this deals with our shadow side. Uranus and Pluto are both outer planets, but their energies differ greatly. This is another CEO type of degree placement. They love the idea of being tied up and allowing their partner to do whatever they want to them, or vice versa. In synastry, it can bring an exciting, yet chaotic energy to the relationship, and encourages both partners to embrace their uniqueness and individuality. They also like to feel comfortable when having sex, and likely wont have sex with someone they dont feel comfortable with. Individuals with these degrees may also be very jealous of what others have, and this can motivate them to work extremely hard to get those things. Aries Moon:You come around and the armor falls/Pierce the room like a cannonball/Now all we know is dont let go, Taurus Moon:'Cause there we are again in the middle of the night/ Were dancing round the kitchen in the refrigerator light/ Down the stairs, I was there/ I remember it all too well, yeah, Gemini Moon:Were happy, free, confused and lonely in the best way/Its miserable and magical, oh yeah/ Tonights the night when we forget about the heartbreaks, Cancer Moon:Losing him was blue, like Id never known/Missing him was dark gray, all alone/Forgetting him was like trying to know, Leo Moon:Im really gonna miss you picking fights/And me falling for it, screaming that Im right/And you would hide away and find your peace of mind/With some indie record thats much cooler than mine, Virgo Moon:'Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in/So shame on me now/Flew me to places Id never been/'Til you put me down., Libra Moon:And time/Is taking its sweet time erasing you/And youve got your demons/And darlin they all look like me, Scorpio Moon:Out of focus, eye to eye/'Til the gravitys too much/And Ill do anything you say/If you say it with your hands, Sagittarius Moon:You had it figured out since you were in school/Everybody loves pretty, everybody loves cool/So overnight, you look like a '60s queen., Capricorn Moon:You wear your best apology/But I was there to watch you leave/And all the times I let you in/Just for you to go again., Aquarius Moon:And for the first time I had something to lose/And I guess we fell apart in the usual way/And the storys got dust on every page/But sometimes I wonder how you think about it now/And I see your face in every crowd, Pisces Moon:Before you, Id only dated self indulgent takers/Who took all of their problem out on me/But you carry my groceries and now Im always laughing/And I love you, because you have given me no choice but to. Synastry:MoonUranusAspects Some examples: Pablo Escobar, Hillary Clinton, Napoleon, Winston Churchill, Jim Jones, Nero, etc. These people are also traditional in how they approach situations- if they wanna be a better student, they study, if they wanna be a better painter, they practice, etc. Also as soon as yall start talking to a Cancer degree, theyre looking at houses on Zillow for you guys to move into and are already thinking of names for your kids. Sort of a connection with this individual may like the idea of wanting to have sex an. Individuals cant keep their hands off each other ( or at least potential for it.... That popped into your relationship planets form a sextile aspect, it might into! Squared, but it always tends to be the best at whatever theyre vying for to!, jk jk ) more darkly, a lot of drive, struggle! Like taking sides in conflict by the fact that Mercurys orbit around the is! With this placement, they want someone whos intelligent and will be able finish... 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mercury sextile uranus synastry