psalm 23 commentary john macarthur

WebIt [ Psalm 23] has charmed more griefs to rest than all the philosophy of the world. They have been comforted, strengthened, and warmed by the thought that the LORD would shepherd them through the valley of the shadow of death. Notice however that the Psalmist says he 'walks through' this valley. What is also interesting, even before we get into the actual verses, is that this Psalm is part two of what we could call a Messianic trilogy. David wrote about this in Psalm 25. From God's being his shepherd he infers that he shall not want anything that is good for him, v. 1. He experiences the benefit of God's presence with him and care of him now, and therefore expects the benefit of them when he most needs it. You can check these in your browser security settings. WebThou hast relieved me in my distress; be gracious to me and hear my prayer. Psalm 23:4 Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. 2. Sheep are easy targets for parasites, lice, and flies. When things were hard for Joe Christian you would hear the pastor encourage him saying 'Jesus will never leave or forsake you - take heart!' The ASV, which is also in the public domain due to expired copyrights, was a very good translation, but included many archaic words (hast, shineth, etc. His anointing set him apart for his unique role as prophet, priest, and king. We must surrender our desires and follow where He leads no matter the cost. It is well to know, as certainly as David did, that we belong to the Lord. He guides us and leads us along the right and true paths. - Henry Ward Beecher, [2] J Vernon McGee writes 'to put it succinctly, in Psalm 22 we see the cross, in Psalm 23 the crook (the Shepherd's crook), and in Psalm 24 the crown (the King's crown). Because the saints have God's gracious presence with them in their dying moments; he is then at their right hand, and therefore why should they be moved? Then from the pulpit you would hear the same person say that if you didn't do this, this, and this you could lose your salvation or the Holy Spirit would leave you etc. My - This is probably the best thing about this psalm it is so personal! In all of those things he was also being pursued the goodness and loving kindness of his great Shepherd. Sweet and full are the doctrines of the gospel; fit food for souls, as tender grass is natural nutriment for sheep. This is a psalm of trust and confidence in Gods goodness in the present and in the future. Basically fear tactics. He is currently Nothing is hurried, there is no confusion, no disturbance, the enemy is at the door and yet God prepares a table, and the Christian sits down and eats as if everything were in perfect peace. (Spurgeon). (6.) For them, it truly was the valley of the shadow of death. It has sung courage to the army of the disappointed. The sheep may crack their skull just to ease the suffering to get rid of the brain-eating parasites. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.' These valleys were often dark because of the shadow caused by the cliffs, and they were a favourite place for predators to hide in. He is. b. In the Bible, anointing was used to designate a person for a significant role. If things are tough, remember this verse. That's the animal God choose which best represents you! The great care that God takes of believers. The shepherd is also a guide who leads the flock on the right path. WebThe Lord is my shepherd . Ok, I'm being naughty. iii. i. In New Zealand (where I live) all of our farms and fields seem to be 'green pastures' and the sheep tend to munch all day! The Shepherd's rod: The rod which the Shepherd carried was for protecting the sheep from predators. While I am here I will be a child at home with my God; the whole world shall be his house to me; and when I ascend into the upper chamber I shall not change my company, nor even change the house; I shall only go to dwell in the upper story of the house of the Lord for ever. (Spurgeon), (c) 2020 The Enduring Word Bible Commentary by David Guzik 'Is something bad going to happen to me?' We are saved by hope, and that hope will not make us ashamed, because it is well grounded. [6]. They will lead us to places of rest and provision. This is seen in the following table: [2]. This table represents all the blessings that are ours in Christ Jesus. 3He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his names sake. His table was not spread with any thing that came next to hand, but prepared, and prepared before him. He is the shepherd that provides and His people will lack no good thing. What are these green pastures but the Scriptures of truthalways fresh, always rich, and never exhausted? Yea, though I walk, as if the believer did not quicken his pace when he came to die, but still calmly walked with God. I. But the shepherds here use dogs and fences to drive and control the sheep. When the psalmist says that God has anointed his head with oil, he means that God has marked him as specialhas set him apart for a significant role. Surely goodness (Hebrew: tob) and loving kindness (Hebrew: hesed) shall follow me all the days of my life (v. 6a). However, the oil does not just protect the sheep from nuisance. Once he sent his men a begging for him to Nabal, and another time went himself a begging to Ahimelech; and yet, when he considers that God is his shepherd, he can boldly say, I shall not want. Receive uplifting scriptures, inspiring articles & helpful guides to encourage your faith. Again, there is comfort in the fact that God directs us and even discipline from the Lord (pulling us back into line!) There is no if nor but, nor even I hope so; but he says, The Lord is my shepherd. (Charles Spurgeon). One where 'the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. Or a psalm concerning the Messiah that has its fulfillment in Jesus Christ. That is what God desires to work into your life. [1.] 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures. This gives us amazing confidence when we need it most. This verse doesn't mean that there will not be times of drought, valleys, difficulties and need--- far from it God loves you too much to just make things always easy! Part 1. But, God as our shepherd provides peace that transcends all understanding. Just like the sheep, its difficult for us to be at rest when life throws a lot of problems. If we could be saved from wrath, and yet remain unregenerate, impenitent sinners, we should not be saved as we desire, for we mainly and chiefly pant to be saved from sin and led in the way of holiness.[4]. He is their shepherd, and they may call him so. We might say that the shepherds presence did not eliminate the presence of evil, but certainly the fear of evil. 'You are with me' the Psalmist says and that is all that he needs to know. Almost everyone, whether religious or not, has heard Psalm 23 because it is quoted so frequently. In Psalm 23, we are compared to sheep who do not have a sense of direction, are hopeless, and are weak who need a Shepherd. The writer of Psalm 23 makes an analogy between God and the shepherd. The primary responsibility of a shepherd is to ensure the well-being and safety of the flock. Shepherds feed the flock and herd them to good forage areas. WebPastor and teacher John MacArthur covers the complete Bibleevery passage of the Old and New Testaments, phrase by phrasein this valuable one-volume resource. To walk indicates the steady advance of a soul which knows its road, knows its end, resolves to follow the path, feels quite safe, and is therefore perfectly calm and composed Observe that it is not walking in the valley, but through the valley. daq) is life lived in accord with ethical principleslife lived in accord with Gods law and Gods will. He will never, ever, leave you! Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. Note the pronoun change in this verse. The great confidence which believers have in God: "If the Lord is my shepherd, my feeder, I may conclude I shall not want any thing that is really necessary and good for me." The anointing of oil to the sheep isnt just a meaningless ritual. The Shepherds Crook. He talks about going through it, showing that he expects to emerge from its shadows into the light on the other side. Psalm 23:6 And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. [3.] When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; the Holy One of Israel, your Savior (Isaiah 43:1-3). But it is still the path that leads to righteousness. and Kahane, Ahuvia, The Oxford English-Hebrew Dictionary (Oxford University Press, 1998), Fohrer, Georg, Hebrew & Aramaic Dictionary of the Old Testament (SCM Press, 2012), Freedman, David Noel (ed. He had been chased and pursued as he ran from his enemies who sought to take his life. [10]. a. The paths that the Shepherd takes us on are the righteous or 'right' paths. Just as when great princes go abroad they must not go unattended, so it is with the believer. (Spurgeon). They also keep a vigilant and watchful eye out for poisonous plants and wild animals. That symmetric bracketing was a literary device intended to focus attention on the middle phrase, for you are with me. Gods saving presence is the focal point of this psalm. (12) I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. This unspeakably delightful verse has been sung on many a dying bed, and has helped to make the dark valley bright times out of mind. He will sustain and provide for all of His peoples needs. The shadow of a dog cannot bite; the shadow of a sword cannot kill; the shadow of death cannot destroy us. (Spurgeon), iii. God makes his saints to lie down; he gives them quiet and contentment in their own minds, what ever their lot is; their souls dwell at ease in him, and that makes every pasture green. ), Mounces Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006), Renn, Stephen D., Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words: Word Studies for Key English Bible Words Based on the Hebrew and Greek Texts (Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, Inc., 2005), Richards, Lawrence O., Encyclopedia of Bible Words (Zondervan, 1985, 1991), Sakenfeld, Katharine Doob (ed. You are being chased (but don't fret - it's a good thing! It leads to burn out, break downs and depression. 5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Everyone loves this Psalm. a. The best saints are sensible of their proneness to go astray like lost sheep (Ps 119 176); they miss their way, and turn aside into by-paths; but when God shows them their error, gives them repentance, and brings them back to their duty again, he restores the soul; and, if he did not do so, they would wander endlessly and be undone. 4 Ways the Parable of the Sower Encourages Spiritual Growth. David found him so, and so have we. When applied to Yahweh, hesed is fundamentally the expression of his loyalty and devotion to the solemn promises attached to the covenant. 4Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Our lives should be a testimony to God Himself. If there is a ditch, they will fall in and need to be rescued. None of these things move me." But he also knew, through many highs and lows, throughout his life, that he too was but a sheep with a far greater Shepherd. He had known famine. Even in a fearful place, the presence of the shepherd banished the fear of evil. Let us not think it enough to pass through them, but let us lie down in them, abide in them; this is my rest for ever. It isnt his destination or dwelling place. Kings were anointed (1 Samuel 10:1; 16:3, 12-13; 2 Samuel 23:1; 1 Kings 1:39). Jesus the Messiah was also a descendant of King David. However, Gods care for David doesnt remove the presence of his adversaries. The overflowing cup symbolizes the Lords generosity. Konto i listy Zwroty i zamwienia. Heb 12:2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, Psalm 2 Bible Study The Current Rebellion & The Coming King, Psalm 8 Bible Study The wonder of God and the second man, Psalm 16 Part 1: Testing's in the journey through life and death, Psalm 16 Part 2 - Hope in the journey through life and death, Psalm 22 Part 1 - Prophecy of the crucifixion and the wrath of man. It helped him even in the valley of the shadow of death to know that God guided him, even through correction. So I started checking myself - heart was still pumping, ears were attached, nose still worked, yes, everything seemed to be in order. Shepherds feed the flock and herd them to good forage areas. Our website uses cookies to store user preferences. He will sustain and provide for all of His peoples needs. When explaining why he was restoring Israel, God said, I dont do this for your sake, house of Israel, but for my holy name, which you have profaned among the nations, where you went. WebPREVIOUS John 20:22 NEXT John 20:24. 1. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death Through a dark and dismal valley, full of terrors and dangers, as this phrase signifies, Job 24:17; Psalm Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete). But the love for our Saviour is great, with us waiting patiently for a time all these woes will come to an end. 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. I will fear no evil, for you are with me (v. 4b). From his performing the office of a good shepherd to him he infers that he needs not fear any evil in the greatest dangers and difficulties he could be in, v. 2-4. The gist of Psalm 23 is that God is our shepherd who always provides and protects. It is a song of gratitude that resonates with the authors heart and trust in God. The writer asserts their faith in God amidst trials and tribulations through this Psalm. Psalm 23 is written by David who grew up as a shepherd. The center point of this psalm is for you are with me. In the original Hebrew language, there are 26 words before this phrase, and 26 afterwards (Limburg, 74). ), Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2000), Mounce, William D., (ed. Blessed is the man. The concept dates back to the Book of Genesis when Jacob referred to the LORD as the Shepherd and the Rock of Israel (Genesis 49:24). The other thing to note on this point is that the entire psalm is only valid for those who truly have Jesus as their shepherd. Does not just protect the sheep, its difficult for us to places of rest and...., 74 ), priest, and king presence of evil, certainly! 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psalm 23 commentary john macarthur