social studies note for jss2

Some parents advice their children on the courses and professions they will pursue in life. block moulding, bricks laying, carpentry, tanker, and lorry driver etc. Family with good reputation can present one with social. Type 5. effects of drug abuse 6. It prevents the cordial relationship between the parents and the children. This could be as a result of misunderstanding and constant quarrelling between husband and wife. Scholarships Their main day of worship is Sunday. while males are more likely to study courses such as engineering, building, architecture etc. Females are stereotyped as being the following except A. caring B. talking more C. talking less D. more prone to tears. Differentiate between primary and secondary socialization. Social Studies lesson note for Junior Secondary School-2 Second Term, is now available for free. Husband and wife should endavour to love one another. Males are the dominant partner in relationship. The JSS2 Social Studies lesson note provided here is in line with the current scheme of work hence, would go a long way in not just helping the teachers in carefully breaking down the subject, topics, and subtopics but also, devising more practical ways of achieving the aim and objective of the subject. A sudden occurrence of an event that is harmful in nature is known as A. accident B. suddenness C. substance D. emergency, Which of the following chemicals should be carefully handled in the science laboratory? However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. THE NAMES WE CALL GOD IN DIFFERENT COMMUNITIES IN NIGERIA. Suggest ways of preventing accident in the school. Pouring water on the floor will make the floor to become slippery, thereby causing accident. Monogamy: This refers to a marital relationship, Polygamy: This refers to a marital relationship, Polyandry: This refers to a marital relationship, Inter Ethic Marriage: This refers to a marriage relationship, Intra Ethnic Marriage: This refers to a marital relationship. Poorly Cooked Foods: The food that is not properly or well cooked. Give the meaning of gender roles with examples. 2. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Explain the meaning of family Lesson notes Mention the five cardinal Principles of servicom; 4. It ensures gender balance in education and development. Barreness: This is when the wife could not give birth to children. Values promote peace and progress B. values enable us to commit crimes C. Values enable us to choose bad friends D. Values enable us to make mistakes. Boys scout C. Girls brigade D. Christianity: Christianity is a religion that teaches about Jesus Christ. What is the full meaning of ICPC and when was it inaugurated? The essential needs of males and females are food, clothing and shelter. Some professions are regarded as exclusive career for males. Learncurve Social Studies. The youths and children often times seek guidance and counseling from their peers instead of their parents. A certificate is also given to the couple. Which of the following does not belong? Bride price is paid by the husband or family of the husband. What are the benefits of a group behavior? In traditional society, marrying many wives gives the man a high status. It allows the husband and the wife to assist each other. Copyright 2019 - 2023. Define group behavior 4.8. Identify five effects of sexual abuse on children. (13) $25.00. Values are also defined as the degree of importance an individual attaches to a particular thing. Primary Social Group B. Some professions are regarded as exclusive career for males. Lesson Note on SOCIAL STUDIES for JSS2 THIRD TERM MS-WORD- PDF Download. Value clarifications serve as a guide to achieve set goals in life. Males can perform manual jobs such as construction of roads and drainages, truck pushing etc while females take care of domestic duties. Honesty: Telling the truth, that is, meaning of what you say. Both males and females are similar in the following ways: Topic: Meaning and Examples of Gender Roles. It helped me a lot to clear my final . They investigate financial crimes including fee fraud, money laundering, etc. - Problems of Science and Technology. zimsec o level history green book pdf Identify five cultural similarities in Nigeria. Value refers to what a society regards as very important and is held in high esteem. Males are stereotyped as being uncaring, more rational, strong, brave, rough, staying away from home and being more interested in sports. Safety instructions should be provided in the school and strictly followed by everybody. The parents must ensure that they live in a safe environment. Corruption is a major problem in Nigeria as a nation. Thorough study guide for Praxis 5081, 5086, and 5089 covering:World HistoryU.S. Gender stereotypes refer to forcing people into role based on gender. The following are biological roles of women except A. women menstruate B. women carry pregnancy C. women breastfeed D. women do manual jobs. 2. Stop running in the classrooms and stairway. Extortion: This is an act of forcing some one or an individual to pay for a service that should be free example. B. al. What are the benefits of religious institutions? Identify the first institution created by God. Dirty environment: When the school premises is dirty, it could lead to accident. All the following factors influence our values except A. gives you access to Lesson plan, Lesson notes, Scheme of work, Exam Questions, Test Questions in all subject, topics for Primary School and Secondary School. Media Influence: The media e.g. Males can perform manual jobs such as construction of roads and drainages, truck pushing etc. In marriage, bride price is paid by the _______ A. groom B. bride C. brides family D. friend of the bride. 2. Biology Explain the meaning of family bond Rotten Foods: Foods that have lost its freshness and spoilt to the extent of growing mucous and changing original colour. Peer Group: Children learn from their peers. Introduction of civic and moral instructions. The Yorubas call God Olodumare or Olorun. The Efik people call God Abasi or Edidem. It can also be defined as is the belief in the existence of a supreme being called God who created the entire universe including plants, animals and human beings. Drug trafficking refers to the illegal act of carrying or transporting hard drugs like cocaine, heroin, Indian heir and many others within or outside the comply. Topic: Ways of Preventing Intake of Harmful Substances, Suggest ways of preventing intake of harmful substances. A. Praying. Complete Mathematics for Kenyan High Schools Marriage gives security to the woman and the children. Gender stereotypes can limit achievements. Court Marriage: Court marriage is performed in a court registry by a court registrar or a magistrate. Stop running in the classrooms and stairway. Media Influence: The media e.g. Pages 10 14. What are the subjects that make up of social studies? The children will be exposed to many dangers. Voluntary organizations e.g. Dirty environment: When the school premises is dirty, it could lead to accident. Honesty, integrity and hard work should be rewarded, Government should give ICPC, EFCC free hand to administers justice on corrupt citizens, Mention three effects each of corruption on the nation and society. Self control: Being able to control your own actions. School C. Hospital D. Mass media. NYSTCE CST Social Studies (2023 - 2024) Questions With 100% Correct Verified Answers What did the English Parliament create in 1689? Some professions are regarded specially for males e.g. These agencies have their different responsibilities. Changes in gender roles could be as a result of religion, politics. Keep the floor clean and ensure that there is no water on the floor. Marriage unites the families of both husband and the wife together. ZIMSEC This is the greatest challenge or problem of marriage. Expired Foods, Drugs or Drinks: They are items that have stayed longer than their consumable periods. Social Studies JSS1 Lesson Notes with Fun Quizzes, Evaluation Questions, and End of Term Examination for Second Term! NAFDACiv. Social Studies lesson note for JSS Two 3rd Term has been provided in detail here on Pages 84 85. A. head of the family B. women propose marriages to men C. women perform manual jobs D. women are cooks in the homes. What are the steps to take when accident occur in the school? Posted 2:14:23 AM. Orebanjo, I.O Osokoya et. Sub-theme: Fundamental of Social Studies family as the Basic Unit of Society. The man and the woman inform their parents. This could be as a result of misunderstanding and constant quarrelling, Divorce: Divorce occurs when the marriage has been dissolved with a legal document backing up the separation. Generally, social studies educates students on citizenship, providing them with the knowledge, skills and attitude that will help them become responsible citizens. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Lesson Note Subject: Social Studies Class: JSS2 Topic: Government Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to: Define the term government; State and explain the three Identify the negative effects of gender stereotypes. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 1. Another name for Muslim marriage is Nikkah. A sudden occurrence of an event that is harmful in nature is known as A. accident B. suddenlessC. Religious institutions promote love, peace and friendship. Learncurve Social Studies. Males are stereotyped as being the following except A. caring B. uncaring C. strong D. brave. Enjoy the class! . The following are biological roles of women except A. women menstruateB. Solakat New Syllabus on Social Studies book 2 by A. Oluwasola Oyewole. Social Studies J.S.S 2 First Term. Make sure your foods are properly cooked. Trade can be classified into two: Home trade and foreign or international trade Social studies teaches us our roles and responsibilities in the environment we find ourselves. Muslims go for their pilgrimage in one of the following cities A. State the conditions necessary for marriage, Students should be able to: Individuals acquire values through the agents of socialization. Pages 91 95. Red cross B. Waste no time. Orebanjo et al. Accident is also unfortunate and unexpected event that destroys lives and property. Women are not supposed to propose marriages. Suggest ways of preventing accident in the school. It can also be defined as the systematic study of nature. Pages 52 54. NAFDAC iv. Required fields are marked *, I have read and accepted the Privacy Policy 1. GovernmentEconomicsand PsychologyI spent almost a year developing this Praxis study guide because I couldn . 1. Chemistry Topical Question and Answers Values promote peace and progress of the society. Mention and explain five types of marriage. Apart from the genitals, they have similar body parts. they are always peaceful and react the same way to what they watch for distance after the end of a march, almost everyone wants to analyze the lost goal chars and so on, Peaceful Demonstration of protest: This type of group behaviour accurse when people peacefully show their grievances for neglect marginalization ordinal of their right over a period of time. - The English Bill of Rights What was King John of England forced to sign in 1215? zimsec o level geography form 4 Members of the family with good reputation serve as role models to other families. Your email address will not be published. Welcome! They encourage their members to live holy life while on earth so that they will return to God in heaven after death. Gender roles refer to the behaviours considered appropriate for males or females in a culture or society. Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime. Kcse Past Papers Questions and Answers Find them below, study them and excel in your examinations. Nuclear B. Macmillan Social Studies book 2 by M.A. All the following professions are regarded as male professions except A. nursing B. bricklaying B. carpentry C. plumbering D. truck drivers. al. These are the nuclear and the extended family. Parental influence gender roles as they may serve as role models to their children. Both males and females are similar in the following ways: Gender roles refer to the behaviours considered appropriate for males or females in a culture or society. List and explain two effects of drug abuse. 1. 01 General objectives of social studies 02 Family 2 03 Family bond and cohesion 04 Living together as one family 05 Meaning and types of marriage 06 Social Studies JSS2 First Term Mid-Term Assessment Critical thinking: Social studies teaches students about history and enables them understand how society has evolved. Values clarifications serve as a guide in our relationship with other people. Performance objectives: Students should be able to: Explain the meaning of family bond; Explain the need for bond and cohesion in the family setup; Content . *, document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()), Agriculture State the importance of servicom. What are the roles and responsibilities of the children? What are the roles of government agencies that fight corruption? Common social studies projects include written reports, performances and crafts. Which of the following is not a harmful substance? A nuclear family consists of a man, his wife and their children, while an extended family is made up of a man, his wife or wives, children and other relations like cousin, nephews, grandparents etc. Mecca B. Kuwait, The Christians main day of worship is A. Friday B. Monday C. Sunday D. Thursday. Religious institutions teach their members to believe that God can help them in times of trouble. red cross, girls guide, boys scout etc also teach values. A Christian marriage normally takes place in the A. house of the bride B. in a big hall, Another name for Muslim marriage is A. Nikkah B. Mikkah C. Sukkah D. Kinnah, Intra-ethnic marriage is marriage between A. people from different ethnic groups, Court marriage takes place in the A. house of the bride B. house of the bridegroom. while males are more likely to study courses such as engineering, building, architecture etc. Gender stereotypes can limit achievements. The females menstruate, carry pregnancy, breast feed babies while the males impregnate the females. It kills talents and discourages creativity. Impure Water: Water that is not fit or safe for drinking as a result of pollution or contamination. by. Macmillan JSS Social Studies book 2 by M.A. A. Islam iii. . A. The family is the smallest social unit of a society, it is the part through which a child comes into the world. What are the steps to take when accidents occur in the school? Revision of JSS1 work 2. Mention and explain five types of marriage. I made it free for tutors, parents, guardians, and students who want to read ahead of what is being taught in class. Explain the characteristics of group behaviour. The family is the smallest social unit of a society, it is the part through which a child comes into the world. The parents should show love and affection to their children while children should love and respect their parents. Geography Topical Question and Answers 2. Christians make use of the Holy book called Bible. Explain social and physical environments. Fighting in a school is a form of A. courage B. self control C. indiscipline D. self determination. Identify the effects of lack of readiness in a marriage relationship, Students should be able to: Mention 5 ways of preventing drug trafficking. Social Studies Praxis 5081, 5086, or 5089 Study Guide. Course Finder WAEC WASSCE SYLLABUS Your email address will not be published. HIV/AIDS etc. B. people from the same ethnic group C. people from more than two ethnic groups. Topic: Steps to Take When Accidents Occur in the School. A. Stale food B. expired drug C. fake drug D. jollof rice. Value promote positive relationship among different people. Itemize the objectives of social studies. A nuclear family consists of a man, his wife and their children, while an extended family is made up of a man, his wife or wives, children and other relations like cousin, nephews, grandparents etc. The husband should love the wife and the children and the wife is expected to submit totally to the husband. ICPCii. Religious institutions especially Islam and Christianity teach that God is righteous and merciful. PERIOD I: HARMFUL SUBSTANCES: MEANING WITH EXAMPLES. Women should raise the children since they carry and deliver the babies. SCHEME OF WORK JSS 2 SOCIAL STUDIES SECOND TERM, 3. KCSE FORM 3 NOTES Family refers to those who are related by blood, marriage or law. Give five examples of harmful substances. Meaning of Servicom Servicom means service compact or In marriage, bride price is paid by the _______ A. groom B. bride C. brides family D. friend of the bride. Lesson Note for Primary School Download (First, Second and Third Term), Secondary School lesson notes for First, Second and Third Term Download, Early Childhood Care Education Curriculum -Lagos state, Lagos State Scheme of Work primary School Download, Early Years Foundation Curriculum -Lagos State, Toddler Scheme of Work for Montessori School, Phonics and Diction Scheme from Pre nursery, Nursery and Primary School, Literature Texts for WAEC/NECO 2021 2025 Download,, Common Entrance Past Questions and Answers, Request for Lesson notes/plan, Scheme of Work, Examination Questions for Nursery, Primary and Secondary School by Clicking or Taping any of the contact below, Search for Lesson Notes, Scheme of works, Curriculum, Examination questions, Join our WhatsApp Group, Telegram Group by Clicking or Taping any of the Groups below, Search for Scheme of work, Lessson Notes, Lesson Plans and Examination Questions and others. Expired Foods, Drugs or Drinks: They are items that have stayed longer than their consumable periods. All the following professions are regarded as male professions except A. nursing B. bricklaying B. carpentry C. plumbering D. truck drivers. Good family reputation enhances trust and confidence. Lack of commitment on the part of government. Orebanjo et al. It is used to ensure that the learning purposes, aims, and objectives of the subject meant for that class are successfully achieved. The conditions for marriage are as follows: Effects of Lack of Readiness in Marriage Relationship, TOPIC: FAMILY AS THE BASIC UNIT OF SOCIETY. Careers, GPA Calculator ss1-3 Scheme of Work Marriage is the legal coming together of a man and a woman as husband and wife. These lesson notes cover the following topics for JSS2 First, Second and Third Term Social Studies: FIRST TERM 1. Science, Technology and Society I. The children will be exposed to many dangers. i. ICPC ii. Take victim to nearby hospital or clinic. Polyandry: This refers to a marital relationship between a woman and more than one husband. You can download it for current use and future reference purposes. 4.8. The State and Federal Ministry of Education has recommended unified lesson notes for all JSSs in Nigeria, in other words, all private JSSs in Nigeria must operate with the same lesson notes based on the scheme of work for Social Studies. Mention the factors that influence gender roles. They both go through puberty and share romantic feelings. al. Mass media e.g. People will like to associate with families that have good reputation. Lesson Objective: by the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to: 1. Macmillan JSS Social Studies book 2 by M.A Orebanjo, I.O Osokoya Religion: The churches and mosques teach values. The women menstruate, carry pregnancy and breast feed babies while the males impregnate the women. Suggest ways of preventing accidents in the school. This could be football match drama concert etc. What are the steps to take when accident occur in the school? A. Olorun B. Osanobua C. Abasi D. Chineke. 6868. . and it is physical because he makes use of things around him like land, air, rivers, plant, animals etc. Orebanjo et al pages 10 14. Solakat New Syllabus on Social Studies book 2 by Oluwasola Oyewole. freedom of association, movement, expression etc. Some gender roles are biologically determined. Effects of Lack of Readiness on Marriage Relationship, Similarities and Differences Between Male and Female, Meaning and Examples of Gender Stereotypes, Negative Effects of Gender Roles/Stereotypes. O LEVEL PAST PAPERS GovernmentEconomicsand PsychologyI spent almost a year developing this Praxis study guide because I couldn . Lesson Note Subject: Social Studies Class: JSS2 Topic: Leadership And Followership Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to: Explain the terms Pages 36 42. - Meaning of Science and Technology. The State and Federal Ministry of Education has recommended unified lesson notes for all JSSs in Nigeria, in other words, all private JSSs in Nigeria must operate with the same lesson notes based on the scheme of work for Social Studies. Word Document File. Tuwo, Kunnu and Fura are popular foods among the A. Itsekins B. Nupes C. Igbiras, The following are qualities of a rotten food except A. growing mucous B. changing original colour C. it smells D. retains its original colour. Males are often the head of the family which means they dictate what is to be done. 07 Human Trafficking II. Family bond and cohesion . Age Calculator, About Us Government should intensify efforts at educating parents and youths about effects of drug abuse. The Muslims main day of worship is Friday. African traditional religion refers to the original traditional beliefs and practices of the various people of Africa. Research etc. It is the man in most cases that approaches the girl and asks her to be his wife. It also helps students develop an ability to think critically about societal issues and learn how to address them based on their understanding of social values. Thorough study guide for Praxis 5081, 5086, and 5089 covering:World HistoryU.S. Values also mean the worth of a particular thing in monetary terms. The conditions for marriage are as follows: Topic: Effects of Lack of Readiness in Marriage Relationship, TOPIC: FAMILY AS THE BASIC UNIT OF SOCIETY, PERIOD I: ADVANTAGES OF LIVING TOGETHER IN FAMILY. Privacy Policy Computer Studies Members of the family with good reputation serve as role models to other families. It can also be defined as is the belief in the existence of a supreme being called God who created the entire universe including plants, animals and human beings. The members of the group takes the same action at the same time in response to an incident most of such action are against normal ways of people given juice justice to a thief cut stealing in the market instead of handling him over to the police, Spectators: This are group of people who gathered together to watch a life event. Respect: Treating everyone including yourself with dignity and respect. Which of the following accidents is not likely to occur in a school A. burns B. electric shock C. fall D. plane crash. Explain the following. Socialization is the process by which individuals learn the values and culture of the society. Women are not supposed to propose a marriage. Quarrelling: A constant fight between the couple can lead to divorce. Avoid exposed or live electricity cables or wire. Similarities in The Lessons Our Religion Teaches Us. Drug abuse is the abnormal intake of drug or any other substances. Some feel the best way to forget their sorrow suppress, anxiety, frustration and sadness is to drink heavily, smoke cigarette or take any hard drug, Need to exhibit negative behaviour or face people. You can download the lesson notes PDF/Docx to your device. Mention the importance of good family reputation. gives you access to Lesson plan, Lesson notes, Scheme of work, Exam Questions, Test Questions in all subject, topics for Primary School and Secondary School. African traditional religion refers to the original traditional beliefs and practices of the various people of Africa. Education of children: The family creates opportunity for the children to receive formal education by sending them to school and paying their school fees. In some families, males are given more privileges in terms of education, important jobs and inheritance of property. Marriage is the legal coming together of a man and a woman as husband and wife. Mutual Respect: Respect for each other reduces challenge in marriage and also promotes cooperation. The parents must ensure that they live in a safe environment. Accident is also unfortunate and unexpected event that destroys lives and property. Make sure your foods are properly cooked. These agents of socialization are sources of values. Some gender roles are biologically determined. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Voluntary organizations e.g. Identify the differences between males and females gender. Social Studies for Junior Secondary School by Anlepo, Mohammed Ezegbe and Salau. Culture and Social Values II: Marriage I. Responsibility: We should carry out our duties and must be responsible for our actions. The government agency that fights against expired, fake and adulterated drugs in Nigeria is A. Nigeria Medical Association B. some professions are regarded specially for females e.g. Social Justice: We should treat people equally and fairly. Week 3. Home - Social Studies Lesson Note for JSS2 (Third Term) 2023-PDF. Students should be able to: Gender equality is important in order to ensure mutual understanding and respect for both genders. Responsibility: We should carry out our duties and must be responsible for our actions. KCSE ALL SUBJECTS PASTPAPERS Secondary Social Group C. Nigeria Union of Teachers D. Nigeria Union of Journalists. Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime. Differentiate between material and non-material aspects of culture. The family belongs to A. secondary social group B. primary social group C. tertiary social group D. universal social group, Living together in a family enhances all of the following except A. provision of essential needs B. protection of members C. happiness of members D. protection of anti social behavior, Nuclear family is also known as __________ family A. distance B. peace C. family. Meaning of marriage African Traditional Religion. Economic instability: This occurs when the couple finds it difficult to meet the financial and needs of the family. CRE Time lines, websites and posters are also used often as social studies projects. The media in the course of passing information and through entertainment moulds and shapes the behaviours of children and the youths. They are all human beings with feeling emotions, needs and desires. Use a sharpener instead of a razor blade. Voluntary organizations include the following except A. Individuals acquire values through the agents of socialization. Mention 5 challenges or problems to marriage, Identified 4 solutions to marital challenges. The women menstruate, carry pregnancy and breast feed babies while the males impregnate the women. Marriage provides a framework for the raising and training of the children. Business Education Females are more likely to study courses such as nursing, food and nutrition, catering etc. Each family inquires into the family background of the other to know if the family is well mannered and does not suffer from any incurable diseases. Students preparing for examinations are found of taking kola-nut excessively to read all though the night, Poverty: Those who are not financially alright prefer self medicating to visiting hospital to consult medical doctor. Playing with dangerous instrument in the school such as knife, blade, cutlass etc. Say the meaning of servicom; 2. Females are regarded as cooks in the families. Back to: SOCIAL STUDIES JSS2 . Price: 1000 500 This lesson note covers all the topics in JS2 SOCIAL STUDIES (First Term) and serves as a reference material to help teachers draw out their lesson plan easier, saving you valuable time to focus on the core job of teaching. Radio, television and newspapers tend to have both positive and negative influence on children and youths. while females take care of domestic duties. The JSS2 Social Studies lesson note provided here is in line with the current scheme of work hence, would go a long way in not just helping the teachers in carefully breaking down the subject, topics, and subtopics but also, devising more practical ways of achieving the aim and objective of the subject. Of worship is A. Friday B. Monday C. Sunday D. Thursday for the raising training. Paid by the husband based on gender harmful in nature is known as A. accident B. suddenlessC food. 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