how to soften an intense personality

When someones interests are centered around just one thing, it occupies the bulk of their time and thoughts, and can become wearing for an outsider. You have a particular aversion to willful ignorance in others. WebToo intense. They also respond back with an emotional reaction e.g crying, feeling guilty, apologizing, etc. However, being fully aware of any potential setbacks will make the diagnosis much easier to handle. Unsurprisingly I had a horrific relationship with food -it would pervade my every waking (and often dream-state) thought to the point of becoming stressful and painful- and I would oscillate from binging to starving myself. When you argue (or fight), you play to win. You may be naturally intense. These powerful emotions might cause them to feel out of control or entirely overwhelmed. Youve come to recognize narcissists and other toxic people and have learned to be careful of whom you confide in. I grew up with fluoro lights on full tilt at my parents house. For you, thats superficial and meaningless. Youre not trying to be mean but unfortunately, it can come across that way. Us woman can be so damn hard on ourselves. A common warning sign is the feeling that your relationship is unbalanced. It will fall on deaf ears. This is especially true of men in relation to women: men say they want a deep and complex woman, but when it comes down to it, they just get scared off by the intensity of the womans personality. Being intense may just be in your nature. Those who expect you to tone it down 24-7 so they can be more comfortable around you arent going to accept you as you are, anyway. Instead, roll with it.. So if a certain food genuinely gives you pleasure and makes you feel good (and be honest with yourself here) then if you crave it for Gods sake eat it, because youre probably not ready to give it up (just yet). Softening into nutrition means for those of you who have not already done so, finding a connection with the food you are eating: being vitally concerned with the source and processing of it and learning how to properly and lovingly prepare it (rather than exclusively outsourcing this integrally feminine role). 15 Signs Of Intense Personality You May Have, How to become less Angry When Its Necessary. If you are going through something extremely stressful and already doing lots of functional movement through day to day life (like setting up a retail shop with 13 staff just sayin), then frequent and intense exercise will simply be an extra stressor on your already stressed out body. These characteristics may benefit you and your journey of personal development and change. Not only do such admonitions invalidate their passion, they invalidate the person's essence. Some people are outgoing, but others are incredibly fearful. Dont expect others (even those who love you) to get you all the time. And you resent being told you shouldnt feel as much because theyre not real. Theyre real to you. Boston ferns (these absorb moisture), Peace Lilies (these siphon off VOCs), Sansevieria aka Mother in Laws Tongue (a potent oxygen producer at night), and Fiddle Leaf Fig trees (which look freakin amazing) are what I have mostly filled my house with. Intense people dont need or even want an easy path to success. If someone is asking for more from a relationship than they are investing back into it emotionally, then you should take a step back from them and question what you are really getting out of it. It requires a firm to resolve and get to the finish line when things get rough. 10 Tips To Help You Deal With Loss Of Independence, 14 things confident people do (but never talk about), 30 Good Excuses To Get Out Of Something (That Are Believable), 7 Reasons You Hate Socializing (+ How To Approach This Situation), 10 Reasons To Keep Going (Even When You Feel Like Giving Up), 20 Signs You Have An Endearing Personality, 12 Things Disciplined People Do That Bring Them Success, Copyright A Conscious Rethink. All Rights Reserved | Contact Us | Advertise | Privacy Policy, Conversational Narcissism: How To Deal With It And Avoid It, 10 Signs Of A One-Sided Friendship + How To Escape One. Spending time with someone can become too intense when you arent spending enough time away from them. Kids have seemingly endless energy and are still learning social cues and proper social behavior. If its a friendship, try to find an activity you can concentrate on together or simply limit the time you spend with them. One way to do this is using these seven clever tricks to soften an intense personality. Theres only one way to slice this loaf of bread: you are too intense for some people. You dont want to fill it up with junk food (junk food is called that for a reason- its junk!!). Be less. Sure, people love complexity in theory, but in action, it can be really intimidating to other people. But it doesnt mean that you will never find it. And your heightened senses and emotions give you the ability to respond to people, situations, and surroundings with a clarity thats unique. Bright lights, day and night, is all Ive known. How did we women get to become so hard? It takes number 1 priority over my evenings and unless Im health coaching or running a workshop Im pretty much in bed with my kids at 8pm. You have nothing to be ashamed of, anyway. I receive a commission if you choose to purchase anything after clicking on them. They calm my nervous system and mummys piano temper tantrums have all but subsided. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 4. If a relationship isnt serving you, its ok to gently close the door on it. topic outline of the golden age of comics Youre sincere and unafraid to be yourself. This heightened level of attention and commitment can only last so long before it before becomes smothering or just simply burns itself out. If you show them respect and make a point to listen, youll often see a softer side. Sometimes, intense personalities can be a little rough around the edges, but passion fuels many of them. If you have an intense person on the team, you can feel good knowing theyll likely pour themselves into the project on hand. Most of us at some point in our lives have had relationships with people who leave us feeling utterly drained of energy or yuk inside, or we sense that they are trying to drag us down, or belittle us at every chance. It becomes unhealthy when your opponent cant appreciate any other view than their own. Just because someone is intense doesnt mean you should avoid them, but its best to know what youre getting into. WebThey found a number of correlations between personality traits (as measured by the Big 5) and musical preference which replicated previous work. or innocent (anything that started with a 4). Most intense people know their behavior is unhealthy. However, intense people allow their feelings. 3. 6. If a person has frequent and dramatic mood swings, it can be difficult to deal with. The Art of Softening (and the 10 ways that I have softened) I confidently know that if I eat 2-3 solid nutrient-dense wholefood meals a day in the context of an active lifestyle with plenty of pure water and sleep, I will certainly not become overweight. March 1, 2023, 11:39 am, by So I started, slowly, reducing night time exposure to artificial light by making a few sleep hygiene changes. Softening into nutrition means consuming small amounts of foods I wouldnt ordinarily eat in the context of being social or gracious if a family member or friend has lovingly cooked a meal for me. I also started looking and feeling more masculine and less feminine with larger biceps and traps and more bulky muscles in general. If you feel disconnected with yourself, you are standing on rocky ground. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. To purchase these oils (which are the purest and the most powerful on earth) and become a wholesale customer with 24% discount refer to this blog here. 26. Not only does your house take on a softer, greener and more beautiful dimension, caring for plants is a very nurturing (hence feminine) role and watching them grow and thrive is hugely satisfying. Or seek out hobbies and interests outside of work that you have a strong connection with so that that aspect of your life is nurtured. There is only so much you can talk about the same thing with someone, especially if its an interest you dont share. Its so easy to get swept up in the whirlwind of it all that you could miss the signs that things are too intense. Its hard to feel soft, feminine and open when you are feeling stressed, belittled, violated, disrespected or drained. You like consistency or, rather, you expect it. WebVitalSal Qualidade de vida, com o melhor da natureza! I view junk food (which includes all processed and nutrient-devoid foods) as rubbish and not as real food so it wouldnt cross my mind to eat it. When we minimise the gap between our biology and our environment, we can function properly, perform our best and reach our true potential. They can often be on the same page as those who are overly sensitive. Sleep is profoundly powerful. 2: They are not afraid to communicate their opinions and sentiments, even if others dont agree or appreciate them. Intense people feel deeply both good and bad emotions. Those who think you need to chill or mellow out arent your people. More commonly, its because of the level of emotional engagement they are demanding from you. They are keenly aware of their internal world and often have a running mental dialogue with obsessive thought patterns. Theres a time and a place for serious conversations, but intense people cant always find the right balance. Instead, roll with it. Understand that the person in And then there are intense personalities a type the grown-ups in your life may have been cautioned against becoming when you were a child. To harness that, when dealing with an intense person, dont compete with that or try to tamp it down. Nobody is. This page contains affiliate links. Your critical thinking skills are something youre immensely proud of. Your depth and giftedness make you feel (and seem to others) like an old soul who is wise beyond your years. Some people are outgoing, but others are incredibly fearful. Much to my kids (and neighbours) relief. Few though they may be, theyre your tribe. Far better to have one epic love that lasts a few years at the most than to have a decades-long committed relationship thats comfortable but devoid of passion. I love writing practical articles that help others live a mindful and better life. A highly sensitive person (HSP) is a neurodivergent individual who is thought to have an increased or deeper central nervous system sensitivity to physical, emotional, or social stimuli. Even when those who dont understand them make hurtful assumptions. Youll know it when a good relationship comes along because it wont feel forced and youll feel like you can be yourself. We live with our motto "Skills Up. So, theres zero payoff for appeasing them. If you cant spend as much time in nature as you wish to, then bring nature to your house. While the Germaine Greer feminist movement in the latter half of the 20th Century may have served an essential purpose of catapulting women out of social inequality, did it land us at the far extreme of the other end of the spectrum, competing with our male counterparts as one androgynous species? As you can imagine, that behavior isnt always well-received. Your deep personality requires some maintenance and that means that you dont like surprises. WebCounter-dependency is a hallmark symptom of High-functioning BPD. 4. Paying attention to the feeling of the warm water on your body during a shower. Simply put, both groups feel things a little differently than their peers. 3: Allow them to speak without interfering. Or how many reminded you of someone you know and love? But you are who you are and when someone gets to experience a deep conversation with you, they get much more out of it than useless small-talk. 5. Small talk is a waste of time that would be better spent on meaningful conversations, passionate expression, or purposeful action. Fear is just another annoying emotion youve chosen to accept and move on from. Why should I be less intense (to please someone else)? Even if exposure to artificial light does not effect your ability to fall asleep, and hence you think you dont need to protect yourself with blue blockers and amber lights, then think again. 4. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Noticing the tastes and textures of your food while you eat a meal. Soft-hearted personalities are emotional which means that anyone who is angry with them or says something mean about them, can hurt them easily. by Intense people experience the full range of human emotions at a profoundly deep level, allowing them a unique and sophisticated understanding of others. This might be because they are racing through topics and questions that are hard to keep up with. I used to be hard core about doing intense exercise 3-4 times a week. how to soften an intense personality 3- Classes pack for $45 how to soften an intense personality for new clients only. The type and intensity of your exercise really needs to suit your body and where you are at in your life. So, now the critical question is: An emotionally intense person feels so passionately and deeply that they cant keep it in or hide it. Instead, you value your family and friendships at a deeper level to satisfy your need for a deeper understanding and level of intimacy with those around you. Intensity in children can also relate to mood, though. And loving it. So when I set up my own house at 23 and right up until recently, on when bright lights, all over the house once it got even slightly dark. Let them talk and don't interrupt. If you find yourself feeling drained or frustrated after spending time with a person, it could be that they are just too intense for you. There are alpha personalities, type A personalities, type B personalities, and complex people, too. All I can say is check it out for yourself. Because intense or not, were all people who deserve to be loved and understood. Some are more quietly intense while others are loud and proud of their passionate natures. This is a huge topic worthy of an independent blog post in its own right which I will write one day. To respond to the following two questions, you may be extra to individuals who are not as intense. One of the most complicated parts about having an intense personality is that many people conflate intense people with intimidating people. Maybe youre just processing something. Most intense people know their behavior is unhealthy, stated Marty Nemko Ph.D. They simply cant control themselves any more than a laid-back person can make themselves driven.. When it comes down to it, you dont have time to waste beating around the bush. I havent done interval training in years now, and guess what, even though there are parts of me that really miss it, I am gentle enough with myself now to know that at this stage of my life it just aint gonna work with what I have on my plate, and that I can function well without it, and look and feel great if I get in some stretching, fascia release and walking on a regularish basis. And having a group of kids together can be tiresome for many even, and maybe especially for, parents (amirite?). You are clinging to your closest connections. Hack Spirit. For most of my life. Youre hungry for new experiences that can teach you more about something that matters to you, even if they only help you identify your likes and dislikes. You want to spend as much time as possible with your favorite people even if youre not always talking to them. Knowing what you want means you can get to work faster. You also tend to be hyper-sensitive to others attempts at manipulation, calling it out or shamelessly sabotaging their efforts. So, now the critical question is: To be an intense person, you are likely to have some of the above emotions, desires, and. It is more difficult to seek out people who you feel a connection with because you dont even know what you stand for or what makes you tick. An intense person is likely to be so busy that they start to make you feel anxious. In the shorter term, you may need something more immediate to tamp down the negative emotions youre feeling. Softening into nutrition means that as much as I try to avoid gluten (even though I dont have the celiac gene), the occasional consumption of smallish amounts of sourdough bread is not something that I now flinch over at all (and I can tell you that there was a time at the start of my traditional wholefoods journey when for 2 solid years not a single grain ever passed my lips). And if anyone asks how you feel, you dont sugarcoat it for them. Your entire personality appears more aggressive or at least harsher to them. 2. Ask them questions, for example, "What do You use descriptive language to express your thoughts and feelings with others. . These included positive correlations between extraversion and pop, dance, rock and religious music, and a positive correlation with agreeableness and soundtracks. Why Are So Many Young Men Single And Sexless? As an A-type personality, uber driven, organised and ambitious person, who always excelled at anything I put my mind to, soft is not a word that would ever have been used (either by myself or anyone else) to describe me. They simply can't control themselves any more than a laid-back person can make themselves driven. And even fewer people want to face that. If you are interested in. Whatever the reason, it is clear that the modern woman of today seeks a more balanced middle ground where she can relish in being a feminine goddess and all that that entails, while simultaneously holding space as a powerful force of nature, creating and embellishing greatness and using her powers discerningly and only for the greater good. Or have we women lost our way in the busi-ness of modern life on a quest to be all things to all people wearing multiple hats (especially the single mums among us)? Essential oils like Lavender or the blend Stress Away have a powerfully calming effect on your mental state, taking the edge off stress and anxiety. Thats how damn important it is to me. And they dont see a point in even trying to. And you have zero tolerance for fakery. Practice forgiving others as well as yourself. #7 You Arent Controlled By Money. In the past I would have slammed the door so hard in Greek style until it shattered into a million pieces making a grand theatrical exit. You yearn to find the truth in all situations, even if its uncomfortable for you and those around you. A study published in PubMed showed that light at night markedly increases the growth of human breast cancer xenografts in rats. You know that its superficial, fleeting and ultimately meaningless. When a favorite character in a novel or movie dies, you grieve as heart-rendingly as you would for a friend. 1. It wont work. You are who you are, and thats what makes you unique. Softening into nutrition means eating what I want, when I want, according to the dictates of my body. Ive become too hard. Ive walked in those shoes. Hack Spirit is one of the leading authorities providing practical and accessible relationship advice. 1 Some refer to this as having sensory processing sensitivity, or SPS for short. A lack of consistency makes it difficult (if not impossible) to trust someone. Spending too much time indoors, wires and hardens us. Have you ever been told youre too intense? You ask a LOT of questions because you have a deep and overwhelming desire to understand things, ideas, and people to their core. Fill your home with plants (do this even if you do spend a great deal of time in nature!). I have also overdone yoga numerous times, because of over pushing myself, resulting in breaking bones (yes, even in a yoga class). Dont turn on any artificial white lights at night for a good month and then see the difference to your mood and sleep. When you are doing something that you love and feel connected with, you can unleash your love and light on the world and shine bright. 3. Webhow to soften an intense personality INTRO OFFER!!! You wear your heart on your sleeve. And they can not use sense even trying. An intense person will keep learning from past mistakes and failures and use them to keep improving every day. Theres less fighting, yelling and screaming in my house. Applying the Bare-Minimum Monday Philosophy to Relationships, Mass Shooters and the Myth That Evil Is Obvious, Transforming Empathy Into Compassion: Why It Matters, The Psychological Risks of Cancer Screening. Few people actually believe they're as forceful as they are. They might not understand at first and it can be hard to say no to people, but stand firm, set your boundaries, and stick with them before you get caught in an intense situation. Did you like my article? Youre genuine and unafraid of people seeing you as you are. But unless and until I experienced the alternative, I didnt know any better. To answer the first one, intense personalities are rooted in the way your mind works and how you process what youre feeling. I wear what ever I want (usually what makes me feel most comfortable). If you work indoors, try to have your lunch outside in the sun and spend as much of your leisure time outdoors. Dealing with an intense personality 1: We aim to spark their interest and provide everything they need when they get inspired by anything. You love to learn and expand your mind. Or if you took an intense personality quiz, what are the odds your score would confirm what others have suggested? A simple conversation about the weather turns to a deep conversation on global warming, and a chat about a new job turns into a re-evaluation of their entire life. This can be intimidating to some people because you wont be manipulated by what appears on the outside. And not something that I would have thought our male counterparts find particularly attractive. Fear wont stop you. People have various types of personalities. It was a journey to get to that place though and to discover and create healthy swaps. After all, what good is a friend if they dont make your life better? You like to get to know people on a more personal level and you do that by asking questions. This broad category includes careers such as nurse, doctor, and physical therapist, as well as social workers, psychotherapists, and personal coaches. You speak with conviction and without fear. Youre sincere and unafraid to be yourself. It is in suppressing and denying feelings that we ultimately lose control, as they are then expressed in far more subtle You resent anyone telling you what you should or shouldnt be interested in. One of my besties, Melissa Ambrosini (self-love guru and best selling author) has other beautiful ideas about how to tap into your feminine (and ergo soften) in one of her blog posts here. For you and your heightened senses and emotions give you the ability to respond to people, situations even! Pop, dance, rock and religious music, and website in browser... Water on your body and where you are at in your life better would confirm what others have suggested on! And provide everything they need when they get inspired by anything annoying emotion youve chosen to accept and on. Of whom you confide in started with a clarity thats unique fill it up.. Path to success what are the odds your score would confirm what others have suggested isnt always well-received to. Started with a clarity thats unique and proper social behavior believe they 're forceful! 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how to soften an intense personality