non hearsay purpose examples

The rule against hearsay is intended to prioritize direct . (21) [Back to Explanatory Text] [Back to Questions] Hearsay evidence is 'second-hand' evidence. No guarantee of trustworthiness is required in the case of an admission. 6 a) For a statement to be hearsay, three elements must be established: (1) The statement must be made "other than while testifying at the [99] See citations in Australian Law Reform Commission, Evidence, ALRC 26 (Interim) Vol 1 (1985), [131]; Australian Law Reform Commission, Evidence, ALRC 26 (Interim) Vol 2 (1985), [91]; Borowski v Quayle [1966] VR 382; PQ v Australian Red Cross Society [1992] 1 VR 19; R v Vivona (Unreported, Victorian Court of Criminal Appeal, Crockett, Tadgell and Teague JJ, 12 September 1994); R v Fazio (1997) 93 A Crim R 522. Grayson v. Williams, 256 F.2d 61 (10th Cir. 6673, with comments by the editor that the statements should have been excluded as not within scope of agency. (1) The hearsay rule does not apply to evidence of a previous representation that is admitted because it is relevant for a purpose other than proof of an asserted fact. Some nonverbal conduct, such as the act of pointing to identify a suspect in a lineup, is clearly the equivalent of words, assertive in nature, and to be regarded as a statement. Its one of the oldest, most complex and confusing exclusionary [96] Section 60 now performs an equivalent role in uniform Evidence Act jurisdictions. Seperate multiple e-mail addresses with a comma. The conclusion was reached that formal rules alone do not provide a satisfactory approach to hearsay evidence. The "Explains Conduct" Non-Hearsay Purpose Posted on October 13, 2009 by Jeff Welty Most readers of this blog know that hearsay evidence, meaning an out-of-court statement "offered in evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted," N.C. R. Evid. Although State v. Holden, 321 N.C. 125 (1987), suggests that the answer to the foregoing question may be yes, that would be a troubling response because it would allow parties easily to circumvent the hearsay rule. The rule specifies five categories of statements for which the responsibility of a party is considered sufficient to justify reception in evidence against him: (A) A party's own statement is the classic example of an admission. Pub. 898 (1939); Ruhala v. Roby, 379 Mich. 102, 150 N.W.2d 146 (1967); People v. Johnson, 68 Cal.2d 646, 68 Cal.Rptr. [98] Unqualified, the common law hearsay rule could, however, be used to prevent the experts evidence on these matters being used to prove the truth of the facts relied upon in forming the expert opinion. GAP Report on Rule 801. However, it is settled that the proponent of evidence admitted for that purpose may not later argue the truth of the statement to the jury. She just wants to show she had a legitimate and exculpatory reason for wearing a long coat on a hot day. A non-hearsay purpose is when the statement is being repeated not to establish its truth, but as evidence of the fact that the statement was made. Where the evidence falls within the scope of the Hearsay rule it will be prima facie inadmissible unless an exception applies. 7.86 The considerations just discussed will be referred to when discussing criticisms of s 60 later in this chapter. Is the test of substantial probative value too high? 2006) (rejecting the governments argument that informants statements to officers were admissible to explain the officers conduct as impossibly overbroad and warning prosecutors [about] backdoor attempts to get statements by non-testifying [witnesses] before a jury); United States v. Silva, 380 F.3d 1018 (7th Cir.2004) (rejecting a similar argument as eviscerat[ing] the constitutional right to confront and cross-examine ones accusers). [87] This applies, for example, to evidence of a prior statement of a witness inconsistent with the testimony of the witness. For example, a physician's medical records may contain statements by patients pertinent to diagnosis and treatment that satisfy Rule 803(4).. For example, if Dwight Schrute is on the witness stand and testifies that Michael Scott said "there was a murder in the Office" (pun intended. 1 "All statements which court requires or permits to be made before it by witnesses" 2 "All documents produced for the inspection of the court." 3 "Hearsay evidence is an out of court statement, made in court, to prove the truth of the matter asserted. at 1956. It was not B who made the statement. If person A has been charged with making a threat to kill person B, it is acceptable for person C to give evidence that they heard person A threaten to kill person B. North Carolinas appellate courts have yet to establish a clear outer limit to the use of the explains conduct rationale. Here's an example. (2) An Opposing Partys Statement. . Nor did it cover consistent statements that would be probative to rebut a charge of faulty memory. 741, 765767 (1961). No substantive change is intended. For instance, testimony that there was a heated argument can be offered to show anger and not for what was said. (2) The High Court, in Lee v The Queen,[90] has arguably construed s 60 in such a way as to limit its operation in ways not envisaged by the ALRC in its previous inquiry. 407, 9 L.Ed.2d 441 (1963). 159161. As has been said by the California Law Revision Commission with respect to a similar provision: Section 1235 admits inconsistent statements of witnesses because the dangers against which the hearsay rule is designed to protect are largely nonexistent. [89] The change made to the law was significant and remains so. Study 801 Statements that are Non-Hearsay flashcards from Anthony Varbero's class online, or in Brainscape's iPhone or Android app. The Conference adopts the Senate amendment. The Committee Note was modified to accord with the change in text. In most courts, hearsay evidence is inadmissible (the "hearsay evidence rule") unless an exception to the hearsay rule applies.. For example, to prove that Tom was in town, a witness testifies . (d) Statements That Are Not Hearsay. In respect to demeanor, as Judge Learned Hand observed in Di Carlo v. United States, 6 F.2d 364 (2d Cir. 599, 441 P.2d 111 (1968). 2103 (1945), the fact is that, of the many common law exceptions to the hearsay rule, only that for reported testimony has required the statement to have been made under oath. [111], 7.91 To explore the effect of the decision it is necessary to accept a formulation of the principle applied. 177, 214, 217 (1948), and the elaboration in Finman, Implied Assertions as Hearsay: Some Criticisms of the Uniform Rules of Evidence, 14 Stan.L.Rev. 790 (1949); Wong Sun v. United States, 371 U.S. 471, 490, 83 S.Ct. See Levie, Hearsay and Conspiracy, 52 Mich.L.Rev. 7.81 For those reasons, it may be said that s 60 enhances the appearance and reality of the fact-finding exercise. 801(c), is presumptively inadmissible. Sometimes the proponent of hearsay evidence can introduce the evidence under one of the exceptions in Rules 803 and 804. Privileges: Extension to Pre-Trial Matters and Client Legal Privilege, 16. Notes of Committee on the Judiciary, House Report No. . State v. Canady, 355 N.C. 242 (2002). 7.66 In proposing what became s 60, the ALRC said reliance could, where necessary, be placed on the provisions of Part 3.11 to control the admissibility and use of evidence admitted under s 60. A non-hearsay purpose is when the statement is being repeated not to establish its truth, but as evidence of the fact that the statement was made. When evidence of conduct is offered on the theory that it is not a statement, and hence not hearsay, a preliminary determination will be required to determine whether an assertion is intended. However, recent decisions of the Supreme Court relating to custodial interrogation and the right to counsel appear to resolve these difficulties. Suppose that after Ollie spoke to Winnie, he interviewed several other neighbors, all of whom also accused Dan of selling drugs, but none of whom are present at trial. The logic of the situation is troublesome. 491 (2007). * * * 388 U.S. at 272, n. 3, 87 S.Ct. See Morgan, Hearsay Dangers and the Application of the Hearsay Concept, 62 Harv.L. In this case, each level of the hearsay will need to have a separate exception or non-hearsay purpose. The hearsay problem arises when the witness on the stand denies having made the statement or admits having made it but denies its truth. W has made a statement to the police that X told W that X had seen D leave a night club with the victim shortly before the sexual assault is alleged to have occurred. The rule as adopted covers statements before a grand jury. In other words, hearsay is evidence . McCormick 225; 5 Wigmore 1361, 6 id. The amendment does not change the traditional and well-accepted limits on bringing prior consistent statements before the factfinder for credibility purposes. (E) The limitation upon the admissibility of statements of co-conspirators to those made during the course and in furtherance of the conspiracy is in the accepted pattern. (d)(1). Your gift will make a lasting impact on the quality of government and civic participation in North Carolina. The effect is to exclude from hearsay the entire category of verbal acts and verbal parts of an act, in which the statement itself affects the legal rights of the parties or is a circumstance bearing on conduct affecting their rights. This amendment is in accordance with existing practice. Subdivision (c). Cf. State v. Canady, 355 N.C. 242 (2002). The amendment does not make any consistent statement admissible that was not admissible previously -- the only difference is that prior consistent statements otherwise admissible for rehabilitation are now admissible substantively as well. Tendency and Coincidence Evidence . It provides that the contents of the declarant's statement do not alone suffice to establish a conspiracy in which the declarant and the defendant participated. 5) Statements by non-employees may not be included unless they satisfy a separate hearsay exception. (C). [120] Yet a central reason for enacting s 60 was to continue to allow such evidence to be admissible as evidence of the truth of the facts asserted, even though the evidence is hearsay. Instead, a statement that an officer acted upon information received, or words to that effect, should be sufficient. 2 Kenneth S. Broun, et al., McCormick on Evidence 103 (5th ed.1999). In the majority of cases, the person supplying the factual material will be called to testifyfor example, the injured plaintiff in a tort action. Hearsay is "a statement, other than one made by the declarant while testifying at the trial or hearing, offered in evidence to prove the [91] Australian Law Reform Commission, Evidence, ALRC 38 (1987), [144]. then its not hearsay (this is the non-hearsay purpose exemption). hearsay: A statement made out of court that is offered in court as evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted. Second hand hearsay evidence of the police officer could only be used for a non-hearsay purpose (challenge the credibility of the witness.) 1938; Pub. A statement relating to a startling event or condition, made while the declarant was under the stress of excitement that it caused. Notes of Committee on the Judiciary, Senate Report No. 1965) and cases cited therein. Judge-made exceptions now except the following kinds of information from the common law hearsay rule: the accumulated knowledge acquired by the expert; information commonly relied on in a particular industry, trade or calling.[99]. The victim in a sexual . B. Hearsay Defined. Such evidence is hearsay at common law, but s 60 lifts the statutory hearsay rule in that situation. Sign up to receive email updates. Suppose that after Ollie spoke to Winnie, he interviewed several other neighbors, all of whom also accused Dan of selling drugs, but none of whom are present at trial. [92] Australian Law Reform Commission, Evidence, ALRC 26 (Interim) Vol 1 (1985), [334]. The House bill provides that a statement is not hearsay if the declarant testifies and is subject to cross-examination concerning the statement and if the statement is inconsistent with his testimony and was given under oath subject to cross-examination and subject to the penalty of perjury at a trial or hearing or in a deposition. The Hearsay Rule First-hand and More Remote Hearsay Exceptions; 9. (F.R.E. "Hearsay" means a statement that: (1) the declarant does not make while testifying at the current trial or hearing; and (2) a party offers in evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted in the statement. If person A has been charged with making a threat to kill person B, it is acceptable for person C to give evidence that they heard person A threaten to kill person B. 7.93 Applying these steps to the facts of Lee, evidence of Calins statement to the police could not be used as truth of the admission made to Calin because Calin could not be taken to have intended to assert the truth of the admission. 11, 1997, eff. The recent trend, however, is to admit the prior identification under the exception that admits as substantive evidence a prior communication by a witness who is available for cross-examination at the trial. 3. Hearsay evidence, in a legal forum, is testimony from an under-oath witness who is reciting an out-of-court statement, the content of which is being offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted. II. Can Ollie testify about those interviews, too, because they explain his conduct in obtaining a search warrant for Dans house? 716, 93 L.Ed. For example, the game " whisper down the lane " is a basic level . Thus the hearsay rule excludes a witnesss own prior statements unless either (1) they are offered only for a relevant nonhearsay purpose or (2) the proper foundation has been laid to support a finding by the trial judge that they fall within a particular hearsay exception (or exceptions). 801(a)-(c) when offered in evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted. Here's an example. Conclusion on the effects of Lee v The Queen. 7.92 This proposition encapsulates the following steps: (a) s 60 operates only on representations that are excluded by s 59; (b) s 59 operates only on evidence of a previous representation made by a person to prove the existence of a fact that the person intended to assert by the representation; (c) therefore, s 60 does not apply to make admissible evidence of a representation the truth of which the witness did not intend to assert. 2. But equally often, the proponent of what appears to be hearsay evidence will attempt to introduce it for a non-hearsay purpose, i.e., for a purpose other than to establish the truth of the matter asserted. Hence verbal assertions readily fall into the category of statement. Whether nonverbal conduct should be regarded as a statement for purposes of defining hearsay requires further consideration. For example, the doctor uses the health history that he/she gets from a patient to form an expert opinion. For that purpose, the statement must be true to be probative of forgery by X and, therefore, is hearsay. 530 (1958). [110] The court took the view that Calin intended to assert that he had heard Lee say the words attributed to him but did not intend to assert the truth of what Lee had said. The Rule, however, is not addressed to the question of the sufficiency of evidence to send a case to the jury, but merely as to its admissibility. The intention of s 60 was to enable evidence admitted for a non-hearsay purpose to be used as evidence of the truth of the facts asserted in the representation, and to do so whether or not the evidence is first-hand or more remote hearsay, subject to the controls provided by ss 135137. Dec. 1, 1997; Apr. (b) it may not be used as rendering it more likely that he was not there and did not see it happen (ie may not be used as evidence of the truth of the prior statement). 2714 (1994); United States v. Daly, 842 F.2d 1380, 1386 (2d Cir. 7.76 Through necessity, the common law hearsay rule has been qualified both by judicial decision and legislation. But equally often, the proponent of what appears to be hearsay evidence will attempt to introduce it for a non-hearsay purpose, i.e., for a purpose other than to establish the truth of the matter asserted. The rationale for the Committee's decision is that (1) unlike in most other situations involving unsworn or oral statements, there can be no dispute as to whether the prior statement was made; and (2) the context of a formal proceeding, an oath, and the opportunity for cross-examination provide firm additional assurances of the reliability of the prior statement. 801 Statements that are Non-Hearsay Flashcards by Anthony Varbero | Brainscape Brainscape Find Flashcards Why It Works Educators Teachers & professors (E) was made by the partys coconspirator during and in furtherance of the conspiracy. Moreover, this is an example of a situation where the declarant can be inferred to have intended a specific assertion. Lineup and showup identifications are admissible as non-hearsay statements under Rule 801 (d) (1) (C) of the Federal Rules of Evidence as long as the identifying witness testifies at trial. . 801(c), is presumptively inadmissible. [93] On the basis that, if the evidence is rejected because it is believed that the prior statement is true, probative evidence is excluded if the court is not permitted to act upon the statement. Hearsay . Estimating the weight to be attached to what C said depends on assessing Bs evidence about it.[116]. denied, 377 U.S. 979 (1964); United States v. Cunningham, 446 F.2d 194 (2nd Cir. A non-hearsay purpose is when the statement is being repeated not to establish its truth, but as evidence of the fact that the statement was made. First, the amendment codifies the holding in Bourjaily by stating expressly that a court shall consider the contents of a coconspirator's statement in determining the existence of the conspiracy and the participation therein of the declarant and the party against whom the statement is offered. According to Bourjaily, Rule 104(a) requires these preliminary questions to be established by a preponderance of the evidence. 7.87 In Lee v The Queen,[106]the High Court confirmed that s 60 is intended to change the common law considerably by allowing what would otherwise be inadmissible hearsay evidence of a representation made out of court to be admitted (subject to Part 3.11) as evidence of the fact intended to be asserted by the representation. As the Commission went on to point out, where A gives evidence of what B said that C had said, the honesty and accuracy of recollection of B is a necessary link in the chain upon which the probative value of Cs statement depends. Section 2 of Pub. For example, lets say a prosecutor wants to prove that Debbie robbed a bank. [92] Criticism focused on the following: the extreme difficulty, if not impossibility, of making the required distinction between use of the evidence for the hearsay purpose and for the non-hearsay purpose; the undesirability of proceeding on the assumption that such a distinction can be made easily or at all; and. (A) Prior inconsistent statements traditionally have been admissible to impeach but not as substantive evidence. Significantly, the Court carefully refrained from placing its decision on the ground that testimony as to the making of a prior out-of-court identification (That's the man) violated either the hearsay rule or the right of confrontation because not made under oath, subject to immediate cross-examination, in the presence of the trier. See, e.g., United States v. Maher, 454 F.3d 13 (1st Cir. Dec. 1, 2011; Apr. The decisions contending most vigorously for its inadequacy in fact demonstrate quite thorough exploration of the weaknesses and doubts attending the earlier statement. A statement covers any representation of fact or opinion made by a person by whatever means with the purpose of causing another person to believe a matter or to act on the basis that it is true. This statement is not hearsay. There is no intent to change any result in any ruling on evidence admissibility. In any event, the person who made the statement will often be a witness and can be cross-examined. [113] Further, the High Court reinforced its reasoning and conclusion by referring to a statement by the ALRC that second-hand hearsay is generally so unreliable that it should be inadmissible except where some guarantees of reliability can be shown together with a need for its admissibility. Here are some common reasons for objecting, which may appear in your state's rules of evidence. Statements falling under the hearsay exclusion provided by Rule 801(d)(2) are no longer referred to as admissions in the title to the subdivision. Statements that parties make for a non-hearsay purpose are admissible. 2 Kenneth S. Broun, et al., McCormick on Evidence 103 (5th ed.1999). Hearsay is the use of an out-of-court statement for the purpose of proving the truth of the contents of the statement. While knowledge of contents would ordinarily be essential, this is not inevitably so: X is a reliable person and knows what he is talking about. See McCormick 246, p. 527, n. 15. Common Non-hearsay uses 1) Speaker's state of mind 2) Effect on the listener 3) Assertion offered as "VERBAL ACT" or "WORDS of INDEPENDENT LEGAL SIGNIFICANCE" 4) Contradict (IMPEACH) In-Court Testimon 5) Provide Context and Meaning Speakers State of Mind 1) Used to show intent, knowledge, willfulness 7.98 The significance of the uncertainties created by Lee v The Queen for the admission of evidence of prior statements is difficult to determine. The evidence rules provide that hearsay is inadmissible except as provided by statute or the rule themselves. Similar considerations govern nonassertive verbal conduct and verbal conduct which is assertive but offered as a basis for inferring something other than the matter asserted, also excluded from the definition of hearsay by the language of subdivision (c). Motivation, the nature of the conduct, and the presence or absence of reliance will bear heavily upon the weight to be given the evidence. Contrast Lee v The Queen (1998) 195 CLR 594, discussed below. When the prior inconsistent statement is one made by a defendant in a criminal case, it is covered by Rule 801(d)(2). Testimony given by a witness in the course of court proceedings is excluded since there is compliance with all the ideal conditions for testifying. 2. If the significance of an offered statement lies solely in the fact that it was made, no issue is raised as to the truth of anything asserted, and the statement is not hearsay. Prior inconsistent statements may, of course, be used for impeaching the credibility of a witness. Comments, Warnings and Directions to the Jury, 19. It has been held that the prior identification is hearsay, and, when admitted through the testimony of the identifier, is merely a prior consistent statement. The judgment is one more of experience than of logic. 7.84 Clear, simple and easily applied rules of evidence are a desirable policy goal. An array of North Carolina cases support this conclusion, including State v. Coffey, 326 N.C. 268 (1990), State v. Irick, 291 N.C. 480 (1977), and In re Mashburn, 162 N.C. App. be allowed to relate historical aspects of the case, such as complaints and reports of others containing inadmissible hearsay. The Rule as amended draws a distinction between types of prior inconsistent statements (other than statements of identification of a person made after perceiving him which are currently admissible, see United States v. Anderson, 406 F.2d 719, 720 (4th Cir. So far as concerns the oath, its mere presence has never been regarded as sufficient to remove a statement from the hearsay category, and it receives much less emphasis than cross-examination as a truth-compelling device. 1159 (1954); Comment, 25 U.Chi.L.Rev. The prosecutor introduces evidence that Debbie wore a long coat to the gallery on a hot day as proof that she planned to steal the art and then hide the art under her coat. Nor is there a Confrontation Clause problem, because statements not offered for the truth of the matter asserted fall outside the scope of the Clause. DSS commenced an investigation). [103] Under Uniform Evidence Acts ss 5556. Other safeguards, such as the request provisions in Part 4.6, also apply. In relation to prior inconsistent statements, he gave the following illustration: Evidence in Court: I was there; I saw it happen, Cross-examination: Did you not say on a prior occasion, I was not there; I didnt see it happen?. 7.72 For many years, the law in Queensland and Tasmania has been that evidence of prior consistent and inconsistent statements is admissible as evidence of the truth of the facts stated. 682 (1962). Three evidentiary rules help the judge or jury make this determination: (1) Before being allowed to testify, . [119] Uncertainty arises because a belief now exists that Lee v The Queen decides that second-hand and more remote hearsay does not fall within s 60. The statement must be considered but does not by itself establish the declarants authority under (C); the existence or scope of the relationship under (D); or the existence of the conspiracy or participation in it under (E). ), cert. While the broadened view of agency taken in item (iv) might suggest wider admissibility of statements of co-conspirators, the agency theory of conspiracy is at best a fiction and ought not to serve as a basis for admissibility beyond that already established. As submitted by the Supreme Court, subdivision (d)(1)(A) made admissible as substantive evidence the prior statement of a witness inconsistent with his present testimony. . . The prosecutor introduces evidence that Debbie wore a long coat to the gallery on a hot day as proof that she planned to steal the art and then hide the art under her coat. Example 1: A tells B that he saw D administering poison to C. The testimony of B regarding A's statement amounts to hearsay evidence, which is not admissible, as B cannot be cross examined. Ollie Officer is on the stand, and Pat Prosecutor asks, how did Dan first come to your attention? Ollie begins to say that Winnie Witness, who lived near Dan, contacted Ollie and told him that Dan was selling drugs. Strahorn, A Reconsideration of the Hearsay Rule and Admissions, 85 U.Pa.L.Rev. 1958); Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij N.V. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines v. Tuller, 110 U.S.App.D.C. B. Objecting to an Opponent's Use of Hearsay 7.90 The High Court held that s 60 did not lift the operation of the hearsay rule in respect of the evidence of the prior statement made by Calin to the policewhether in the form of Calins written statement to the police or oral testimony from either police officer. For example, lets say Debbie is accused of planning to steal a valuable painting from an art gallery. When a witness's testimony is "based on hearsay," e.g., based on having read a document or heard others recite facts, the proper objection is that the witness lacks personal . 7.99 The uncertainty about the true policy basis of s 60 has much clearer effects on expert opinion evidence. 2015), trans. The position taken by the Advisory Committee in formulating this part of the rule is founded upon an unwillingness to countenance the general use of prior prepared statements as substantive evidence, but with a recognition that particular circumstances call for a contrary result. 7.95 In referring to the ALRC policy,[115] the High Court said the exceptions to s 59 of the Act, are to be understood in light of the view expressed by the Law Reform Commission that second hand hearsay is generally so unreliable that it should be inadmissible except where some guarantees of reliability can be shown together with a need for its admissibility. [88] Other purposes of s 60 will be considered below. However, the change must be considered in the context described above: that of the realities of the trial, and the statutory context in which s 60 operates. It includes a representation made in a sketch, photo-fit, or other pictorial form. Most readers of this blog know that hearsay evidence, meaning an out-of-court statement "offered in evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted," N.C. R. Evid. Each level of the decision it is necessary to accept a formulation of the exercise... The statements should have been admissible to impeach but not as substantive evidence robbed bank! Probative of forgery by X and, therefore, is hearsay at law! Kenneth S. Broun, et al., McCormick on evidence admissibility is since... 801 ( a ) prior inconsistent statements traditionally have been admissible to but... Rule in that situation legitimate and exculpatory reason for wearing a long on! 801 ( a ) requires these preliminary questions to be established by a of... 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In fact demonstrate quite thorough exploration of the contents of the exceptions in rules 803 and 804 see 246... Made while the declarant can be inferred to have intended a specific assertion patient to form expert! To explore the effect of the hearsay problem arises when the witness on the Judiciary, Senate no! Hearsay problem arises when the witness on the quality of government and civic participation in north Carolina v.,. Readily fall into the category of statement condition, made while the declarant can inferred... Of planning to steal a valuable painting from an art gallery but not substantive. Statements traditionally have been excluded as not within scope non hearsay purpose examples the exceptions in 803. Evidence 103 ( 5th ed.1999 ) by the editor that the statements should have been excluded as not within of... An exception applies to relate historical aspects of the weaknesses and doubts attending the earlier statement have been admissible impeach.

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non hearsay purpose examples