government officials involved in human trafficking 2021

Burma Switzerland Antigua and Barbuda Our bodies are lying in alleys and warehouses unnoticed; we are pawns in a system that doesnt care about us. In addition to GNA-aligned units, others, including the self-styled Libyan National Army, have engaged in the recruitment and use of child soldiers. The human trafficking of Iranian women and girls has become one of the country's main social crises. This years Trafficking in Persons Report sends a strong message to the world that global crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and enduring discriminatory policies and practices, have a disproportionate effect on individuals already oppressed by other injustices. The Department of State assesses that immense social and economic insecurity caused by the current conflict is the primary driver for the ongoing unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers in Libya. Morocco Employ a third-party reviewer to assess the organizations integration of survivor leadership and trauma-informed approaches. Business owners and landlords pressured individuals to take out loans in exchange for cheap labor or commercial sexual exploitation. Because of this increased vulnerability, establishing and maintaining child-friendly spaces is critical to prioritize during the pandemic; they can even be a safe place where children learn about public health protections such as social distancing, mask wearing, and proper hygiene. International Military Education and Training $155,282 In the absence of a political settlement, the war in Libya will continue to destabilize the broader region, creating space for violent extremists to regroup. Each year, the Department of State honors individuals around the world who have devoted their lives to the fight against human trafficking. Rumors and theories that a global cabal of politicians and celebrities are exploiting children, that companies selling furniture or other high-priced items online are also selling missing children, or that phishing texts are tricking people into human trafficking schemes are all unfounded and perpetuate false narratives about the realities of human trafficking. The official explained, "The 2022 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report covered government efforts undertaken during the reporting period from April 1, 2021, through March 31, 2022." The US Embassy and Department of State are coordinating counter-trafficking in TT through three key programs, according to the embassy spokesperson. 65 allegations were made against military, police, and civilian personnel. In his sixth and final State of the Nation Address (SONA), Duterte said he thought that curbing the illegal drug trade would be no different from the drug war he waged in his hometown in Davao City. Do you get to choose to be abused in a society where death is the alternative? The rebels kidnapped and took Salih and his peers to the Houthi home base. The UN and the CJTF, with the support of the government, have since identified and formally separated over 1,700 children, including 894 in May 2019. Angola Global AIDS Coordinator and Global Health Diplomacy, Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs, Special Representative for Syria Engagement, U.S. Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Office of the U.S. We are the unwanted, the forgotten, the lost kids of the streets that no one misses or looks for. The importance of proactive response and crisis mitigation planning to anti-trafficking activities. Survivor-led and Survivor-informed Solutions. In February 2021, Bemaka-Soui spearheaded and oversaw the launch of the governments first radio campaign to raise awareness about human trafficking in the local language of Sango, thereby allowing the government to reach key communities. Cuba Two police officers were charged in December 2021 under the TIP Act, the Children Act and the Anti-Gang act for their role in the illegal entry of a Venezuelan migrant who was later proved to be a victim of human trafficking. Living in abandoned places meant our cars were taken, we were mugged, we had our modest apartments broke intolife was hard. In June 2020, Mexico secured its first trafficking in persons conviction from a virtual court session; however, the risk of traffickers and other abusers intercepting victims phone calls, text messages, or other forms of communication has been heightened in a remote environment in which victims and prosecutorial investigators are unable to develop a relationship. Under the unparalleled leadership and direction of Khassanova, Sana Sezim continues to provide access to justice for victims of trafficking by building the organizational capacity of civil society organizations and the judicial system to combat trafficking in persons. Chaiszar Turner Substantial changes in financial situations, such as the reduction of wages and work hours, closure of workplaces, rising unemployment, and reduced remittances, coupled with the rise in costs of living and disruptions to social safety networks, created newly precarious situations for those not previously vulnerable and even more precarious situations for those who were already at risk of exploitation. In that project, the embassy partners with the Office of the Prime Minister Gender and Child Affairs Ministry, and the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services with the objective of strengthening and expanding support services to victims of trafficking. It is undeniably essential for governments to execute effective, coordinated public health responses to prevent further loss of life and economic damage as a result of the pandemic. Sint Maarten Years of studies, data, and the direct knowledge of those with lived experience of human trafficking demonstrate that systemic racism undercuts the intended goals of prosecuting traffickers, protecting those victimized, and preventing human trafficking in significant ways. In many of these cases, children may simply have no other trusted adults actively engaged in their lives. This content often becomes viral on mainstream social media platforms, taking advantage of well-intentioned members of the public, including those who want to take action to make a difference. On World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released new resources aimed at combatting human trafficking and supporting victims. This process includes evaluating programs and policies with humility and commitment to change wherever possible, even where those changes will be difficult to implement. Carla M. Bury Police officers, immigration officers, customs officers and coast guard officers were also included in the extensive network of traffickers of humans in TT. Another manifestation of human trafficking occurs when a governmental armed group (including police or other security forces), paramilitary organization, rebel group, or other non-state armed group unlawfully recruits or uses childrenthrough force, fraud, or coercionas combatants or in support roles. Anisha Choubey Evidence collection for trafficking investigations remained a significant problem, the report said. Salih still suffers from hearing loss due to explosions and airstrikes. This page shows a sample country narrative. Human trafficking continues to be a critical threat to Black communities. For example, IOM has developed resources for its staff to incorporate anti-trafficking into its own work in humanitarian and other emergency settings. Turkey Although some children may legally engage in certain forms of work, forcing or coercing children to work remains illegal. Crystal Hill The limited U.S. military assistance to Cameroon plays a role in its ability to support regional stability and security, including in the strategically important Gulf of Guinea, and to address the threat in the Lake Chad region from Boko Haram and ISIS-West Africa. The United States provides targeted assistance to strengthen key Libyan institutions and build security capacity, promote political reconciliation, and increase Libyas capacity to stand on its own through more effective governance. Kathleen Vogel Tier 1 represents a responsibility rather than a reprieve. The government of the country should make serious and sustained efforts to eliminate severe forms of trafficking in persons. PKO-funded assistance to Nigeria includes AGI advisory support to increase Nigerian Air Force effectiveness and reduce civilian harm; advisory support for Nigerian military intelligence institutions; development of a Fast-Rope Insertion and Extraction System; and Civil-Military Operations training. Further, judicial officials postponed prosecutions and court proceedings due to delays in investigations, efforts to maintain safe social distancing regulations, and focus on competing priorities. Kuwait There were and continue to be survivor-led and -informed innovative solutions not only to ensure the continuation of anti-trafficking efforts but also to promote safety and security during the pandemic. Treat them as more than the trauma they have experienced and foster their strengths so, if they desire, they could successfully run the organization or get a job in the field of their choice. Latvia Section 402 of the Child Soldiers Prevention Act, as amended (CSPA) requires publication in the annual TIP Report of a list of foreign governments identified during the previous year as having governmental armed forces, police, or other security forces, or government-supported armed groups that recruit or use child soldiers, as defined in the CSPA. Peru These spaces, which can be a separate room or even just a corner of a regular interview room, are typically located in existing structures such as police stations or hospitals and are administered by the government or an NGO. Children should receive immediate support and assistance in a safe and comfortable setting that is not intimidating or retraumatizing. Israel IMET funding will be used to build capacity within the Republic of Yemen Government (ROYG) military by sending selected military officers for the United States for non-technical training. The CTU also reported challenges in obtaining, preserving and authenticating other evidence such as using cell phones, or financial data to corroborate trafficking network affiliations to add charges under existing and money-laundering laws.. If there is one thing we have learned in the last year, it is that human trafficking does not stop during a pandemic. Description and Amount of Assistance Provided Pursuant to a Waiver. Many of us are sexually assaulted by family, peers in schools, our ministers, or coaches. Uruguay If a separate room is not available, a child-friendly corner of a larger interview room can also serve as a designated section that is welcoming to children. The Secretary-General has institutionalized mechanisms to continue engagement and cohesion across the United Nations system, and prioritized leadership accountability relating to sexual exploitation and abuse through mandated action plans and personal certifications. Croatia Efforts to reform the kafala system and develop non-exploitative policies would benefit from input and recommendations from survivors who experienced forced labor under this system. The President has determined that it is in the U.S. national interest to waive in part the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to South Sudan to allow for provision of PKO assistance and has certified that the Government of South Sudan is taking effective and continuing steps to address the problem of child soldiers. Jamaica The purpose element in every sex trafficking case is the same: to engage in a commercial sex act. St. Vincent and the Grenadines Whether the government of the country monitors immigration and emigration patterns for evidence of severe forms of trafficking in persons and whether law enforcement agencies of the country respond to any such evidence in a manner that is consistent with the vigorous investigation and prosecution of acts of such trafficking, as well as with the protection of human rights of victims and the internationally recognized human right to leave any country, including ones own, and to return to ones own country. Since the signing of the action plan in 2017, the UN has not reported any further use of children by the CJTF. The Department of Defense intends to re-engage with and build the capacity of the Libyan armed forces under 10 U.S.C. According to UNODC, migrant workers whose plans were disrupted by COVID-19 travel restrictions, either to travel home or to the workplace, were likely to have already paid recruitment fees or travel costs, placing them at risk of debt bondage. U.S. and global data show human traffickers disproportionately target those in positions of socioeconomic or political vulnerability due to discriminatory policies, who are often people of color or part of a racial minority. This must include coming to terms with our role in having perpetuated violence and dehumanized people, and we must work to right these past wrongs. The 2022 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report covered government efforts undertaken during the reporting period from April 1, 2021, through March 31, 2022, the spokesman said. Desire Suo Weymont Doing so allowed the organization to continue connecting with potential trafficking victims, now hidden in private apartments and clandestine areas instead of clubs and brothels, which had been ordered to close due to the lockdown along with all other public spaces. Pennsylvania State Universitys Center for Global Worker Rights and the Worker Rights Consortium reported that this resulted in shutdowns of thousands of factories in producing countries that sent home millions of factory workers, often without legally mandated pay. Yet, despite the added challenges and risks that the pandemic has presented, we have also witnessed the adaptability among those continuing to combat human trafficking and their dedication to ensuring the continuation of anti-trafficking efforts to minimize the effects of the pandemic on victims and the broader anti-trafficking community. Macau Child-friendly spaces have traditionally been used in refugee camps or after natural disasters, but increasingly those in the anti-trafficking field are using them to provide comprehensive assistance and support to child trafficking victims in other settings. Julie Hicks Ibusuki not only has represented trafficking victims, many of whom participated in Japans Technical Intern Training Program, but also has been an outspoken advocate about the presence of forced labor in the program. PKO funding may also support Cameroons maritime security capabilities to combat piracy, a growing regional economic threat. Heather Fisher Takiyah Golden The chart below shows the Ratification, Accession (a), or Acceptance (A) of relevant international conventions for those countries that have ratified, acceded to, or accepted any such conventions between April 2020 and March 2021. Effective risk mitigation and management plans should responsibly incorporate survivor-informed, trauma-informed, and victim-centered approaches to meet the needs of survivors and minimize the chances of re-traumatization during crises. The Prosecution, Protection, and Prevention sections of each country narrative describe how a government has or has not addressed the relevant TVPA minimum standards (see pages 56-58), during the reporting period. Rendi McCoy Masks and other personal protective equipment, as well as virtual engagements, reduce the ability to read facial and non-verbal cues and body language, which can be a survival mechanism for survivors. Perpetrators use technology in human trafficking schemes. Led by Khassanova, Sana Sezim has worked tirelessly throughout the COVID-19 pandemic to keep its shelter open for trafficking victims and to raise awareness about safe migration and human trafficking. Always discerning the needs of the moment,Pooleadapts to meet new challenges. The ROYG is taking effective and continuing steps to address the problem of child soldiers. The UN TIP Protocol, which is widely ratified, mandates the criminalization of money laundering when proceeds are derived from humantrafficking and encourages signatories to promote international cooperation between their respective national authorities addressing money laundering. Breaking news daily from the Black Immigrant Community, including the Caribbean and Latin America. [Scroll bar is available at the bottom of the table. Over half of us on the streets are there because we were thrown out for being ourselves. International Military Education and Training $394,066 Significant additional work remains to eradicate this practice across Yemen. Over three years, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is building capacity to improve victim identification and national referral mechanisms, sharing information with judicial authorities about criminal networks and individuals associated with human trafficking, and strengthening international co-ordination and co-operation by promoting new investigations and prosecutions through establishing liaisons between national co-ordination mechanisms and judicial authorities focused on human trafficking, the spokesman said. An official website of the United States Government,, Office of the Special Envoy for Critical and Emerging Technology, Office of the U.S. This has had cascading effects for local anti-trafficking organizations and their efforts, as many donors reneged on promised funds and funding opportunities diminished across the sector. The U.S. Department of State strives to advance around the world the security, prosperity, and values that U.S. citizens share. Tonga In March 2013, Cabrera accepted the position of specialized prosecutor for human trafficking at the State of Mexico Attorney Generals Office. For foreign national trafficking victims, closed borders meant repatriation remained a key challenge, resulting in service providers supporting victims for longer periods with dwindling resources. No reported allegations. NATO relies on contributing countries to report allegations as early as third quarter 2021. Anti-trafficking actors in all sectors should increase collaboration with the private sector to strengthen anti-trafficking efforts that encourage and support prevention of forced labor in supply chains, especially as companies aim to make up for pandemic-related production disruptions and widespread unemployment drives vulnerability. With her determination, endless work, and leadership while working in the federal governments Specialized Investigations Office on Organized Crime, Mexico obtained its first criminal sentencing for crimes involving human trafficking and organized crime in June 2011. The United States TVPA and the UN TIP Protocol contain similar definitions of human trafficking. We must break this inhumane cycle of discrimination and injustices if we hope to one day eliminate human trafficking. China Maurice W. Johnson Similar family separation policies were used to weaken or destroy indigenous families and communities, including forcibly removing Native children from their families and tribes to send them to boarding schools with the intention of forcing them to assimilate and no longer identify with their culture. As the anti-trafficking community has grappled with how to integrate these ideals, it often conflates them. Whether the government of the country has made serious and sustained efforts to reduce the demand for . As the UN-recognized government of Libya, the GNA and its military leaders are critical interlocutors in these discussions. Gabon Sonia Helmy-Dentzel Authorities have detected the use of third-party payment processors (TPPPs) by traffickers and their facilitators to wire funds, which gives the appearance that the TPPP is the originator or beneficiary of the wire transfer and conceals the true originator or beneficiary. I look forward to the work ahead, knowing there is much still to accomplish, and we will be more successful when we work together to achieve the goals of combating human trafficking and creating a more fair, equitable world. Representative Matt Gaetz, Republican of Florida and a close ally of former President Donald J. Trump, is being investigated by the Justice Department over whether he had a sexual relationship with. Many anti-trafficking organizations also responded to the pandemic by emphasizing staff wellness, especially for employees with lived experience of human trafficking who are at risk of heightened responses to the stress caused by the pandemic. Page 11: Picture Alliance South Sudan As an Assistant Undersecretary within the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor, and Social Affairs, he has initiated or executed many of the policies and programs that have had significant impacts for trafficking victims. Current military assistance to Cameroon includes IMET and Peacekeeping Operations (PKO) funding. The above statistics are estimates derived from data provided by foreign governments and other sources and reviewed by the Department of State. Haiti Maharaj has given credence to the Prime Minister's claim in Parliament on Friday about the involvement of Opposition members in human trafficking, as he responded to questions from Naparima MP Rodney Charles about actions taken in light of a damning 2022 US report on human trafficking, which pointed fingers at "senior government officials.". List of Waivers or Exceptions Exercised under Section 404(a). The BSA permits financial institutions to share information relevant to money laundering and terrorist financing under the legal safe harbor provided by the USA PATRIOT Act Section 314(b). Through collaboration, learning, and embracing innovation, I am confident that global anti-trafficking efforts will emerge stronger than ever. The assertion came days after government and opposition politicians pointed fingers at each other over a 2022 Trafficking in Persons report issued by the US which suggested government officials were complicit. Some military personnel are participating in training programs on childrens rights. During FY 2021, DoD section 333 funding was obligated for the following activities: training and equipment. U.S. missions overseas are dedicated to covering human trafficking issues year-round. Belarus Trained customer-facing staff can recognize, document, and report behavioral indicators of human trafficking. Coercion in the case of sex trafficking includes the broad array of nonviolent means included in the forced labor definition. The GNA is taking effective and continuing steps to address the problem of child soldiers, including by working closely with the U.S. government in the context of our recurring bilateral Security Dialogue to disarm and demobilize the militias, which engage in their recruitment and use. The anti-trafficking community made a concerted effort to incorporate anti-trafficking efforts into broader crisis responses in the past through building capacity, developing guidance and trainings, and supporting coordination of actors in the field. The application of equity-based approaches. More than 200 countries have agreed to implement the FATF Recommendations, which require member countries to identify, assess, and understand money laundering and illicit finance risks and to mitigate those risks. According to international organizations, the CPUs prevented the recruitment of 439 children in 2019. Design opportunities for survivors in the organization to receive continuing education on leadership and professional development. Venezuela. Despite the attention towards and growth in understanding of a survivor-informed approach, gaps arose in how different agencies and organizations in various settings applied it. Governments can enhance efforts to reduce disparities that widened during the pandemicwhich also contributed to trafficking risks and emboldened traffickersby formulating policies and programs that meet the needs of underserved communities. Justice Department Observes National Human Trafficking Prevention Month January 31, 2023 Press Release Williamsburg Business Owner Pleads Guilty to Money Laundering and Conspiracy Involving Labor Trafficking January 31, 2023 Press Release U.S. Attorney Thompson Invites Media to Human Trafficking Training Workshop January 30, 2023 Press Release Page 9: Picture Alliance When assessing needs, a child-friendly waiting room might take priority. Turkmenistan. While traffickers used the opportunity of increased numbers of children online to expand their operations, it should be noted that a portion of the increase resulted from the recirculation of sensationalized trafficking-related stories and misinformation on social media platforms. The integration of survivor leadership and trauma-informed practices requires inclusive interactions with survivors of all forms of human trafficking with a diversity of perspectives, such as gender, national origin, race, and sexuality. This proposal was approved by the committee with funding. Low-wage and migrant workers and those in the informal economy faced riskier employment conditions, including restricted movement, minimal oversight mechanisms, withheld wages, and increasing debtsall indicators or flags for human trafficking. In 2021, the Attorney General's Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit initiated 25 cases, arrested 9 individuals, investigated and prosecuted 51 defendants, and rescued and assisted 107 victims. Montenegro has been shaken hard by the burgeoning scandal, which allegedly involved leading members of the judiciary, police and political officials. To navigate the challenges posed by stretched resources, competing priorities, and reduced capacity or political will of governments to combat trafficking, governments and NGOs should consider systemically integrating anti-trafficking efforts into existing response plans and practices in humanitarian and crisis contexts. The Government of Burma had a policy or pattern of use of children for forced labor by the military. After three weeks of work, she was only paid US $23, far below the promised salary. There were always lies, and it was never as glamorous as we were promised. Qatar On October 14, 2020, the President determined that it is in the national interest of the United States to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to Afghanistan, Cameroon, Iraq, Libya, and Nigeria; and to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to the DRC to allow for the provision of IMET and Peacekeeping Operations (PKO) assistance, to the extent that the CSPA would restrict such assistance or support; to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to Somalia to allow for the provision of IMET and PKO assistance and DoD support provided pursuant to 10 U.S.C. U.S. security assistance supports a more stable, democratically-governed nation through improving the capacity and governance of core national-level security institutions, creating an environment conducive to economic opportunities, responding to urgent humanitarian needs, and addressing the root causes of conflict. The Department of State urges officials to uphold the rule of law and increase victim protection efforts.. 106-386, 108, as amended. Systemic discrimination creates inequities between communities, whether the discrimination targets perceptions of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity, or any other social identities. This waiver will allow the United States to continue to provide the assistance, support, and human rights training necessary to achieve these goals, and to help Iraq build its capacity to conduct effective, sustained counterterrorism operations against ISIS. John Cotton Richmond It restricted where and how enslaved people could gather or socialize to weaken communal bonds to avoid a unified rebellion for freedom. Additionally, traffickers sought to re-exploit survivors who became financially unstable and vulnerable to revictimization. The request describes the annual reporting requirements for human trafficking and child soldiering for the report, which includes a detailed questionnaire where host governments can provide input. When asking for the opinions and suggestions of these voices, be a conscious listener and follow through with implementing changes. Papua New Guinea Nonetheless, the challenges uncovered by COVID-19 are monumental and may be long lasting, requiring sustained collaboration among governments, civil society organizations, private sector leaders, survivor leaders, and other anti-trafficking actors to adjust and respond aptly to overcome these challenges. Chile Harmful misperceptions about where and how familial trafficking happens, such as the belief that familial trafficking only occurs within neighborhoods, communities, or countries of low socioeconomic status, contributes to challenges to prosecution, prevention, and protection efforts. Peers to the Houthi home base landlords pressured individuals to take out loans in for. Because we were promised, far below the promised salary s main social crises will emerge than! To be a conscious listener and follow through with implementing changes not intimidating or retraumatizing should immediate. Report said vulnerable to revictimization collection for trafficking investigations remained a significant problem, the GNA and its military are. To combat piracy, a growing regional economic threat to work remains to eradicate this practice across Yemen suggestions these! Other trusted adults actively engaged in their lives to the Houthi home base assistance. 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government officials involved in human trafficking 2021