why take strontium on empty stomach

There are currently three such tests available: NTx, CTX and Dpd. That supplement is broken up into AM and PM formulations. If possible, please try to get a copy. For those with a zinc deficiency, it's best to take your supplement - such as Care/of's zinc - with food. DD3 has been given antibiotics, which state they have to be taken on an empty stomach: 1 hour before food or 2 hours after food. Again, thanks for all your prompt responses and your amazing insight! Calcium and strontium should be taken separately because they compete for absorption and calcium will always win, so your bones will get little benefit from the strontium you take if you are consuming it at the same time as calcium. The question I have is would this lower dosage be a better long-term choice after initial improvements? The prolonged duration of exposure to estrogen, reflected by reproductive history, young age at menarche, late menopausal age and the use of hormone replacement therapy are known to affect risk of breast cancer [1]., https://www.bmj.com/content/322/7302/1566.5 Same rationale: Bone mineral density can be an accurate marker of the bodys response to oestrogen, in that women with higher bone density are thought to be physiologically more sensitive to the hormones effects than women with lower bone density., https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14663777/ The final reference you provided is asserting that BMD should be measured in women with chemotherapy-induced ovarian failure, and in those on aromatase inhibitors. This paper is discussing the fact that treatment for breast cancer causes ovarian failure/early menopause in premenopausal women, depleting estrogen and promoting bone loss. I take a few protein shakes to get the lactoferrin, eat mostly vegetarian (loved your navy bean receipe), try to keep urine in alkaline range. If they are high, this means you are not getting enough vit K2 to activate your osteocalcin and Matrix Gla protein. and not the strontium citrate. Department of Physics, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada. Re their recommendation of impact exercise for the participants in this study, I believe it was reasonable and helpful here are the reasons why. I realize keeping the food diary is a bit of a nuisance, but this is the only way to see what YOU actually need, so it truly is well worth the effort and you only have to do it once unless your eating habits change dramatically. Ive seen the independent lab analysis. Any issues? Any ideas as to why I could be high here? I have been trying to take the Strontium Boost but it gives me headaches. Hi Tyler, This is what each is discussing: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12667548/ this paper is discussing a relationship between estrogen exposure (specifically, in a group of older women, many of whom were on conventional hormone replacement [HRT]), BMD and breast cancer risk. Because our. If any of these critters are present in your digestive tract, which is extremely common, they will co-opt the citrate and use it to fuel their own activities. Im asking because the mineral strontium does not cause these effects, but the citrate provided by Strontium Boost, which is strontium citrate, can if some unfriendly bacteria are present in your digestive tract. In Table 1 from this paper, the researchers looked at the increases in BMD reported with use of Strontium ranelate in the STRATOS and SOTI trials. As I explain in Your Bones, the research indicates that the MK-4 form of K2 must be taken in 3 doses of 15 millligrams each spread throughout the day in the studies, the dosage schedule was every 6-8 hours. PSif you are eating gluten-containing grains, I urge you to consider eliminating them (wheat, barley, rye). You are a brave and intelligent woman! Would love to find a Bastry U. grad here that you guys knew. Neither were there changes of the cohesion properties of the mineral crystals, which exhibited properties of young bone (i.e., low intracrystal distances). [again, areas richer in trabecular bone] Incorporation and distribution of strontium in bone. Hi Yann, I did include the top commonly eaten sources of calcium youll see that many vegetables are good sources of calcium, especially leafy greens, broccoli, etc., as are sesame seeds and tofu. Please do continue to consume calcium the recommended daily intake is 1,200 mg. A long-term treatment with strontium ranelate in intact rats is very safe for bone and improves bone resistance by increasing bone mass and improving architecture while maintaining bone stiffness. So, yes, I would take more vitamin K2. Hi Sylvia, Here is a link to a review of the research I very recently wrote for Longevity Medicine Review (its written for physicians, but you will get the gist of it and you may wish to suggest your doctor read it, so she or he will be aware of the latest findings in the peer-reviewed medical literature http://www.lmreview.com/articles/view/Vitamin-K2-Essential-for-Prevention-of-Age-Associated-Chronic-Disease/. Great questions! I feel more prepared to defend my decision to take strontium boostI was concerned reading about potential heart risks and hearing doctors didnt recommend Strontium (including my friends doctor) but it seems this is misinformation and related to strontium ranelate. If you do decide to reintroduce it, we would suggest trying a half dose (1 capsule) to start. You may have heard about strontiums effects on DEXA bone scan readings. Now, however, Im taking a prophylactic (preventive) dose of 340 milligrams per day, which I also recommended to my husband to help keep his knees healthy, so, at 69 he can keep playing basketball with men half his age. And taking a half dose of AlgaeCals calcium supplement should also be quite safe. M. Hi Marilyn, The current research indicates that the serum CTX is the most reliable of the three, but the NTx is also good and is used frequently. Even if you are avoiding dairy products, if you are eating lots of dark green leafy vegetables you will be getting calcium from these as well. Our dentist is Dr. Carie, and the lead author of a recent paper on mens fish consumption, omega-3 levels and sperm count and activity is named Attaman. I live alone and lost my family. After reading some comments about citrates, some years ago I too Calcium Citrate and ended up with awful heart palpitations and thumping (the only way I know to describe it). My PCP ran some blood tests in September at my request, Vit D, 25-Hydroxy was 35.4, my calcium and PCH was 9.3 and 58. The test is pricey and will not be covered by your insurance, so I would suggest you look into simply taking additional MK-7 I use Life Extensions Super K with Advanced K2 Complex and take 1 capsule AM and 1 capsule PM. Youre so welcome. 2004 Jun-Jul;20(6-7):631-3. Read more about Phytates & Calcium Absorption. One thing I learned was not to eat any calcium rich foods within a couple of hours of taking the strontium citrate. Created by nuclear tests from 1945 to the early 1970s, strontium-90 made its way from the air to . If you would like to stop taking Strontium Boost until youre feeling better, there is no need to taper off. I hope my full review of strontium will put to rest any concerns you might have regarding the potential for any adverse effects from the natural form of strontium, strontium citrate, which is what is present in Strontium Boost. Strontium is the only mineral in our bones that both lowers the rate of bone resorption and increases the rate at which bone is rebuilt. PMID: 25293384 PMCID: PMC4187454. Ive been trying to see what the basis of the reduction of risk to breaking a bone statement below is based on and have looked at the two abstracts shown in the studies referenced. Acta Pharmacol Sin. People with bleeding disorders: NAC can slow blood clotting.Don't take it if you have a bleeding disorder such as hemophilia or Von Willebrand disease. All rights reserved, Bone Mineral Density Increase in Six Months with AlgaeCal, Strontium, AlgaeCal Results in Seven Straight Years of Increased Bone Density, Many people are increasing their intake of plant-bas, Decadent, Bone-Healthy Flourless Chocolate Cake, Velvety, dark, and indulgent, this dessert is a choc, Kidney & Bone Health The Detox Organ Your Bones Rely On, As we grow in years, its time to start paying more . From: What to take to your Doctor about Strontium Citrate: Strontium Supplementation and DEXA Scan Readings This enables more of the live bacteria to survive the acidity in your stomach and make their way to your intestinal tract. Lara. Hi Andrea, If you scan my post on strontium, youll see I discuss several studies done in Canada in which a half dose ( 1 capsule daily) of strontium citrate was used with excellent results. And already you posted the abstract above. Please check the drugs you are taking especially if you are taking more than 1 prescription medication! These findings could reflect dose-dependent stimulation of bone formation and are of potential value for the use of SR in the treatment of osteoporosis. If you carry a source of chronic infection, what can you do to lessen the effects on your joints and bones? Will the strontium interfere with these medications? Indeed the 500 mg of strontium ranelate (used in Meunier study) is equivalent to 170 mg of elemental strontium, and 2 grams of the compound equates to 680 mg of strontium. Too high a dosage promotes bone loss. You are supporting your bone health by taking AlgaeCal Plus along with ensuring your diet is providing adequate calcium from healthful, organic whole foods, such as leafy greens, organic dairy products from grass-fed cows, organic GMO-free soyfoods correct? Medicines are intended to help us live longer and healthier, but taking medicines the wrong way or mixing certain drugs and supplements can be dangerous. It is NOT just calcium, but calcium within the matrix of all the trace minerals required by the sea algae to build its bony structure. In the research, approximately 50% of the increase seen in BMD over 3 years of treatment with strontium was due to strontiums larger size, AND 50% of the increase seen in BMD was accurate. In this study, 176 women over 40 years of age followed one of three different bone-health programs: Plan 1 used a bone-health supplement with vitamin D3 (800 IU), AlgaeCals plant-sourced form of calcium (720 mg), and vitamin K as MK-4 (1.5 mg) for one year. That said, with your levels being in the 80s, the full dose of Strontium Boost should be just fine, however we would still recommend checking this over with your doctor, and continue to monitor these levels for any changes. So, amount of calcium provided by AlgaeCal Plus is 720 mg/day, plus you need to look at your diet to see how much calcium you are typically getting from the foods you eat. I just noticed the warning on the label . I have read some articles about using a lower dose of strontium. cited in the development of their hypothesis, I looked to see if any further research had been published since 2012 to confirm their theory. 2017 Feb;105(2):433-442. doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.35917. But, it might be a positive indication that you are producing a healthy amount of stomach acid, which would enable you to quickly dissolve your supplements for absorption. Hope that helps and that you feel better soon! My husband is Dr. Joseph Pizzorno. I took the strontium citrate via a supplement through Orth Molecular called 0ro Bono. In this study, 10 female volunteers recruited as part of the Ryerson and McMaster University Strontium (Sr) in Bone Research Study had their bone strontium levels measured as they self-supplemented with strontium supplements of their choice (all used strontium citrate) over a 4-year period. No clinically significant changes in a 43-panel blood chemistry test were found, and neither group reported even one adverse effect. No adverse effects. I dont eat dairy or Night Shade vegetables (Im on an anti-inflammatory diet which has helped both the beginnings of arthritis and COPD diagnoses about 4-5 years ago). The only caveat here is if you are on an older anticoagulant medication, in which case you need to work with your doctor to stablize your INR when taking vitamin K. For my post on strontium on AlgaeCal.com, I did review more than 70 studies, but not all the studies I cite there apply specifically to your question about an appropriate maintenance dose of strontium for you. Esomeprazole magnesium may increase the levels of saquinavir in your body. . Osteoblasts: Strontium increases the rate at which these bone-building cells are produced and increases their lifespan My best advice for you is to focus on determining what factors are causing your CKD get rid of them and HEAL. The ability of patients with CKD to clear strontium (and everything else requiring elimination in urine) is compromised. Inflammation, when chronic, promotes destruction of tissue in the joints (thus the osteoarthritis already noted) and activates osteoclasts excessively, increasing the rate of bone turnover. Dialysis fluids may already contain high concentrations of strontium, so not surprisingly, some dialysis patients are known to have elevated bone strontium concentrations and a high strontium/calcium ratio in bone. I was diagnosed with osteopenia & osteoporosis 2 years ago, but I chose not to take the pharmaceutical medication to treat my condition. activate vitamin D (vitamin D is converted into its active, hormonal form which is the form in which vitamin D helps us absorb calcium from the digestive tractin the kidneys) By 120 h, the increase was statistically significant at 0.68 0.07 and 0.93 0.05, respectively. Our bodies have tremendous capacity to heal once the factors that are harming us are removed. Thanks again Linda, Hi Linda, Doctors in our part of the world usually wont talk and discuss the issues much with their patients or bother to reply to their questions even after massive fee that they charge. This is in agreement with the findings available in the literature., the frequent bone Sr measurements in all subjects show that the Sr signal is higher in the ankle (primarily trabecular bone) than in the finger (primarily cortical bone), which is in agreement with literature findings that different bone sites will show different bone Sr concentrations.. Id appreciate your response to these concerns. It was very informative. With my steroid issues, do you think the strontium is my best hope. (For more info on this, heres a link to Mayo Clinics discussion of thumb arthritis: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/thumb-arthritis/symptoms-causes/syc-20378339). I hope this information is helpful to you and encourages you to give AlgaeCal a try. Is there any validity to this statement? But natto has a very strong smell and a slimy texture and most westerners dont like it. OPG is a decoy for RANKL and binds to RANK, decreasing osteoclast production; strontium increases OPG production. PLEASE ANY IFO WOULD BE GREAT SHES SCARED AND HEARTBOKEN, Hello Amanda, The information on Algaecal sounds good, but I would like to hear a recommendation fom someone besides the people selling the product. Every woman in my family whom I know about for many generations back died from osteoporosis I am the poster child for risk for this disease, but have managed to beat it by learning what my bones need and supplying it. Strontium primarily deposits in trabecular bone. The issue is not bone mineral density, but the bodys exposure to estrogens when they are being metabolized into pro-inflammatory, potentially carcinogenic derivatives. Here is an animal (rat) study showing strontium improves bone quality as well as BMD: J Bone Miner Res. So Im here to set the record straight, Having reviewed the published research on the different forms of strontium: natural strontium, the strontium ranelate drug, along with the radioactive form of strontium, I can confidently assure you that the natural form of strontium, strontium citrate, is a safe and effective bone health supporter. Normal range per her information is 10.0 to 45.0 ng/ml. In the in vitro research, AlgaeCal produced 200 400% greater proliferation and mineralization of osteoblasts (bone building cells) than did calcium carbonate or citrate. ), egg products (e.g., Egg beaters, powdered eggs), seafood, and candy (including chocolate). topic. After reading a number of the papers Chen LJ et al. I skipped the strontium for 2 nights and I felt like my normal self. I would be interested to learn of any further research on Lactoferrin and its positive effects on bone building. Otherwise, the medication may lose its effect. I will be getting a dexa scan in a couple of months. I will be having a DEXA scan next month to determine if the strontium citrate and algae cal plus that I presently take have been effective in increasing my bone density. Meunier, P. J., Roux, C., Seeman, E., Ortolani, S., Badurski, J. E., Spector, T. D., You can learn more about our human clinical trials HERE. In research studies, hair loss has never been reported as a side effect of natural strontium salts (such as the strontium citrate in Strontium Boost). AlgaeCal is a pure algae product / for Aquamin, *80% of material brought on to the large dredgeing ship is discarded as impure Perhaps more importantly, strontium has been shown to reduce fracture risk independent of bone density scores. Magnesium may increase the levels of saquinavir in your body beaters, eggs. Psif you are eating gluten-containing grains, i would take more vitamin K2 from 1945 to the early 1970s strontium-90... 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why take strontium on empty stomach