prayer to activate prophetic gift

It takes all the pressure off and if it turns out that you were not correct you dont look silly. Pray before you start your interpretation and ask God for wisdom. [3]. I started to get attacked by demons, turning on lights, and electronics, moving things, shadows in my periphreal, feeling chilly air, and though i couldnt see them, i could sense them and tell you exactly where they stood, how tall, how wide they were and their rank. Your website showed up in the midst of what I sensed God was calling for me. Required fields are marked *. You may explore this area and find out that prophetic ministry is not for youthat is OK. [2] Following are some articles to help you activate your prophetic gift through journaling: [3] Enliven Blog is an online resource of Enliven Ministries, containing many articles to help Christians grow in the gift of prophecy. We must get acquainted with Him, which means we must spend time with Him. Prophetic Prayer helps Sharpen Your Prophetic Gift My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. (John 10:27) You do not have to have the gift of prophecy to use prophetic prayer. Thank You, Father, for the spiritual gifts that You have given me. The most important advice is to pray from the heart and the soul. I turned my worship music up and put a hand over my ear closest to the door and pressed on. Powered by The VGC Group. What am I expectinga love note back from Jesus? The last thing you want to do is start regurgitating someone elses word. In spite of my exhaustion last night, the journal was amazing. Started the journaling time by going back over the last few entries with a highlighter, and am encouraged by the awesome gems of encouragement I have received. Ive been confused and overwhelmed. Loved it! Offer any fear to the Lord in trust of the Spirits work in us. It is an honour to receive your invitation to do prophetic training with you in Zimbabwe! Blood of Jesus, cleanse me from every defilement in Jesus name. Dont get offended if they dont listen. Using your gift should be I console myself with the recent purchase of a shredding machine. Thank the Lord for the power of the Holy Spirit. Let your fire burn in me, and let me walk in the spirit of discernment again. His response was that i would be corrupted with false teaching and politics of the churches if i went this way, but rather he was calling me to be a pastor of his people for the last days, when a pastorial degree would mean nothing, when ordination would mean nothing, when the other pastors of churches would fall and no one would be left to lead in the truth. 2. I have felt strange since I feel alone in this search of mine for truth. What Joseph did have was the gift of interpreting dreams. I just know that she seemed to have this beautiful connection with God that I wanted and she didnt care what others thought if her. 1. I was sensing before I saw it to get rid of my FB account. I need more teaching on the prophetic. You don't need to speak out loud. 29 Activate: Light Up Your Prophetic. Delilah never stopped until she learnt Samsons power and then used it to kill him. You can do this through prophetic activation, which is simply a stirring up of the gift that already dwells within you. There are many different interpretations for the same symbol in dreams so it is only when the interpretations bears witness with the spirit of the dreamer that your interpretation is correct. I am a servant of God, just like you and your brothers and sisters who testify about their faith in Jesus. Activate every gift you I read your articles on this website of prophecy and felt moved to leave a replyi feel this is going to be a long commentall my childhood ive grown up in a high desert very secluded from people..only 6 people in my community and only my brother as the only other child in our communityin school i never really had any friends. You bring princes to naught and reduce the rulers of this world to nothing (Isaiah 40:22-23). I liken it to strengthening the human muscles Let there be a restoration, oh Lord. I always wanted to do the right thing. Discern the voice of God through different spiritual senses. Some countries you need a visa before you can visit them, well same thing happens in the spiritual realm. It is expressed in how we respect and show our reverence to God through our practice of religion. Lord. I hope this helps. I was prophesied over when I was in YWAM that I was an intersessor with dance. Prophecy is one of the gifts of the Spirit. I felt like this demon wanted to speak to me, but wasnt able to. God has heavily used this site in my calling. A couple days later He explained some things to me about why he had me fall away and it was so that i could forget the teaching of Revelation from the adventist church and have a clean slate and that He wanted me to study Revelation again. Here is an article that may help get you started: The Venerable Ilya of Makeyevka lived a life of imitating Christ, for which the Lord rewarded him with rich spiritual gifts. Its not to make us appear spiritual or to make us feel good at prayer meetings. Ongoing learning about the prophetic gift will encourage you to continue activating your gift of prophecy. In junior highschool, i started noticing that i knew things before they would happen or know things were happening that i had no way of knowing. Little is known about the life of this schemamonk before he returned to Donbass in advanced age. This online course by Prophetic Company provides the first building blocks for establishing you in the gift of prophecy and covers the first six lessons of the book Basic Training For Prophetic Activation. Curious about the Prophetic and want to be empowered to flow in the gift? I dont care how many prophetic words you hear saying this is the season where the hidden ones become public make sure that word is for you. 0000005974 00000 n Help her let go of her regrets Lord. I believe God has shown me over the past 4 years that the depression was oppression from a spirit. I need conviction to be fresh in my daily life. I need strength wisdom and diacernment. Let your name be magnified, as I proclaim your greatness. 0000003136 00000 n Iam one of the beneficiary of your ministries. Amen. I know I have gift of teaching based on how many I have tutor in different subjects not Christian related. Again, without reading the word of God you will be lost! [1] Even if you do not have a specific gift, every Christian benefits by learning how to hear from God and receive insights from the Holy Spirit. Learn about the different ways He can speak to you, including through scripture, pictures, thoughts and impressions, dreams, prompts, inner urges and Divine appointments. I highly recommend this journaling technique to every one. Praying for the Gift. A couple of pages of scrawl later, there was reassurance, but also some valuable instruction and refocusing. The most important advice is to pray from the heart and the soul. Many of my siblings struggle with depression. I need you Lord to give my Mom strength faith and assurance with out question Lord. Im in my 40s now. 3MJ2ufy2yJs^0nZ bqjYB-unMa#3%#3B>4 If you handle it this way you will realize you have many more gifts that will come to the surface. Develop a lifestyle of encouragementthis will spill over into your prophetic ministry. 0000005151 00000 n Now, God worked through all of that and they still ended up where they needed to be. The gift of prophecy is included among the gifts. As you grow in your gifting and your calling your angels change. Thank you for this powerful teachings on the Holy Spirit,really inspiring and timely. Your email address will not be published. Nevertheless Lord, I pray that I may grow in grace and in a knowledge of Jesus. Thank You that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, and that You have sent Him to indwell my heart and to lead and guide me into all truth. Until you are sure, that you are sure, that you are sure. I think the meaning can include prophecy, but is also much broader than prophecy. The Venerable Ilya of Makeyevka lived a life of imitating Christ, for which the Lord rewarded him with rich spiritual gifts. Lord, I am praying for Holy Spirit upon my life and l am also praying for spiritual gifts. TheEnliven Prophetic School is now open! Father, incubate me with fire of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus' name. Over the next week, I will be trialing prayer journaling as a method, and recording my journey in the comments section of this post (scroll down to see these). The safe way to do this is by staying away from thus says the Lord or The Lord told me to tell you or anything that starts with God said stay away from that. Check out the prophetic training category at the right hand side of the blog for many more articles to help you grow in this area. Lord, I know that today there are many evidences all around us that the spiritual gifts that You have graciously given to many in the Church, seem to be abused in the same way that they were misapplied in the church at Corinth.Lord, I pray that You would use my spiritual gifts as well as my natural abilities to Your praise and glory and not for my own personal use or pride, and Lord, I accept that spiritual gifts are not necessarily an evidence of spirituality. I always seemed to think differently than most and no matter where I went, I never fit in anywhere. You can get on prayer calls or join prophetic conferences. You are the One who sits enthroned above the circle of the earth. It was a young girl who didnt know I was in ballet for over 20 years, and I didnt understand it coming from a Catholic background. You are generous and ready to give, Lord. Shield that house from pain and chaos.send your angels with Joe on the road. It includes the words we speak with our mouth intentionally that line up with the Scriptures. So then you become a celebrity and you get one bodyguard. Remember that at the end of the day your prophecy must lead people back to Jesus. There was one instance where God spoke to me in my sleep and said, this great city will be destroyed but will be made great again. Overwhelm him with the joy you have died for. Well, this is getting too long. That means children can prophesy. However, until I have an opportunity to put prophecy into practice verbally, I cant be sure how much writing prophecy has been of assistance watch this space. When Im happy, I can come here and rejoice with a prayer. Father I pray you will activate the gifts for my sister in Christ. Please help make decisions. Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings.. Please leave your comments or questions below. but many believers considered it a great blessing to shelter this great man of prayer and spiritual discernment. Thank you so much although am struggling with hearing from God myself and am a little confused about moving at Gods time when am not sure and doubt myself. How Do I Activate These Gifts? God will judge you not because they didnt receive it but because you didnt give it. I could tell you the names of the ministries and pastors but Im not going to do that because this is about you discerning so that you are not deceived. I need the lords breast plate of righteousness and belt of truth. It is not your job to make people receive the word. So, if you are seeing things about the church (the body of Christ) then that is likely where you will be called. However, what you find is that some words have a spirit of keeping people independent instead of dependent on God. Father, let every unbroken area in my life be broken, in the name of Jesus. Web1 st Corinthians 12:31 But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way. So, your prayer to get started is simple Lord Jesus, show me how to use the gift of prophecy to give a clear witness to you and what platform you need me to use to bring glory to you. Yes, sometimes a prophet can share a word and it happens years later we can say the Word has come to pass. gogW&Px~ Bring him to his fork in the road. I had one good friend, but we didnt go to school together. 2. Thank you for teaching me how to develop, use, and maximize all you have given me to the fullest potentialto bring Your glory into all aspects of my life and to the people around about me. Please keep the world safe. Worship only God. Heavenly Father, thank You that You have graciously given each of your children gifts and graces that can be used to edify and encourage our brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ.Lord, I dedicate the spiritual gifts and graces with which You have seen fit to give to me to You. vacationland campground reviews Prayer point: Dear, lord please help me stop the stomach pain please keep me through the day and night and keep in your arms for ever in jesus I pray amen.Prayer for healing your stomach Dear Lord, I come to you today with a heavy heart and a troubled stomach. DAY 2 Based on what He is showing you, you will be able to know the level or area you are called to prophecy in. Many other things happened that i could predict that would happen. I'm scared Lord. 3. And, who wants to listen to prophet who is only talks about themselves? What Agabus did not know is that prior to giving Paul that word, God had already told Paul to go to Jerusalem. The word has to lead to the worship of God and not to you, the servant. Here is the information about eBooks. +2348039283961, Dear Prophet Ezekiel, Remember the sons of Sceva? When God needs to grant you access to certain countries and regions hell have all the angels in place to escort and protect you when Hes calling you to it. The seven gifts are first enumerated in the Old Testament book of Isaiah (11: 1-3), and they appear in many Christian devotional works, including this prayer: Holy Spirit, divine Consoler, I adore You as my true God, with God the Father and God the Son. Unsubscribe at any time. Anyone who speaks in a tongue edifies themselves, but the one who prophesies edifies the church. (1 Cor 14:3-4). I feel confident in it now, to break down ideas and make it easier to understand. I just dont want to make a wrong step. Amen. Lord Jesus, the Bible says when You ascended on high, You gave gifts to men. Realize that Jesus has placed the gifts of the Spirit under YOUR control, and YOU can choose to manifest them or not. Dangerous Prayers from the Courts of Heaven that Destroy Evil Altars: Establishing the Legal Framework for Closing Demonic Entryways and Breaking I used to have dreams coming to pass, but they have disappeared. WebFather God, I pray that You will release the gift of discernment so that I can grow up and be on the cutting edge and listen sharply and clearly to the voice of Your Spirit. God even showed me where Papal, Rome will burn in scripture Rev 17:16-17 and Rev 18, but i was blind to seeing this because the adventist church taught us that the harlot on the beast is the catholic church but also the antichrist is the Catholic church and totally dismiss these 2 verses in 17 that the 10 kings will burn the harlot and give their kingdom to the beastthe harlot and the antichrist are 2 different entities, but right now, they are togetherGod also had me remember a dream that he gave me shortly after i got baptized, where i saw Jesus stand before all the people of the world and He said to them, behold, i send you the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the Lord. Then He turned to me and spoke only to me, you are this prophet and you will find these words in the old testament. I woke up and immediately looked in my concordance for these words and found them in Malachi 4:5. Required fields are marked *. I have to confess that I approached the practice of Prayer Journaling this week with a bit of trepidation, even though I have used this method of journaling before. But decided to fire away, and wrote an awesome 1 pagesin part of which the Lord was calling me back to worship and intercession (been a bit light in those for a while) for worship is the language of love and of the throne room of heaven.. This enables you to activate your prophetic gift where there are leaders to give you feedback, and those with gifts of wisdom to help guide you, and others with prophetic gifts who can provide more insights. You are the Alpha and the Omega. In Jesus' name I pray,Amen. In the David McCracken Ministries family. 3. Be open to what this might mean for us. Other times He has spoken as Father, or Comforter, or the Beloved. So, how do you start using the Gift of Prophecy? We hope you enjoyed this series and you learnt something new that will help you to grow in this gift. 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prayer to activate prophetic gift