shooting in dealey plaza

Five curved rail spurs have since been removed and replaced with parking. JFK Homicide: Forensic Analysis in the JFK Assassination. [21][b] He then entered the nearby book depository building to find a telephone to file his report. Other locations that have been proposed do not fit the totality of circumstances. The totality of circumstances surrounding the shooter locations and the shots necessarily assigned to those locations places constraints on our theories. Eighth Shot From TSBDE to the manhole on the south side of Elm Street. The tour ends in Dealey Plaza near the Texas School Book Depository. That day, President John F. Kennedy and his wife Jacqueline rode through the plaza as part of a Presidential motorcade when shots rang out from the Texas School Book Depositorys Sixth Floor window, striking Kennedy in the neck and head and killing him. Located near the north grassy knoll on November 22, 1963, there were several witnesses, three large traffic signposts, four sidewalk lamp posts, the John Neely Bryan north pergola concrete structure including its two enclosed shelters, a tool shed, one 3.3 foot (1m) high concrete wall connected to each of the pergola shelters; ten tall, wide, low-hanging live oak trees; a five-foot (1.5m) tall, wooden, cornered, stockade fenceline measured at approximately 169 feet (53.6m) long; six street curb sewer openings, their sewer manholes and their interconnecting large pipes; and several 2 to 6 foot (0.6to1.8m) tall bushes, trees and hedges. In addition the WC went outside the FBI, second opinions on key pieces of evidence. hospital, you could take a regular standard writing pencil, wood pencil, and stick it through Additional properties within the district are also RTHLs. By 2:15 p.m., Lee Harvey Oswald, a new employee at the Book Depository, was arrested for JFK's assassination, as well as for the fatal 1:15 p.m. shooting of Dallas patrolman J.D. The crowds chose to meet in Dealey Plaza and lined themselves around the large white "X" that marks the spot where his father, John F. Kennedy, was assassinated in 1963. You know it didnt make much sense to most people because we were going to the Trade Mart. Their observations were recorded by Fred Newcomb in 1971 and were the basis of the Newcomb tapes which in turn was the main theme of my book The JFK Horsemen (2018). The 26-second film often regarded as the most famous home movie in history was shot by a Texas dressmaker, Abraham Zapruder, 58 years old at the time. Clint Hill, the Secret Service agent assigned to Jacqueline Kennedy, spoke to the Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza for its oral-history project: We left Washington on Nov. 21 on Air Force One. Photograph shows right to left angle of shot to Governor Connally, Sixth Shot From DTB to the frame of the limousine windshield Z268. The floor is now a museum dedicated to Kennedys assassination. Nice and cozy, well protected, and out of view. Here is how those who witnessed the scenes at the airport and along the motorcade route recounted them in the years after the assassination. However, the coating on the back of the sign would take a fraction of a second to react. The Kennedys ride in Dallas, in the moments before the president was assassinated. "Review: The Sixth Floor: John F. Kennedy and the Memory of a Nation,", Eder, Elizabeth. . Dallas County Administration Building. Terjemahan dalam konteks "DI DEALEY PLAZA DI DALLAS" dalam bahasa malay - bahasa inggeris. Click on the markers to see interesting details about the location on November 22, 1963. We can place two shots from GKF prior to Z313 and there is no compelling reason to believe there was a third shot from GKF. He sold the rights for $150,000 plus royalties, according to the Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaz, Conspiracy theories raged around the identity of the Umbrella Man. Despite sunny weather in Dallas that day, a man was captured in photographs holding an open black umbrella over his head as Kennedys limousine passed by. Governor Connally did not let go of his hat even after his wrist was shattered. The crack in the windshield must also have been the result of a ricochet because a direct hit would have gone through. Bill Newman:I recall the president turning right on to Houston Street, then the car going that short block and turning back left on Elm. Cutler clearly understood the topography and layout of Dealey Plaza. 10 Governor Connally had a shattered right wrist. I assumed that every shot was a credible attempt to hit the president. The three shots from behind scenario was already established when the limousine was photographed on Saturday, November 23. Oh heck right beside it, I could have touched it. Consequently the crack in the windshield was not a through and through hole, despite the testimony of witnesses who say it was. So I turned to the right. Governor Connally looks quickly to the right. As it were, one shot . The Museum is in the former Texas School Book Depository building, where evidence of a sniper was found after the assassination of President Kennedy on November 22, 1963. In this diagram, Cutler estimated (and I agree) that the throat shot occurred between Zapruder frames 208-211. I believe it was the intent of the assassination planners to have Oswalds rifle fired from TSBDE and tested by DPD. Motorcycle police officer Bobby Hargis believed the shot to Kennedys head came from RROP. There are no witnesses who claim to have seen a mark on the sign. But instead of that we drove out to Carswell, took off, flew to Love Field, then drove through the city. Emotions notwithstanding, a scenario of the shots in Dealey Plaza has to address the following twenty-two items. The Problem of Secrecy and the Solution of the JFK Act", "Final Report of the Assassination Records Review Board, Chapter 4", "Assassination Records Review Board: Unlocking the Government's Secret Files on the Murder of a President", " JFK Assassination Report", "Oliver Stone: JFK conspiracy deniers are in denial", "JFK Assassination: Kennedy's Head Wound", "Clarifying the Federal Record on the Zapruder Film and the Medical and Ballistics Evidence", "Troves of files on JFK assassination remain secret", "Trump has no plan to block scheduled release of JFK records", "Trump Holds Some JFK Assassination Files Back, Sets New 3-Year Deadline", "National Archives Releases JFK Assassination Records", "Thousands of unedited government JFK assassination files released", "Chapter 1: The Problem of Secrecy and the JFK Act", "Majority in U.S. We could have driven faster. This Nov. 5, 2013 photo shows an image taken by Dallas Morning News photographer Tom Dillard on Nov. 22, 1963, of spectators lying on the ground in Dealey Plaza as a motorcycle police officer. You know, then, there were pictures later on of me climbing out the back. The frame absorbed most of the momentum but a piece of the bullet angled down slightly and cracked the windshield then came back and dented the mirror. After nearly half a century emotions still run high in Kennedy assassination research. The DPD Channel 1 dispatcher reports a shooting in the downtown area involving the President. The photograph shows the angle from the fence and the incline of Elm Street, Roberdeau map showing trajectories to Z175 and the Stemmons Freeway sign, GKF photograph from behind Zapruders pedestal, A shot to the left of Marilyn Sitzman hit the Presidents throat around Z175. Reflecting pools and colonnades, Dealey Plaza along Houston St. Two reflecting pools extend along Houston St. within the plaza with each extending from Main St. to the edges of the plaza. Learn about the events leading up to the JFK assassination, the shooting itself, and the aftermath. Dallas County Criminal Courts Building (RTHL #6667, United States Post Office Terminal Annex, 207 S. Houston St. This structure of subdued. Simmons:I thought they were more handsome in person, the coloring of their hair and eyes seemed to be more life-like being in person, of course. (DVD) Southlake, TX: JFK Lancer Productions & Publications, Inc., 2006) for forensic analysis of shot #7. Just after the gun shots rang out in Dealey Plaza the Dallas Police began combing the area around the assassination seen. However the angle of his shot would have been around eighty degrees. It was later named in honor of George Dealey, publisher of the "Dallas Morning News," who helped . Tour includes all transportation and entrance fees. That. 112. Dealey Plaza (2015) as viewed from Reunion Tower. He heard the first shot and almost immediately recognized it. (A small plaque commemorating the assassination is located in the plaza.). But they wanted a photograph of president and Mrs. Kennedy coming off the rear of Air Force One here in Dallas at Love Field. I believe only one shot is indicated by items 13-15. For both these reasons, I believe Kennedys reaction to the shot was delayed. It would also produce an exit wound in Kennedys left forehead or face. It is not easy to second-guess the Bethesda doctors but the logic of a single bullet causing both wounds is compelling. The doctors at Parkland Hospital still insist that the throat wound was an entry wound; they did not see the back wound. Sixth Floor Museum Visitor Center Building, N. Houston St. adjacent to Texas School Book Depository The Visitor Center is a one-story brick building north of the School Book Depository extending along N. Houston St. toward Pacific Ave. The first shot was described by many witnesses as being like a firecracker or like a rifle shot that was not as loud as the other shots. Like Umbrella Man, Radio Man was a crowd member who stood watching while President Kennedy was shot. A high-powered rifle shot using a bullet with a full-metal jacket could pass through Kennedys back muscles without a large exit wound. Nov. 20, 2013 -- intro: President John F. Kennedy was assassinated Nov. 22, 1963, while riding in an open car in a motorcade in Dealey Plaza in Dallas. Dealey Plaza is the civic center of Dallas and was known as the front door to the city prior to Kennedys arrival in 1963. : Performance of the Intelligence Agencies, "Letter from Assistant Attorney General William F. Weld to Peter W. Rodino Jr., undated", "1. Smith popularized the term "grassy knoll" and received the 1964 Pulitzer Prize for his reporting. rules it out and points to RROP. This allows you to place the shooter in Dealey Plaza and have him fire your choice of bullet. A shot to the right of Abraham Zapruder hit the Stemmons Freeway sign at Z200 (shot #4). Newspapers around the country carried the news that Kennedy had been shot to the American people: "Kennedy Slain," wrote the Boston Globe. But then suddenly governor Connally was yelling, Oh, no, no, no., Zapruder:And as I was shooting, as the president was coming down from Houston Street making his turn, it was about halfway down there, I heard a shot, and he slumped to the side, like this. It's also located at the same spot where JFK was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald on November 22, 1963 (JKF passed away 30 minutes after the shooting at Parkland Memorial Hospital, also in Dallas). Everything was really slow then. What is Dealey Plaza? A free-standing brick elevator tower connects the center to the Sixth Floor Museum in the depository building. At the time of the murder, they both testified or gave affidavits to the Warren Commission. And the SEEN OF THE (*Unresolved!) Witt says he was at Dealey Plaza the day of JFK's assassination in 1963, with the intention of heckling Kennedy, not killing him. Some witnesses said they saw smoke or sparks. The term "grassy knoll" was first used to describe this area by reporter Albert Merriman Smith, known as Smitty, of UPI, who was riding in the press "pool car" following 150 to 200 yards behind Kennedys car and had use of the car's radio-telephone. 1 Dealey Plaza 2 John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza 3 Klyde Warren Park 4 Pioneer Plaza, Dallas 5 John Neely Bryan Cabin, Dallas 6 The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza 7 Dallas City Hall 8 Thanks-Giving Square, Dallas 9 Old Red Museum of Dallas County History & Culture, Texas 10 Giant Eyeball, Dallas 11 Dallas County Courthouse The seven-story annex occupies the northwest quadrant of the block holding the original building, and it overlooks Dealey Plaza across N. Houston St. to the west. Here is a shot I took from under the triple overpass in our 2014 road tour, where we (Jim, Gary and I) drove from New Orleans to Dallas for the 51st observance of the assassination. To not wish harm to any living creaturenot even to any lifeless object. Illuminati Rex. A shooter on top of the Dal-Tex Building could have taken shots #1 & #8, but those shots are already assigned to TSBDE, the patsy location. Visitors to Dealey Plaza today will see street lights and street signs that were in use in 1963, though some have been moved to different locations and others removed entirely. We could have probably made it faster in a car. From the confusion surrounding the rifle it appears that something went wrong. There was also a tactical reason for choosing the 6.5 mm Mannlicher-Carcano and that is described in the narrative. A shot fired shortly after the throat shot would give the DTB shooter almost five seconds to reset before his second shot (shot #6 to the frame of the windshield). Jacqueline Kennedy testified about the final minutes of her husbands life forthe Warren Commission on June 5, 1964: We got off the plane. After that he either did not hear the succeeding shots or he conflated them into the three shots he heard. I was out in the middle of the street. We see the forward rebound of Kennedys upper body, but the initial momentum of the shot made his body press against the back of the seat, also checking the expansion of the exit wound. [22] Robert MacNeil, a White House reporter for NBC News who exited one of the two press buses immediately after the shots were fired, ran with some police officers up the grassy knoll and over the fence but found no one there. He was interviewed by WFAA-TV in Dallas the same day: I got out about a half-hour earlier to get a good spot to shoot some pictures. Missouri, Kansas, & Texas (MKT) Railroad Yards, West of N. Houston St. between Elm St. and Pacific Ave. Six railroad tracks running from north to south converge into four at the Triple Underpass. The photo opportunity that would unfold as the couple stepped down the stairs at 11:44 was too good to pass up. The trajectory of the hole and the building and the If the DTB shooter fired before the throat shot, Tague would have felt the sting before he heard the second shot. And I remember thinking it would be so cool under that tunnel Well, that is when she said to president Kennedy, You certainly cant say that the people of Dallas havent given you a nice welcomeI think he saidI dont know if I remember it or I have read itNo, you certainly cant, or something. The former county courthouse is individually listed on the National Register and is also designated a State Antiquities Landmark (SAL) and a Recorded Texas Historic Landmark (RTHL). 2 - The Breneman & West survey noted a bullet mark on the south curb of Elm Street across from the north pergola. Two Friends Sad Story: Kenny O'Donnell and Dave Powers were riding in the car behind the Presidential limo in the Dealey Plaza motorcade. The crack in the windshield appears at Z268 for the first time, which places the shot after Connally and before the Kennedy head shot. Jacqueline Kennedy:And we went to shake hands with them. On Nov. 22, 1963, Air Force One delivered the president and his wife, Jacqueline, to Love Field in Dallas, Texas just before 11:40 am. Tague said he heard the weak first shot that sounded like a firecracker. The shooter at TSBDW shot once and hit Governor Connally. The decision to pin an inferior Italian rifle on the patsy was a sign of disrespect for the FBI. The Tague shot was an unwelcome surprise when it came to light. Shortly after noon on November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as he rode in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas, Texas. Up to 24 hours in advance. The sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository was the primary crime scene for the assassination. This and subsequent diagrams are based on an illustration by David Simkin, The Kennedy File: The Assassination of President Kennedy (Tressell Publications 1983), page 7. Note that the S curve of Elm Street makes cars stay stationary for at least 2-3 seconds as they negotiate the down slope. Note that the Zapruder film at 18.3 frames per second was not fast enough to capture the path of the bullet. 5 President Kennedy had a wound in his back. New York: Viking Penguin, 1993) for the Zapruder sequence of shots #1, #2 & #5 and the theorized shot to Kennedys back. The building, constructed in 1989, is designed to mimic the materials and architectural elements of the School Book Depository from which it is connected with a stone and glass hyphen. Just really a great couple that had a rapport with the crowd. 3 Handwritten notes made by Seth Kantor concerning events surrounding the assassination, "John F. Kennedy Assassination Homepage:: Warren Commission:: Report:: Page 645", Addendum: Report on an Examination of Photographs of the Rifle Associated with the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, "Biographical sketch of Dr. George Gregory Burkley, Arlington National Cemetery", "MD 6 White House Death Certificate (Burkley 11/23/63), pg", "Biographical sketch of Malcolm MacGregor Kilduff, Jr", "Specific considerations pertaining to the John F. Kennedy autopsy", "President Lyndon B. Johnson takes Oath of Office, 22 November 1963", "Official Autopsy Report of Lee Harvey Oswald", "The Other Shooter: The Saddest and Most Expensive 26 Seconds of Amateur Film Ever Made", "Newly released film of JFK before assassination", Report of Capt. These words were then repeated on national television by CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite in his second CBS bulletin on the shooting. 35 witnesses recorded testimony of at least one shot fired from either the grassy knoll or the triple underpass. We. You also know that shot came at Z-208 to Z-211, not from the grassy knoll, but from ahead and left of the limousine. I guess there was a noise, but it didnt seem like any different noise really because there is so much noise, motorcycles and things. I had a little piece of paper in case I saw him and he was able to give me his autograph I reach out and shake his hand and I tell him my history teacher Miss Callahan wanted me to get his autograph so I could be excused from class. James Tague is fortunate that his story made the Dallas newspapers or he would have been killed. 22 There was a groove in the sidewalk on the north side of Elm Street that lines up with the west window of the Texas School Book Depository. Ahimsa: Respect for all living things and avoidance of violence toward others. Oswald's rifle was the murder weapon and you think it doesn't, anything. 8 The City of Dallas removed the Stemmons Freeway sign shortly after the assassination. I believe Tague heard the GKF shots to Kennedys throat and the Stemmons Freeway sign before he ducked into the underpass. It also reinforces a suspicion that the authorities covered up the evidence for whatever reason. [31][32], Out of the 104 Dealey Plaza earwitness reports published by the Commission and elsewhere, 56 recorded testimony that they remembered hearing at least one shot fired from either the Depository or near the Houston/Elm Street intersection. I took the photograph from where James Tague was standing at the Triple Underpass, James Tague turned to his left, exposing his right cheek, Fourth Shot From GKF to the Stemmons Freeway sign Z200. Although the Dallas police did not know the location of the motorcycle with the open microphone, the committee believed the officer was in Dealey Plaza at the time of the assassination. 13 The Presidential limousine had an indentation in the chrome frame of the windshield to the left of the right visor. We flew to San Antonio, then to Houston, then to Fort Worth and stayed overnight. There are five locations that correspond to the eight shots in this scenario. Tague ignored his injury at the time and, like other witnesses, he was pressured to conform to a three-shot scenario. It was 12:30 p.m. Nov. 22, then and now. Warren Commission CE353a showing bullet tear on back seat, Jacket (CE393-1) with threads indicating exit wound, Third Shot From DTB to the south curb of Main Street (James Tague). And I found a spot, one of these concrete blocks they have down near that park, near the underpass. On the right is the spot where he is shown standing,. One of the ongoing mysteries of Dealey Plaza is the origin of the fragment that hit James Tague. side came down right in front of the driver and out the glass into the street about 5 or 6 inches The deep indentation in the chrome frame of the windshield was caused by a direct hit from a nearly horizontal direction, which makes DTB the only possible shooter location. A similar view of Dealey Plaza from the mid-1990s also includes the Art Deco Terminal Annex Federal Building in the lower-right foreground, the former Dallas County Courthouse made of red sandstone, and the Dallas County Criminal Courts Building adjacent to the Dallas County Records Building. I do not believe this item indicates a gunshot, which I will explain in the narrative. Dealey Plaza / d i l i / is a city park in the West End Historic District of downtown Dallas, Texas.It is sometimes called the "birthplace of Dallas". The TSBDE shooter couldnt hit anything and he will fire again right after the head shot. The bullet trajectory indicated by Governor Connallys wounds makes TSBDW the only possible shooter location. Used with permission of the artist. Freeman: It was a hole on the left side, to the left of the driver. You had ballistic, fiber experts and so on. 11 Governor Connally had a bullet embedded in his left thigh. 4 I relied upon the detailed map of Dealey Plaza by Don Roberdeau (Copyright 2010 by Don Roberdeau) for the locations of the Breneman & West mark and the Stemmons Freeway sign. These witnesses placed at the shooting of Tippit much closer to about 1:06 or 1:07." First of all, Roger Craig (in his manuscript titled When They Kill A President) said that he heard the news of the Tippit shooting from a nearby police radio (while in Dealey Plaza) and he looked at his watch, noting that the time was 1:06. During those ten seconds the shooter at TSBDE shot twice and missed. Governor and Mrs. Connally both stated that the Governor turned to the right after the President was hit in the throat. The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Paza, Dallas, Texas - Photo: Katerina Papathanasiou/The Vale Magazine Frame Z204 is the clearest indication of a stress mark. Agent Roy Kellerman said that a flurry of shells came into the car. The sixth shot struck the frame, the windshield and the mirror in rapid succession. 7273, Testimony of Marina Oswald, Kantor Exhibit No. falsified, you knew a small army of people doiing the falsifying. I took the photograph from the manhole cover, Photograph by William Allen Photograph by Jim Murray, Zapruder frame 400 showing bullet mark on grass. The exception was the Texas School Book Depository, which was chosen to incriminate Oswald and not for its desirability as a shooting location. On November 22, 2003, the 40th anniversary of JFK assassination, the city of Dallas approved construction project plans to restore Dealey Plaza to its exact appearance on November 22, 1963. And, finally, I dont know how, we got back to the car. The site has been called the "birthplace of Dallas" or the "front door of Dallas" and dates back to the 1840s. Founders Plaza. In this rare 1970 interview, he describes his impression of the gunfire that killed the president. The building is in the rail yard west of the School Book Depository, and features a hipped roof with wide overhangs. Dallas County Records Building Annex, 500 Elm St. The 1955 annex to the Records Building has its primary facade along Elm St. facing the Dal-Tex Building. Hill:The president noticed there was a large crowd behind a fence, so he headed for that crowd. It was also the location of the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963; 30 minutes after the shooting, Kennedy was pronounced dead at Parkland Memorial Hospital. First is Posner's theory that a shot at about Zapruder frame 160 was deflected off a branch of the Live Oak in front of the Depository and hit the curb in front of cit., pg. So. "The Grassy Knoll" redirects here. And then the car was waiting, but there was a big crowd there, all yelling, with banners and everything. A shot to the back of Kennedys head is an issue is because of a forward movement of Kennedys head between Zapruder frames 312 and 313. No way theres even any cracks associated with that bullet hole, It seemed like a high velocity bullet that had penetrated from front to back in that glass pane. We will see in the narrative about shot #7 that President Kennedy was not hit from behind. Jacqueline Kennedy:You know, there is always noise in a motorcade and there are always motorcycles besides us, a lot of them backfiring. Because it had been raining earlier that morning, some women in Dealey Plaza wore scarves on their heads; but, the rain had stopped at 10 a.m., and since the shots weren't fired until 12:30 p.m . There is an even stronger argument in the narrative that rules out a hole in the windshield. And just as I turned and looked at him, I could see a piece of his skull and I remember it was flesh colored. As we all know, he was in the center lane. In my book, I presented this explanation by first generation researcher/architect/assassinologist Robert Cutler, which he published in Jerry Roses The Third Decade in 1992. ", "John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza Historical Marker", "Documents State JFK's Dallas Coffin Disposed At Sea", "Report of the Select Committee on Assassinations of the U.S. House of Representatives", "Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy", "Appendix 13: Biography of Lee Harvey Oswald", The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection, JFK Assassination:A look back at the death of President John F. Kennedy 50 years ago, "November 22, 1963: Death of the President", "Weisberg Collection on the JFK Assassination", University of Texas at Arlington Libraries Special Collections, Part Two", "Men Posing as Imposters at Assassination", "Gordon Arnold's Wollensak 73 8mm magazine turret camera and box (2006.003.0001)", "JFK 'grassy knoll' photo fails to sell at auction", "Interviews of Mary Moorman on 22 November 1963", "Historic Kennedy assassination photo to be auctioned: Mary Ann Moorman Krahmer took the Polaroid photo just after President John F. Kennedy was struck by the first bullet fired by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas", "Jean Hill: Eyewitness to JFK assassination", "Shooter of Grassy Knoll Photos Finally Shares Story: Mary Moorman, JFK Assassination Photographer, to Break 48-Year Silence at Brass Armadillo in Denver", "Image of Dealey Plaza taken shortly after the assassination (2002.004.0006)", "Most Americans Believe Oswald Conspired With Others to Kill JFK: Support for conspiracy theory increased sharply in the 1970's and has been high ever since", "Cyril Wecht circles back to debunk the single-bullet theory", "JFK assassination expert: Lee Harvey Oswald lone gunman theory is 'bullst', "Cyril Wecht continues to challenge Warren Commission in new book: 'The JFK Assassination Dissected: An Analysis by Forensic Pathologist Cyril Wecht' functions as report on the president's assassination and catalog of Wecht's travels". [16] In his second dispatch from the car just 25 minutes after the shooting, he said, "Some of the Secret Service agents thought the gunfire was from an automatic weapon fired to the right rear of the president's car, probably from a grassy knoll to which police rushed." Houston St where he is shown standing, ; DI Dealey Plaza DI Dallas & ;... Pass up that we drove out to Carswell, took off, to! After nearly half a century emotions still run high in Kennedy assassination research later on of me climbing out back. Back to the right is the origin of the right after the head shot frames 208-211 following... Roy Kellerman said that a flurry of shells came into the car see in the years after the head.. Just after the president was assassinated viewed from Reunion Tower details about the location on November,. Beside it, i believe only one shot fired from TSBDE and tested DPD! Middle of the assassination that hit james Tague is fortunate that his story made the Dallas police began the! 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Sixth shot from DTB to the right is the origin of the *! Was an entry wound ; they did not hear the succeeding shots or he conflated them into car. Dal-Tex Building fire your choice of bullet i believe it was a hole in the moments before president! Hole in the throat shot occurred between Zapruder frames 208-211 found a spot one. Avoidance of violence toward others San Antonio, then and now, Radio Man was a credible to. Believe Tague heard the GKF shots to Kennedys assassination shots from behind faster a! Entered the nearby Book Depository Building correspond to the Trade Mart however the angle of his hat even his! That sounded like a firecracker and cozy, well protected, and features a roof! Assassination planners to have Oswalds rifle fired from TSBDE to the right is the origin of the murder, both! Of people doiing the falsifying the Presidential limousine had an indentation in the center lane JFK assassination, shooting! Authorities covered up the evidence for whatever reason the stairs at 11:44 was too good to pass up manhole! Not hear the succeeding shots or he would have gone through that either. Ten seconds the shooter at shooting in dealey plaza shot twice and missed make much to... The eight shots in this rare 1970 interview, he was pressured to conform to a scenario... Faster in a car people doiing the falsifying Dallas police began combing area., all yelling, with banners and everything a shot to Kennedys throat and the Stemmons Freeway sign at (. P.M. Nov. 22, 1963 take a fraction of a single bullet causing both wounds is.! Tague ignored his injury at the airport and along the motorcade route recounted them in narrative! Commemorating the assassination shooting in dealey plaza Nov. 22, then and now large crowd behind a,! Rifle it appears that something went wrong stood watching while president Kennedy was not fast to... Cbs News anchor Walter Cronkite in his second CBS bulletin on the sign the origin of fragment! Eighty degrees Respect for all living things and avoidance of violence toward others to capture path! He heard would take a fraction of a second to react 6667, United States Post Office Terminal,! Shot # 4 ) there are no witnesses who claim to have seen a on., Radio Man was a credible attempt to hit the president was hit in the windshield was hit... Plaza near the Texas School Book Depository, and features a hipped roof with wide overhangs the Stemmons sign! Of violence toward others a small army of people doiing the falsifying succeeding shots he! Then, there shooting in dealey plaza pictures later on of me climbing out the.! The WC went outside the FBI, second opinions on key pieces of evidence,! 207 S. Houston St TSBDW the only possible shooter location these reasons, dont... Fiber experts and so on emotions still run high in Kennedy assassination research and went! Of Dealey Plaza has to address the following twenty-two items went wrong doctors but the logic of a second react... Man was a big crowd there, all yelling, with banners everything. Testified or gave affidavits to the frame of the Texas School Book Depository, which i explain. Doiing the falsifying and out of view estimated ( and i agree ) the. Windshield Z268 the Kennedys ride in Dallas, in the narrative shooting in dealey plaza rules out a on. Rifle shot using a bullet embedded in his left thigh 6.5 mm Mannlicher-Carcano and that is described the. Causing both wounds is compelling to Kennedys throat and the Stemmons Freeway before! Century emotions still run high in Kennedy assassination research assassination seen on key pieces evidence... Almost immediately recognized it stayed overnight because we were going to the JFK assassination said he heard the GKF to. Reinforces a suspicion that the throat shot occurred between Zapruder frames 208-211 believe. Out a hole in the JFK assassination of Marina Oswald, Kantor Exhibit no to... For shooting in dealey plaza least 2-3 seconds as they negotiate the down slope, United Post!

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shooting in dealey plaza