blurry vision 2 months after prk

Should I go to make an appointment with my eye-docter? If we look at someone treated with PRK and someone treated with lasik, objectively their vision is finally equal 3 months out. (If only had read your blog sooner!) Can you please advice. Hi Rose, I did not have any other surgery before the first. Your email address will not be published. I do not mince words with them or anyone else and I let my anger show from time to time. The first one was taken on both eyes at age 21, I had 1.25 & 1. I had prk 2 months before. Wow, I am so sorry to hear of how horrible your PRK experience ended up being for you. When I brought this up with the doctor, all he had to say was wow Ive never heard of that before, have a nice day. First, make sure to follow all directions including going right home and sleeping for a few hours. Being almost blind has significantly slowed me down which is almost unbearable. Its been 5 years dince first surgery andb4 years since second surgery for me and I still have bad vision at night, but my dry eyes have gotten better. I know I have a while yet to heal, but I feel really desperate. I had prk in 2012 and achieved better than 20/20 visionbut a few weeks ago I woke up one day and it was as if I had never had the surgery!! I screamed and begged my husband to kill me. My three month follow up appointment was a lot of the same responses from the doctor. Because thats all I can do. Dont know when I will be able to go back to work. While we do connect people with vetted, board-certified doctors, we dont provide medical consultations, diagnosis, or advice. Only to find myself having to wear glasses again just to make it through the day. The cupholders in my car are full of them. My main concern is : 1 # Will the glasses compromise my healing process and 2# My vision seems worse when I remove them glasses . Sometimes residual blurriness that does not clear with blinking or medication can be as simple as a residual refractive error. Also, the more you correct the more you risk an over-correction. During this time, you will experience discomfort and very blurry vision after PRK. Is this normal? Ugh, Kim, this makes me so angry to hear. Would i benefit more from topo or wavefront PRK for the enhancement if so? Is this normal?? So anyway the ointment helps maybe 60% of the time the other 40% I still wake up in pain. I then had LASIK & for 14 years I saw a crisp 2020. It is essential that you follow your surgeons postoperative instructions so that your eyes can heal properly. Not only that, even in the dark it is uncomfortable to look straight forward or upward. Day time vision is functional, though not very crisp. Im so scared for my future. Are you going to pay for my glasses? Anywhere I inhabit is littered with the tiny plastic bottles of preservative free eye drops. Now I am 3 years post op Im still experiencing this. It was so-so to good (never 20/20 but less blurry than the night before) in the morning with my eyes feeling refreshed after a good nights sleep but then would taper off by getting more blurry in the evening. This includes keeping them clean and dry, as well as refraining from activities that put strain on the eye such as playing sports. Its been almost four years now and I still have a little dry eye and sensitivity, but have gotten used to the idea of glasses. That extra glare and ghosting at the 1 month? I cant see into the cupboard without getting a flashlight. Learn how your comment data is processed. My eye doctor told me it would be about 6 months. It was just plain dishonest to not tell me about these effects. Some deterioration of vision as a result of PRK may not be correctable with the aid of glasses or contact lenses. I hope your situation improves. During the first month I saw dramatic improvement but my healing seems to have peaked and I notice no changes since then. After the. After my consultation, I was told, I was a good candidate for laser correction. when looking upward), the faster your tear film evaporates and as the tear film protects nerve endings from the irritation of light, I think that our eyes tend to cry and/or close in order to protect themselves from dryness. My eyes teared constantly which gave me a runny nose and I was still really sensitive to light. Rare complications and long-term side effects include deterioration of vision. Vision is still not as clear (crisp) as it used to be when I wore glasses. After your PRK surgery, you should be able to see clearly again; however, your vision will continue to improve as the cornea heals and the new epithelium beneath your contact lens re-epithelializes. I am just hoping and praying it gets better. Still having significant ghosting especially with reading road signs and traffic lights at night and on 1 drop pred forte for mild haze according to DO. TIP: When you go for your first appointment ask the doctor HOW they will complete the procedure and inquire about the brush method. By the end of year one, I didnt need drops every day and it became less and less over time. Im doubtful of 20/15 but would be grateful. 1 EXPERT ANSWERS How many weeks of FML (fluorometholone) drops require after PRK. Some of the links included in this post are affiliate links and will provide me with a commission at no additional cost to you. TBH, I got the procedure pretty much for cosmetic reasons, not wanting to wear super strong glasses. Fortunately by the 3 month mark, vision recovery has pretty much completed for most people. My husband has to drive me around and take me to work, and has had to sacrifice some hours at work (and money) to be able to help me. They said theyd get me as close to 20/20 as possible and right after the surgery I was right around 20/20 for a few weeks. When he was doing the check for trying to figure out my prescription, I noticed that he was never able to get it so I could see clearly. After a year or so and successful healing he did Lasik and I saw a crisp 20/20 for 14 years. After surgery, I have worse night vision, and the power (how close or far something appears) in my left eye is lower than the power in my right. The doctor said contacts are not an option because they will change the shape of my eye. Your surgeon may suggest a scleral flap lift as one way to address epithelial defects at the front of your cornea that are contributing to ghosting. After prk I had blurred vision which left me debilitated because of headaches and difficulty working on my computer. My distance vision is seems to be ok. I wish more stories like this were out there to save us from this misery! At this point, I am just hoping that, I am able to reach a point, hopefully soon, where I can wear glasses and be able to see as well as I was able to pre procedure. See a corneal specialist. Also I had a family member have it done with minimal recovery time. Nice to know the truth, thanks. My morning vision is what we had discussed before the surgery, but it regresses horribly throughout the day. I only use them every once in awhile now 5 years later. The patient. I want my true vision and even now rather my natural vision over corrected. My contact prescription before surgery was a -6.50. I hadPRK 2 months agoandhaveastigmatism/ghosting/haze? Thanks for sharing your story. Ive needed a second surgery for years, but no thanks. Doing so will guarantee that your eyes heal properly and you can see clearly without any complications. Required fields are marked *. Because I had blurry vision 2 weeks after PRK, I still needed someone to drive me to my third appointment which I had on Day 27 where the doctor assured me everything was right on track. I had a pre-surgery visit with his team. I wear sunglasses outside but I see better with more light. Have you gone back and talked to yours? But i am getting epitheal erossions. Oh Ariel, I am so sorry you are going through this. Compared to mt left eye, my reading distance is somewhat blurry and NOT crisp! On my 3 week check up, they made me do standard reading tests and said I can read properly so alls good, despite telling them that ALL IS NOT GOOD. Double vision as well as severe and even permanent dry eye can also occur. I have heard that some vison clinics are not good. And its probable that I will eventually be almost blind in my left eye. THANK GOD FOR THAT ONE! This is wrong in so many ways as the cost does not change for them as the procedure costs the same to fire the laser no matter your script. I had PRK done 5 weeks ago . It has allowed me to work again, but I cannot see around my house using them so I have to use magnifying glasses and I use regular readers to help some, although it causes dizziness when walking. Complications from PRK include pain, discomfort, and blurred vision. Definitely do not have any more surgeries! But nothing is crisp, I have astigmatism. Most importantly, if you decide to go for PRK over LASIK, be mentally prepared to deal with the possibility of dealing with a longer recovery time that may even stretch till 9 to 12 months in the worst case scenario. I went to LasikPlus institute and the same thing happened to me. I hope anyone whom is considering getting PRK, reads all of these experiences. I did vision therapy for many months. The pain was not moving when I was moving my eye around either. I did the enhancement a month ago exactly one year after the first surgery. since at this moment in the dark nights I see as with glare or starburst the small sources of light or the moon. I used to be -9 And -8.75, after the surgery I am positive .50 and -.75 so I am nearsighted in one eye and farsighted in the other eye and has been causing me tons of problems. His practice has changed a little but I trusted him. As far as my 5-year update goes, I am still very disappointed with my results and am angry, but time is helping me get over it. My myopia is constantly changing and getting worse. 20/40 isnt that bad. It sounded quick and easy and free. Im not sure if that was case with me but hindsight is 20/20, pun intended. I used the numbing drops accordingly and the prescription pain meds but nothing helped. I am praying it gets better as well. The more they scrub at the surface of the eye the more sensitive and slower the recovery seems to be (also keep in mind that everyone heals a bit different too). Too thin and you run the risk of conditions like kerataconis. Since different people have had different recovery timelines, it is important to remember that the timing is extremely variable. Well now 2 years later Ive slid back to -3 almost -4in both eyes. I was told all of these wonderful things about how awesome it would be to see clearly again. Looking over the guidance, half of the information listed on here was never relayed to me or was downplayed. On the day of my surgery, I arrived with my contacts out, no makeup or lotion in comfy clothes, with a driver (my husband), and with the prescriptions, we picked up beforehand. The first week out after PRK will have the most blurred vision. I was -5.75 in both eyes. These changes to vision can be permanent. I am in constant pain. I sure hope your symptoms subside as time goes on. So, with that, I will be a candidate to get PRK again.. Im not happy about this but it doesnt cost me anything except being out a week or 2 from work and a shitload of pain when they rub the cornea which excites me about as much as looking directly into the sun without sunglasses. And is it only in the eye you had the touch up done in? However, I did get a second opinion from another doctor who specializes in fitting scleral lenses for ppl who have similar issues to mine after PRK. Thanks so much for sharing your experience. My prescription is low with a -0.75 in both eyes, a 20/25 visual acuity. Author has 101 answers and 241.3K answer views 6 y About one month. If you are sticking to drops then you may try different gel eye drops. I used to love travel but I cant imagine going to places like Iceland again because I would never be able to see it again like I did when I had gone before. I had lasik first about 7 years ago and they were never able to get me to 20/20. Ok, so Im exactly 5m after second PRK procedure on my right eye, and Ill count all the problems Ihad and have till far: I think I will stick to my glasses. Had the exact same experience with my first prk surgery and might have to get an enhancement because theyre not doing too hot. At this point, I thought the PRK recovery wasnt too difficult. The first week things will be the most blurry. At the very least, I hope all our stories will help someone make the right decision regarding their eyes. I hope this happens for you as well. Keep both eyes closed as much as possible the first day. What symptom that mostly annoyed me was the dry eye syndrome where I wake up some nights due to painful dry eyes! You may be a great candidate for a cornea transplant that may restore your vision to 20/20. As much as I love not wearing glasses the dry eye pain that comes on without warning is so horrifying. I am literally considering suicide as an out from the pain. Psychosomatic effects are real. Vision is usually good enough to drive in 3-5 days, fairly good in a week, very good in 2, and excellent in 4. A 2007 study performed by JB Randleman asserted that corneal ectasia only occurred in 0.04 percent to 0.6 percent of PRK procedures, and 96 percent of ectasia instances were attributed to LASIK, while only 4 percent were attributed to PRK. Im 19. Blood vessels in the retina can leak, causing fluid to build up and blurring your vision. He told me there had been studies that the change in the procedure was giving better results as far as recovery time. Then I was told I needed an Astromal puncture, so I had that done. Dont get me wrong its better than before but had I known I would be less crisp than I was with glasses before all this, I mightve saved myself some money and a lot of time. I would not go as far to say it was easy, but it was definitely an improvement which leads me to believe the brush technique is a better option. After the first week, I knew something wasnt right. My eyes settled at like 20/95 and 20/100, respectively, with astigmatism when I was like 19 and I drove for 3 years without glasses because I was bullheaded. I came here too because I also am experiencing issues with prk and it has been pretty much 4 months. Lets find out. I had PRK surgery 1 year and 1 month ago and I have exactly the same experience. I was still sensitive to light but not as severe and I was able to get on the computer for about 4 5 hours a day. I had a corneal transplant due to keratoconus 20 years ago. I cannot think straight. Your eye doctor will provide you with an eye drop to expedite the reepithelialization process and advise when to return for a follow-up visit. I consulted many doctors and they all said PRK is the answer and that Id was a prime candidate even though I had already had Lasik. In addition, my eye doctor had to prescribe glasses to get me to 20/20. Not to mention, it is my eyes which I was nervous about in the first place. This is the 6 weeks after the surgery and my vision is way worse than before. I signed some type of waiver and liability form so I never even thought of legal action I just felt the need to share so anyone contemplating the surgery would think maybe twice. I had the first surgery almost 25 years ago. Its hard to explain but it took effort to be able to look at the screen. Today, my vision is still blurry but when I wear that same pair of nonprescription cosmetic lenses, my vision sharpens and becomes more crisp. Unlike most folks, I was born with a + number in both eyes. I am sorry to hear that you were unhappy with your experience but I cant help but feel jealous of your success. I saw another dr in the office as mine was out and he said he would have never done that high of a prescription and told me I wouldnt have wear glasses afterwards. But the difference was, I was driving the next day and I could see perfectly when I woke up after the first day. You know the, Its so rare, it will most likely not happen. Just like yourself, I was unaware that even 20/20 does not always mean perfect vision. Your email address will not be published. I was treated horribly by the surgeon, and I am also now in glasses too with prism and a Rx of about -1. One major consequence of PRK over LASIK is the longer and much more variable healing/recovery time. Thank you so much for sharing your story with me and my readers. Hi Catherine, What a journey for you, Im so sorry. More than 50% blurred vision for first 3 days. Ultimately, I have become very mistrustful of doctors after this experience. Also, my eyes are extremely sensitive and they were never before. Help please. Its been 3 years now since 2nd round and my eyes still get dry I have to wear sunglasses every time I leave the house AND I barely can wear mascara as for some reason it really bothers my eyes and what girl doesnt LOVE mascara. But this time the surgeon decided to lift the original flap from the LASIK. I just want to say, thank you so much for sharing your stories! Without glasses, I cannot see ANYTHING clearly on any screen from most typical viewing distances, however, I can see pictures and images at farther distances but words are still REALLY blurry. I personally chose PRK myself and had a great surgeon that was very easy on the eye throughout the procedure and their method utilized a disc instead of a well to apply the alcohol directly to the treatment area reducing the after surgery pain. My vision at computer screen distance is very unclear (blurry and double vision) 18 days after my PRK surgery. My ophthalmologist recommended PRK because of the shape of my cornea. I hope people find and read it! Please keep us posted on your situation. I received a (hopefully) temporary prescription for farsightedness back on November 5th from the eye surgeons office. i had lasix and had no problem at all after. Its excruciating. Thanks for leaving a comment, appreciate it! I signed a few liability pages waiving my rights to sue for anything and everything. The pain was the kind that is like waves travelling through your brain. Im so sorry to hear about your results. I had prk 2 years ago instead of lasik due to my brother and dad both having a genetic disorder that causes the cornea to be very thin. Historically, laser eye surgery has increased the amount of higher order aberrations in the eye. This is normal; for some patients, it takes between six and 12 weeks to see clearly. This inflammation impairs the normal function of our ability to keep the eye from drying out. If youre experiencing a medical issue, please contact a healthcare professional or dial 911 immediately. The days leading up to the surgery and the day of were very similar to yours no contacts before the surgery, someone to drive you, spend the day in bed sleeping after the surgery, dont get your eyes wet for at least 3 days, use the drops, etc. Thanks for sharing your story with us Rachel! You are so right. I didnt think it was funny and Ill be damned if I go back to him. Anyway, I figured Id share my experience with you since I, too, understand your pain. Answer: You are covered under a lifetime guarantee so it will be covered with the exception of your medication. Wasnt that tough, to be honest. Not 100% but way better than before. Your PRK surgeon will provide you with comprehensive instructions on how to care for your eyes following surgery. There are so many of us that were blindsided (literally) without the possible complications being explained to us. I was not relaxed in the preparation for this surgery. Thanks so much for sharing this information Anna! **Your total cost will be based on your individual needs and will be determined with your provider. The bright sun was HORRIBLE. Stay strong and positive thatll eventually get better. He had performed the surgery on other surgeons, police officers and even his own son. my right eye is about 80% as good as it was pre-surgery, without glasses for distances beyond 1m but closer to 1m it is all but useless. Dont skimp on something that could negatively impact your existence for LIFE. So with the shades drawn, I listened to an audiobook in between napping. For most people, vision remains blurred while your eye adjusts to the new implant. When I drive and it just starts to get dark it literally hurts my eyes. Like you, I had PRK surgery. 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blurry vision 2 months after prk