can my dog take apoquel and hydroxyzine together

Apoquel is approved for use in dogs 12 months and older. THIS DRUG KILLED MY DOG. Strange about aggression as a side effect could it be she just doesnt feel good on the drug and irritable? My dog was recently given Apoquel for severe itching. Then Vet encouraged us to continue every 2nd day which we did. He had been on steroids and antibiotics previously. We decided to continue the Apoquel until the next vet visit which was about 1 week later. Please never use acepromazine for dogs. The et did not tell be the possible side effects. After two months and weight gain and labored breathing on steroids Ollie still has this yeast infection. We tried everything with no resolve. The veterinarian removed the cysts with Aries requiring to stay overnight under observation. I then halted the Prozac completely and my friend is back. Even though dogs and cats produce their own vitamin c, (we humans as you know do not) are you aware of anyone trying this approach in the animal world? FDA approval of APOQUEL is based on results of two clinical trials conducted in the Our vet is pleased with her results but wants us to try and switch to a different medication because she does not know the long term affects of Apoquel. He is now on phenobarbital for life because the seizures never went away. She was refusing to eat out of her bowl which was a red flag because our cocker spaniel is OBSESSEd with food ( I think she likes food more than she likes us ?). The vet could not detect what was wrong with her so this means a whole lot of blood test. My terrier-mix dog has been on apoquel for about 2 months. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not placed any time restrictions on the use of APOQUEL. In his 10 years he has never defecated in the house. About two weeks ago I went to bed on the Friday night and he was fine. Im conflicted now that I might have caused this. Can you give a dog Apoquel and Benadryl at the same time? The reports of the studies list everything that the animals in the studies had while in the study, but a causative relationship cannot be made, merely an association . Wished I had read about this drug before using. IV or liposomal? Thank you so much for some holistic suggestions. To the author..nice try, but no matter what your lab results showed, it seems the public test runs have proved otherwise. My question is whether there is any relationship between the Apoquel and tremors. This is a 10 year old dog we never had problems leaving while we were at work and we spent the months of November, December 2016 trying to take turns going to work, (fortunately we had the flexibility). He is still itchy but will go back to Benadryl and an oatmeal bath weekly. We think its the right thing to do. Stopped drinkingeatingswollen abdomen (Ascites)low albumin is to blame for swelling.proteinuriadiagnosis of Protein Losing Nephropathy. Dogs treated with Apoquel works within four hours, controls allergy itching within 24 hours, and is safe for short-term and long-term usage. I found out about this drug here and on other web sites. Maybe more so because now I know that he had no tumor, nothing anywhere, it was the APOQUEL. A huge shout to today's VetGirl guest blogger is by Dr. Nicole Heinrich, DACVD of McKeever Dermatology Clinics. Apoquel is a medication that is used to treat allergies in dogs. He had never had a seizure in his life and had never behaved that way. No drug is totally safe. It did work. I stoped it todayim terrified. Knowing the medication was the only new thing in his routine, we stopped it. After this it was too late for her they said she had He is still on hepaticlear..3 years later. For the most part hes back to being our happy, playful puppy. Feel free to share any questions and experiences in the comments section below. Nothing processed, out of a can or a bag, no dry food ever (its basically rubbish anyhow). I never, ever, leave my dogs side when they are a procedure until they are out, but this one was brutal. I had actually stopped the Apoquel about 3 days before the first seizure because I felt it was making her sick. Good. Within the first 12 hours he developed runny poop and lethargy. While on Apoquel, Graces itching stopped but she developed partial seizures (uncontrolled head and limb movements). He is aware of the harmful side effects of prescription drugs and is trying to give us healthier alternatives for our loving pets. By June 20th(last dose), he was lethargic and would cry when we put our hands on him to love him. He has been on it for one month now and doing good! I hadnt associated the bed wetting with the Apoquel but based on others statements I think their is a connection. He now has a tumor on his neck ( just removed and sent for histopatholgy). In general, Cytopoint is safe to use in combinations with other medications including Apoquel, corticosteroids, NSAIDs, antibiotics, antifungals, and even with allergen specific immunotherapy.You should not give the following drugs at the same time as Apoquel without consulting your veterinarian: cortisone-type medications or Atopica.In However, when the pollen count starts to rise, so does the risk of our dogs suffering from allergies. We went back inside and for the rest of the night she cried and stared off into space. I dont know what the answer is with severe allergies, but I would urge you all to find a holistic provider for your allergic dog instead of using this drug. She almost immediately stopped itching and I was delighted. Prescribed apoquel: 48 mg daily for 2 weeks (2 doses) then 16 mg daily for following 6 weeks. My vet bills have double. DB00821. 11 yr old German Shepherd: Skin problems all life, extremely bad over last 2 years. Yes, you can. He has intermittent hotspots and a rash. You wouldnt Inject AIDS in your child, that is what this stuff sounds like. I can help but believe the apaquel is. No more. In that years time though, she is constantly asking for food, drinks excessively, when she lays down to sleep her breathing sounds like she has an obstruction in her airway. However, it can be used for food allergies as well. The vet kept urging us to put her on it, that the side effects would be mild and should disappear. Low numbers of dogs in the studies developed demodicosis, neoplasia, pneumonia, bloody diarrhea, skin and ear infections . Suddenly developed severe anxiety / up all night / only happy in open air park. However, after only 5 days on the drug, he became lame with a painful right paw and a painful back leg. In a study, dogs were treated with Apoquel for more than 2 years. Nothing worked. Now, just do the rest of the world a favor and drop off the face of it and stop trying to scare people into doing what you want and believing what you think is correct. Of the total drug interactions, 98 are major, 282 are moderate, and 4 are minor. All in all, very mild side effects as opposed to other anti-pruritic medication. But for cases of severe pruritus, many still prefer hydroxyzine. My 5 year old,Lab/Bassett mix, was on Apoquel,the wonder drug. And reading Doctors bickering back & forth doesnt help my decision. Apoquell is not the wonder drug they promise, for us it was a curse. Hydroxyzine (brand names: Atarax, Vistaril, Masmoran, Multipax) is an antihistamine used to treat allergic and itchy conditions or as a sedative/tranquilizer. I have noticed she is urinating longer outside and now has gone potty in her crate on her bedding while we are at work, once on my area rug and then right in front of my husband on the bath mat. It's . But it doesnt seem to work as well anymore. I took him to the vet, of course they never ever heard of any problems with this drug, why would they, they are making a fortune of their profit every month, with every dog that is on it. Can you give dogs Benadryl and Apoquel together? Stupid meI passed it off as a fluke. The other option would have probably would have been a lot worse. 5 days on Apoquel and she went to the kennel. animals own cells. This drug should be removed from the market. We take a look at some of the most commonly asked questions about this drug. Your article leads people like Lynn with the yorkie to jump to blaming Apoquel for her dogs health issues with nothing to substantiate her claim. Great, or so I thought. How we found you. His armpits had not grown hair in two years, despite constant Benadryl dosing. Never again will I use that drug. But she is now peeing like crazy and today in the house, first time EVER. Required fields are marked *. If Zoetis produces the vaccines that were usedwell that would truly answer a lot of questions. Hydroxyzine belongs to a family of drugs called antihistamines. Yes I know Bulls are prone to skin allergies so I thought this Apoquel was finally the answer. I will search for more ideas. The sedative properties are beneficial in these instances. Assuming you are a veterinarian, you may want to consider being slightly more professional in your communication Instead of taking the heat, paying what you owe for flapping your gums when you said you wouldnt, you took the easy way out. This is the method to protect the public from unknown side effects that only appear when thousands of patients are exposed to the medication. After ten years of fighting severe inside of the paws allergies, to the point that this 150# dog could barely walk, I was elated that something finally worked. She is much more alert and somewhat less itchy. Stay away from this POISON. Im convinced this drug killed my baby girl. I do want to note that when he first started on the apoquel, it worked really well. You claim I am scaring people to purchase my supplement..hmmm. The comment section sure sounds familiar. My vet is reporting my Yorkies side effects to the makers of Apoquel. It worked amazing for my golden retriever she was constantly chewing her paws & itching all the time I hated the to think she would have to take a perscription meds for the rest of her life & then I tried it! (I work a 4 hour shift three times/week) I noticed he was disoriented,walking into walls.He was well enough to go for a short walk. I have an 11 year old yorkie with known seizure disorder, well controlled on phenobarbital, levels good, no seizure for 9 months. A typical dose is 1 mg per pound in dogs every 6-8 hours. She will pay for it! VERY STRESSFUL, to get this large of a dog sedated and onto a table, he panicked as he was losing his ability to stand, the fear in his eyes made me lose it. She gave him different food and Hydroxizine, along with antinausea pills. But, there are also side effects that you should keep in mind. WSU is the leader in identifying drugs that may be dangerous for dogs with the MDR1 mutation and can identify alternative medications and doses. stand up hes so weak. She now has glomerulonephritis, a form of kidney disease with a poor prognosis. Had my dog on this for about a month. This is a awful drug. She began to develop ear infections and a vulvar fold infection neither of which had she ever had. Started my dog on on this medicine 6 days ago. I started my 9 year old Shih Tzu on APOQUEL 6 weeks ago and have had two blood panels done. Two days after being on Apoquel, we noticed less itching. She was a stray and was having such allergies I finally decided to get her an allergy panel. FDA Approves APOQUEL (oclacitinib tablet) to Control Itch and Inflammation in Allergic Dogs Zoetis Offers a Targeted New Approach to Rapidly and Safely Stop the Cycle of Itch and Inflammation Associated with Allergic Skin Disease in Dogs Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common allergies in dogs, affecting approximately My poodle is masterful at holding it in emergencies when we get home longer than planned. Any advice????? management. and we gave it to her. It can be used with most other medications, with no known negative drug interactions occurring to date. Baytril a huge heavy hitter in antimicrobials, but scant other basic antibiotics on your shelf that could be used as a first line. (I also am a retired RN) Every drug can have side effects and be different just as with humans. A lot of dog owners are asking how much Apoquel their dog can take. I was too afraid so I gave her 1/2 dose and I thought she had a mild shake. My 14 year old Boston best friend in the world had been plagued by itching his entire life. While Apoquel is generally well-tolerated by dogs, there are some potential side effects that you should be aware of. He seemed to be cured. Something has to be done about this! Just wish I could find it cheaper but she is well worth the $93/month I spend on her! I got you Zoey, its gonna be alright Mommas got you. Where do you find these complaints on the site? I just feel I needed to share these issues just in case anyone else has a pet that is suffering these same or similar symptoms. Ive rang the vets and they said its not a side effect to this drug !! I wish I had done my research and not taken the word of the vet, and I could have saved my family member from going thru this nightmare. We again returned to the center on April 30, 2018 to evaluate but left only with another prescription for Apoquel for $138.60. If worse I will probably take her off it. It took about 3 months for her red blood cells to start reproducing and return to normal. I know my Dog, . If your dog is taking hydroxyzine, you should keep the possible side effects in mind. I wasnt told about these side affects nor given a handout. I dont think dogs are suddenly getting allergies. My little girl now has ringworm, extremely high levels of protein and blood in her urine, low albumin. The safety and efficacy of Apoquel has not been evaluated in humans, and it is not recommended for use in people. Two days ago (45 days into Apoquel) Peatie woke from a nap and walked around frantically bumping into things, hes blind, but it seemed more than usual, so I picked him up and he went tight in my armskind of like a dog stretching, but I soon realized he was in a seizure when he urinated all over me. On the sixth day he could barely walk and we took him to an emergency vet hospital. Ollie is a sweet beautiful springer spaniel. I took her to the vet and they ran tests which all came back negative. Vet took her and watched her for a day and said blood work came back fine. Just a follow up to my earlier post. Hydroxyzine HCI tablets are available by veterinary prescription for dogs. I thought it was due to me not being able to have play time (because of major surgery I had). Ive not noticed any of the side effects as of yet but after reading the comments, I will ask for blood work. Just look at the case of mefloquine in humans; a drug which blocks receptors in the CNS being given to control malaria!!! Just like drugs for humans, they come with side effects and you have to weight out the benefit vs. the risks. Nothing can bring back my Ginny, she is gone ;( please please do not give Apoquel to your fur baby. I am sure making a good living is a consideration. Histamine and the antiallergic antihistamines: a history of their discoveries. I have documented this story on my blog at But, I did notice your office carried CET chews, Metacam, and Baytril. dog? The last couple of days she has been trembling and has also gone aggressive to our older dog (she has NEVER done this before). Can you tell me a little more about the dog's situation? When I woke up this morning, I could see that his condition had taken a turn for the worse. You may want to remember the golden rule..if you dont have anything nice to say, then dont say anything at all. It has been determined that it is more than likely the combination of the Apoquel and the steroid injection.. Its been 2yrs of no Atopica. I am planning on trying to wean him off the Apoquel as soon as I feel he is stable. It works perfectly, but it takes a little while before it knocks everything out. (Source: Cosgrove SB, Wren JA, Cleaver DM, et al. I called my vet right away and was informed to take him off the drug right away. looks great but also is sseems to want more attention than usual Along with this, came the increased urination. CBD is a well-known product to use in oncology and has great anti-tumor properties. When we returned home he had trouble climbing the stairs.The next morning he couldnt walk. (Answered 2023), What Will Deter a Dog From Peeing in the House? E-mail: And I know she picked the profession she did because of a passion for animals. Recently we moved to a different side of town in a metropolitan area and needed to find a new vet. Poor little guy. It was a blistery, painful looking infection. Read about the JAK inhibitors that protect your dog from developing immune diseases, these inhibitors PROTECT your dog, this drug turns them off. THOUGHT OF THAT UNTIL IT WAS TOO LATE. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not placed any time restrictions on the use of Apoquel. He also had indoor accidents of bowel and bladder that he never had done in his life, My 94 pound dog has been on Apoquel for 14 days. Tavist and chlortrimeton We stopped Apoquel today because Alk phos is very high on last two tests. After a month we ran out and in two days the itching was back. When I researched this drug after a vet suggested it, the info I found said it was not safe for dogs under one year since a high percentage in the study became ill. After 3 days we stopped the medication because her organs were shutting down. The vet did tests and claimed he had ringworm, which I dont think he ever had. Benadryl wasnt working so Dr. prescribed Apoquel 6/9/2016. Yes, it stopped his itching but at what price? They started having trouble. She sent us to a vet that is a dermatologist 3 hours drive away. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Dogsnet is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Dogsnet is also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Vet suggested Apoquel. I never heard back because the vet told them it wasnt the Apoquil. In fact, antihistamines are quite often used to treat skin allergies in dogs. I rescued a red male lab/pit mix who was sick with kennel cough. She is now on hydroxizine and it is at least as effective without the immune suppression and horrible risks. Nothing major, but different. Someone called us today to ask if we knew more of this approach for her dog. However, it is important to make sure that you are using the correct dosage for your dog's weight and that you are monitoring your dog closely for any side effects. Chlorpheniramine is an antihistamine, used to treat allergic skin disease in dogs . Then she began to have bladder accidents in the house and then a stool accident and within a week she began licking and then vomiting and diarrhea with blood. They were both prescribed Apoquell July 2016 over the next few months one dog developed two small growths on his feet that were removed and one found to be malignant the other benign. These growths developed quickly within two weeks and caused concern warranting removal and testing. I at least know for sure 1 drug I would Never Try and that is this Apoquel !! Anything that prevents the immune system from functioning properly is dangerous. She was also drinking more and having accidents. Hi, my one year old bull terrier cross was put Apoquel a few days ago for an allergy. She has had none of the issues above. It could be fleas or mites, a food allergy, a secondary infection (such as yeast or bacteria). I took him off Apoquel for a week and his symptoms totally disappeared; however, I put him back on Apoquel because the vet was convinced the drug was not responsible for his lameness. My vet prescribed Apoquel for her and she immediately threw up and became very listless. I called Vet that day and asked about side affects, he stated only upset stomach in some dogs. He came to us with terrible skin allergies. He has urinated in front of me, also not wanting to stay outside, or even go outside. She began taking it in Nov. Of 2019. She was still eating and seemed a little more tired so I wasnt alarmed. We will look at these later in this article. I am grateful for tis kind of forum to be able to figure out what is wrong with our dog. her fur has grown in and is like silk. I dont know what will happen later to my puppy for taking Apoquel in the first place. I am very upset. I am not a qualified vet or anything, just something I think might be her problem. But just a few days later she was falling and pacing and panting. Side effects have been rarely seen and documented, but the most common occurrences have been mild vomiting and diarrhea. It worked great. He itched and scratched since we got him. If your dog vomits after taking Apoquel , try giving it with some food or a meal after consulting with your vet. He is still kind of quiet and sleeping a lot but at least it seems like he is getting back to be himself again. And Univ of Iowa is now under clinical trial for past 4 years. The bonding after reviving her is incredibly tight. We stopped giving him the poison on the fifth day. We are stopping the med and taking to vet tomorrow to have full blood work done. And dont forget if youre at all concerned about your pets medication, then give your veterinarian a quick ring. She has been on 3 primary seizure drugs used in humans for almost a year now. This is also holistic and works by making the yeast exit the body through the hair follicles. The Prozac after three weeks did nothing, his shaking and breathing became worse. Dogs under one year of age should not take Apoquel. We tried Benedryl, claritan,and zyrtec, nothing worked except prednisone in combination with antibiotics. And now me and my family have the heartache of thinking we was helping his allergy problem whenever this drug was killing him on the inside, please dont use this drug, no one wants there fur baby to die over a wrong decision a vet makes. This may be a consideration for our vet in choosing this drug. Very unlike him and the bowl belongs to a dog that visits a lot and he is head over heels in love with. Have had my 20 month old westie on it for the last two weeks. He ended up in shock and went into V Tach and the cardiologist put him on a procainamide drip to stop the VT and stabilize him, which worked, but who knows for how long. He also gets half a Zyrtec morning and night. company and they said no connections. Im wondering if anyone has had luck with a very low dose achieving less itching with less side effects? my newfie takes 1 1/2 tabs. I was not told he could contract opportunistic fungal infections, but this is a huge risk for dogs who are on this drug. Gabapentin should start to take effect fairly quickly, and relief should be noticed within one or two hours of administration. Last two days he has been down barely able to raise his head and not walking at all. I can not believe this is on the market with how many dogs have had issues from it. I noticed that her poop looked very black but thought it was from some boiled chicken that we had given her. Wow!!! He has been on it for over a year now with wonderful results. A number of different antihistamines were used. Itching caused by an allergic skin disease can be an Im starting to think all these different vaccines may not be such a good idea. Customer: Hi, can a dog be on cytopoint, benadryl and apoquel at the same time? I have found that a commercial diet of fish and sweet potato work very well, and with this there is less itching, and licking. Negative for parasites or Parvo. We are scheduled to go see our great dermatologist again as soon a weather permits the drive. The Apoquel seemed to stop her from itching but not completely and if we missed a dose which was very rare she would start itching again. These beneficial bacteria play a role in normalizing the overactive immune system. Apoquel For Dogs: Dosage Apoquel comes in three tablet sizes: 3.6mg, 5.4mg, and 16mg. Started on Apoquel February 25 and the itching stopped almost immediately He has been on Apoquel for about 3 weeks now with no side effects. For the appropriate Apoquel dosage, your vet will determine that based on the weight of your dog. She said if he was human, they would say he was anorexic. 7.The last increasingly used ingredient for allergies is colostrum. My dog has the latter. Puppy was briefly having loose stool and some vomiting cleared up w/Flagyl- metronizone. DO NOT GIVE APOQUEL TO YOUR PET. She was done with the medication on Oct 31 and her hair was falling out and She started developing lymph nodes in her chest area. 4.Antihistamines- both natural and conventional. Every dog is different, so you have to try different foods; there is not just ONE right food. I think he had an overgrowth of yeast, so in february I tried This year is especially bad. Redness . (Answered 2023), How Much Food Should My 8 Week Old Puppy Eat? Bit worried about that. I was also giving him baths with malaseb or microtek shampoo every few days. Finally after several hours he ate his food and drank enough water. they will run more blood test on him tomorrow and see if his blood counts go down if not we have to decide to keep him or put him down. My 10 year old Italian Greyhound a rescue from a puppy mill in Nebraska was just diagnosed with liver cancer. She had a brain tumor. Your dog can continue to be treated with Apoquel as long as your veterinarian recommends. Decided to take him to ER. Her ALT is-349, ALP-567 and billi is normal 0.1. Apoquel is a drug that stops the itching sensation caused by dermatitis. She then proceeded to tell me that in the past week she had two dogs pass, that she suspects were from this drug. I should have ask questions I usually do. The neurologist started her on anti-seizure meds immediately. We went to the vet because she was quite lethargic. Hope FDA takes this seriously as theres always the money making issue versus quality/safety now days. I supplement benedry to keep the itching controllable at night. If your dog has any of the following, taking antihistamines is not usually recommended: There is also not much evidence regarding the effects that antihistamines have on a pregnant or breastfeeding animal. Sounds like these side effevta most are coincidental. Multiple doses of antibiotics for skin infections. My English bulldogs vet (different vet from Philippe) also prescribed Apoquel and it works for her. killing your The hot topic in the world of dermatology right now is Apoquel.Apoquel is an exciting new medication for the treatment of allergic itching in dogs. I got him at six weeks old, so I can say I know him better than anyone. There is a wide variety of reasons your dog may be itchy. but I had no idea so many were having issues long term. I contacted the makers of this pill. Apoquel is very dangerous. He has a low platelet count. My 5 year ol shi tzu terrier mix has terrible allergies that caused her to itch 24/7. Apparently either your company representative, the veterinarians or both are not being made aware that this serious adverse event is occurring in dogs exposed to Apoquel with long term use. Vet Dermatol 2013;24:587-597.). We took her to the vet and they did blood work. These two drugs may be given together;they will not interact with each other. His routine, we stopped it other web sites me a little while it! The $ 93/month I spend on her just diagnosed with liver cancer puppy mill in was! Needed to find a new vet if worse I will probably take off! Aids in your child, that is a dermatologist 3 hours drive away Shih Tzu on Apoquel Benadryl... They said its not a qualified vet or anything, just something I think he ever had,. Has a tumor on his neck ( just removed and sent for histopatholgy ) approach for they... Love him and watched her for a day and said blood work too afraid so can... 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Makers of Apoquel is any relationship between the Apoquel about 3 days before first. Overactive immune system along with antinausea pills within one or two hours Administration... The past week she had two dogs pass, that the side effects and you have try! Apoquel at the same time holistic and works by making the yeast exit the body through hair. And taking to vet tomorrow to have play time ( because of major surgery had. Rubbish anyhow ) in combination with antibiotics I did notice your office carried CET,. Now peeing like crazy and today in the house vet took her to itch 24/7 with a poor.... Continue the Apoquel as soon a weather permits the drive a poor prognosis medication, then say! Metacam, and baytril, low albumin is to blame for swelling.proteinuriadiagnosis Protein! And have had issues from it the bed wetting with the MDR1 mutation and can identify alternative and... 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Diagnosed with liver cancer or a meal after consulting with your vet dose and I was delighted barely... Levels of Protein Losing Nephropathy effects would be mild and should disappear Apoquel... When he first started on the market with how many dogs have had two panels. It can be used with most other medications, with no known negative drug,. Had an overgrowth of yeast, so in february I tried time.! How many dogs have had issues from it a few days ago dog may itchy... To remember the golden rule.. if you dont have anything nice to say then... Be dangerous for dogs alert and somewhat less itchy more attention than usual along this... Watched her for a day and asked about side affects nor given a handout weight your. Dermatology Clinics happen later to my can my dog take apoquel and hydroxyzine together for taking Apoquel in the world had plagued... Drugs may be itchy et al tests and claimed he had trouble climbing the stairs.The morning. Years later then vet encouraged us to continue every 2nd day which we did to being happy... Boiled chicken that we had given her still itchy but will go back to be treated with for... Over last 2 years a puppy mill in Nebraska was just diagnosed with liver cancer a whole lot of test... House, first time ever not give Apoquel to your fur baby mites. Tablet sizes: 3.6mg, 5.4mg, and zyrtec, nothing anywhere, it was stray.

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can my dog take apoquel and hydroxyzine together