what is the purpose of dress codes in schools

What should a dress code policy include? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); cara barknecht May 17, 2021 at 7:48 am. It seems that if a dress or uniform code can possibly improve academic success, reduce violence, increase the safety of students, reduce class/economic envy and improve deteriorating schools, why not implement a code? Posting a dress code means it must be enforced, and the stricter it is, the more kids will violate it. Catherine Pearlman had this issue happen with her daughter Casey, so her response to an issue with the schools dress code was that they could go find the clothing themselves. she dress coded my friend at the same time and we both agree that teachers should not be able to control what we wear. The DCS Code of Conduct School dress codesare intended to generate a positive atmosphere in a school and encouragestudents with a freedom of expression via their attire. About 50% of the incidents which occur in the United States involve an individual who is not a current student at the school. Many studies from speaking to parents have shown that whendress codes are implemented, children have shown a gradual increase in academicperformance. Take a tall, skinny 12 year old girlher shorts may not pass this finger length test and would be considered inappropriate for school, even though her butt is covered and the shorts are relatively long, she explains. The rule that stuck out to me the most was shorts of mid-thigh length or longer may be worn during periods of daylight savings time only for K-6. School dress codes have been adopted as a means of controlling student behavior without fully exploring the relationship between curriculum and virtue. Students and families must follow a disciplined routine to ensure that they are in compliance with a schools dress code. Dress codes do not facilitate this learning. Whether dress codes should be implemented and enforced in high school is hotly debated. Both students and staff of primary, elementary, junior and senior high school campuses have the right to be safe and secure in their persons. Student Dress Codes: Alliance doesnt have a no backpack rule. Because both decisions can still be controlled by the school dress code policy, it becomes easier to see who might be trying to break the rules. Some students will try to get around this issue by wearing clothing under their uniform or packing a bag with alternative apparel. There is the possibility of an increase in bullies in school. Your email address will not be published. These outcomes do not match the qualities employers look for. 2001-2023 The Pain Reliever Corporation. Our community and nation face many challenges such as discrimination, health care and pollution. Clothing as a primary means for expressing ideas for students is as primitive as clothing itself, yet schools across the country often grapple with whether to enforce strict dress code policies that may interfere with a students right to self-expression. The dress code for school students may turn out to be expensive for the parents who have more than one school-going kid. Many patients come to The Lamb Clinic after struggling to find answers to their health challenges for many years. 6. With the number of students growing every year, problems arise. Its outrageous that girls are losing critical class time simply for what they are wearing, said NWLC Education Fellow and report co-author, Kayla Patrick. Your body is causing negativity, explains Pomerantz. While developing skills and values is a good starting point, should conformity be the goal of public education? Its not that they enable teachers and administrators to treat students with respect. The districts hasn't yet introduced the SSA at the high school level. Instead of suppressing students, schools should promote the development of individuality and voice to better prepare them for life after school. This is a common problem. They joined districts like Long Beach, Clovis, Fresno, Huston and Dade County, Florida, in having a dress or uniform code. Sikhs, dress code is that males are required to wear turban all the time. While schools are charged with helping students develop these qualities, the purpose of schools has changed very little over the past 170 years. NEA has When you have a school dress code policy in place, then you have several options available to you that do not necessarily include uniforms. professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of Work does not only take place in offices and factories. If you are frustrated on your journey back to wellness - don't give up - there is hope. across the United States. WebIdentifying the purpose of student dress codes. WebHere are some of the most important advantages: 1) A dress code promotes a more serious school atmosphere which emphasizes academics and promotes good behavior. Dress codes include social The structure, rules and expectations of the school also conveyed these mainstream values. When one social group believes they are superior to another one, then the foundation for bullying starts. I'm Nikki Haller. School uniform has a special power. Girlhood expert Shauna Pomerantz of Brock University says that dress coding students for being distracting is a form of victim-blaming. It allows students to focus on the educational environment instead of their clothing. With some proactive efforts to resolve the potential disadvantages, most families can manage the issue in positive ways. Pants and skirts are usually in the $17 range, while the shirts or tops are about $13 each. These approaches worked because the population was fairly homogenous, with a common language and set of values. In Alliance, the dress code includes; no clothing or jewelry that could be used as a weapon, no clothing that shows an inappropriate amount of skin, no clothing or jewelry that is gang related. 11. However, increased immigration led many to conclude there was a need for an institution to Americanize children. The school dress code is one of the most Depending on rank, ornaments were placed on the tunics collar, waist, or border. No. Another student said she brought up this issue to a male administrator, who told her it was because white girls dont have as much to show. The student says this comment made her feel uncomfortable, let along failing to address the inequality. Our mission is to promote civility, critical thinking, awareness, and education by presenting the pros and cons of arguments to debatable topics in an easy to read manner. Although most policies only place limits on lewd, graphic, vulgar, or suggestive clothing, there are times when a public school district can require a uniform to be worn. It may create a poor reputation for some schools or districts. Colour codes in clothes are sometimes followed depending on religion and tradition. Since a school dress code seeks to create unity through equality, it can stop unhealthy cliques from forming on campus. They dont. When students feel safe, then the information presented to them for learning can remain more relevant. It might lessen problems in this area, but the policy cannot stop it 100% of the time. Preparing students for success in our ever changing dynamic world. One out of every eight students in school in the United States is in school in California. All attire should be clean and in good shape, any attire with rips, tears or holes will not be tolerated. As there will be a sense of equality encouraged in the classroom,it will greatly reduce mocking between girls and boys. Last Updated: Feb 24, 2023. While some challenges have been made concerning their constitutionality, in general court rulings have supported codes that are instituted properly and can be shown to be rationally related to a legitimate pedagogical purpose. I am not saying we should remove dress codes from schools. It reduces the number of distractions that are present in the classroom. A 1st offense is when the student can call home for clothes, but if clothes cant be brought then itll result in ISS (in school suspension) assigned by the school administration. Students are not required to wear business dress or follow any prescriptive guidelines about the colours or style of their clothing. When funds are tight, it is usually easier to find clothes that match the regulations without paying for expensive brands. We are told by our administrators to send non-compliance issues to the office, but I only refer kids who are clearly wearing too tight or uncomfortable clothing, and I send them to the nurse, who keeps a stash of extra clothing for this type of situation, explains Kutzer. Both the parents and students will be encouraged to follow adisciplined routine to make sure that they are in acceptance of the schoolsdress code. Other students families cant afford to keep up with their growing children, so their uniforms are ill-fitting. Some schools will take this idea a step further to create a uniform policy that creates more equality in the classroom. How to Stay Motivated to Study after Work? Sexist rules also set a precedent for men, she adds. Again, socioeconomic variations between one childs household and another can amplify these differences. The dress code teaches us discipline and uniformity. Tori DiPaolo went viral with her yearbook photo in 2017 with the quote she included underneath it: Im sorry, did my shoulders distract you from reading this quote?. It reduces the amount of teasing that occurs in the classroom. Clothing can enhance these chances more as some attires mayshow-off the body encouraging distractions that may impact the performance ofsome students in the classroom. 2) Dress codes have proven to increase student achievement by encouraging students to concentrate more Dress Code is crucial in Schools in India. Individuality is suppressed. Unfortunately, when a child expresses himself differently than everyone else, it might cause a schism between one child and another. 1. Sign up to stay informed. 4. It can stop gangs, cliques, or unhealthy social groups from forming. Not only is this issue a body shaming concern, the incident could lead to potential legal action. The dress code not only include uniform but the overall getup like girls can not wear makeup, jewelry. When children wear school uniforms, they learn to be responsible. When a school district offers a consistent dress code policy to follow, then families can save some money on their apparel needs because the uniform or mandated clothing can pass down from one child to the next. We encourage students to dress comfortably jeans or tracksuit bottoms are absolutely fine and appropriately so no torn clothing, visible underwear, cropped tops or offensive slogans. Public schools have the responsibility to have safe and orderly schools that maintain an environment conducive to learning. George Clear, the principal of Alliance High School says, The purpose of a dress code is to have safety. Of course, not but lets see the bigger picture here. WebDress Code. Some schools, even if they are in the same district, do not follow the same standards or policies when it relates to what the kids can wear to the classroom. It isnt enough for students to graduate with basic and advanced skills. Student voice is suppressed. Importance of Dress code in Schools (The following speech is perfect for 1 min. Please read this section carefully. All of them with different cultures and languages. Schools should consider both parent and student empowerment in the or enforcing the school dress code (see section 3.2 on Law Enforcement in the DSC Model Code). Mandatory Uniform Cost less in making getting education accessible for every class of Society, 6. The first school dress code law in the United States became active in 1969 after Tinker vs. Des Moines Independent School District allowed educational institutions to limit student expression if there are legitimate concerns that such an activity becomes disruptive to the learning environment. Nikki Haller, Staff WriterJanuary 29, 2019. Instead, dress codes teach students that conformity and obedience to authority are most important. Girlhood expert Shauna Pomerantzof Brock University says that dress coding students for being distracting is a form of victim-blaming. If students feel safe, they will learn more. Students are not required to wear business dress or follow any prescriptive guidelines about the colours or style of their clothing. When you look at a successful entrepreneur, successful politician, or a highly accomplished actor, there is one thing common among them. Good luck to all Winter Sports finishing up their seasons!! Without school uniforms, children are more likely to taunt and mock one another. Dreadlocks, twists, cornrows, and braids are all hairstyles primarily worn by African Americans that some schools do not allow students to wear (Governing). In addition, the dress code is a primary means of helping students learn a skill, which is required for success in getting and keeping employment linked to attire. The overall feel of thedress code is to encourage equality among all the students regarding differentfactors that may influence them in everyday life outside the school. All rights reserved. Fresno Pacific University 2023 No girl should ever have to forfeit her education because her shirt is the wrong color or she has a hole in her jeans.. This is one reason school districts use to implement dress codes. Arkan is An IT Engineer, working with various technology since 2016, and has a keen interest in content creation. Every nation has its tradition and dressing code. Some employerssome dotcom companies, for examplecare less about how their employees dress and more about their work. Then a shift in the routine to do a load of laundry during the week before doing it all on the weekend can help to manage the overall expense of this issue. The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest Each year more and more schools adopt some form of dress code. When they cause trouble in their community when wearing a uniform, the schools colors, or some other item associated with the institution, then it can begin to give the district, administrators, and teachers a poor reputation. NEA Today's mobile app gives you access to all the public education news, trends and views found in our print magazine, plus exclusive multimedia content that take you deeper into our stories. It also increases the punctuality of study. Targeting styles of clothing that are mostly associated with a particular minority group is discriminatory. This disadvantage occurs frequently when there are school voucher programs, waivers, or transfer opportunities available to families. The purpose of school dress codes is to provide guidance to students as to appropriate attire for school and at any school function. East Longmeadow principal Flanagan said shes tried to target inequalities at her own school by creating a gender-neutral dress code, and by involving students in the dress code process. New challenges will emerge. The district is where teacher Kayla Lemieux, known for her size Z breasts, works. Some children find it easier to plan for their future career, work on their homework assignments, and even make new friends because they made the choice to be in compliance with this policy, even if it was something that they didnt agree with in the first place. 4. On the other hand, parents can get a school uniform at a low cost online. In addition, the dress code is a fundamental to helping students learn a skill, which is required for success in getting and keeping employment linked to appearance. Safety is one reason for a dress code; however, many educators believe that a dress code also promotes a positive educational environment. It is not unusual for kids to split their day into school clothes and after-school clothes, which can impact how they approach their day. The main purpose of dress codes is to guide students and parents on how to dress for school and future workplaces. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. See if its up to mark. All employees are expected to dress professionally, anything that is revealing or inappropriate will not be tolerated. The goal of a dress code is to provide direction to students and parents as to suitable clothing for school at any function. The most common argument against school uniforms is that they limit personal expression. Kids and teens use they way they dress to express themselves and to identify with certain social groups. Many students who are against school uniforms argue that they lose their self-identity when they lose their right to express themselves through fashion. A socially inclusive community needs to provide disabled people with the skills, tools, and support they need to make a []. The dress code helps save time in getting ready not only because you do not have to choose a dress for daily. 20 Major Advantages and Disadvantages of Learning Foreign Language, Advantages and Disadvantages of Automation in The Workplace [+Infographic], Importance Of Vocational Education in India, Importance of Communication Skills for Students and How to Master them, 15 Best YouTube Channel to Learn English for Indian, Importance of Inclusive Education in India. Her school follows standard school attire, (SSA) so students wear uniforms. India has a diverse blend of traditional Indian attire and western designs. The people from the noble class used to wear longer tunics than lower-class people. This sends a disturbing message to all students: What a girl looks like is more important than what she learns and thinks. Bonneville Academy is a K-8 STEM school in Stansbury Park, Utah. Despite the fact that Reesers school has a uniform, she and her peers still faced the same issues that Belsham described at her Duval County school. With a single download youll get new, feature articles delivered biweekly from NEA Todayour flagship K-12 publicationplus content collections specifically tailored to retired educator and educators new to the profession. Lamb Clinic after struggling to find clothes that match the regulations without paying expensive! Their self-identity when they lose their self-identity when they lose their right express. Schools or districts encouraged to follow adisciplined routine to ensure that they are in acceptance the..., 6 the districts has n't yet introduced the SSA at the same time and we agree... 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what is the purpose of dress codes in schools