rife machine testimonials

I just turned eighty years old June 1st. True Rife products are not a substitue for medical treatment from a licensed physician. I immediately ran the two influenza programs and the basic detox program. I only had the two small spots and they never even really blistered. I originally ordered it because my son spent 15 months in Iraq in 2006-2007 and had severe symptoms of candida and probable parasites. WebTesla 25 Rife Machine. (NW, 2005), My grandson had a swollen throat for over 2 years with swollen tonsils and adenoids. But it's ALL about money! After 3 days of using the Rife 101 the swelling in my limbs is going down. The authors of the review also suggested that specific frequencies may modulate the immune system and boost its natural ability to fight off cancerous cells. I had just shaved so I had open pores, and a female acquaintance from Brazil was visiting and kissed my cheek with her moist lips. Since I've been running the Rife 101 on several different programs for all sorts of issues, the scaling has gone away! WebRife is MOST effective in dealing with microbial-based diseases (bacteria, viruses, fungi, mold, and parasites) and your own cells (cancer). fungus, infection, staph, strep, MRSA, C Diff, cramps, IBS, parasites, flu, Myasthenia Gravis, fibromyalgia, He lived in Australia and has been a professional artist for 20 years. Delaying medical treatment can lead to the cancer spreading to other parts of the body, making it more challenging to for doctors to treat. He gave me the same diagnosis I had previously received, and suggested that I try physical therapy. I did not really focus on them, though I did use the headaches setting sometimes. Everyone should have one of these! I wish to point out that there are some areas where modern medical science and Rife's work appear to be converging. 269-382-5820. When I got home and looked it up, it wasn't LIKE leprosy, it IS LEPROSY!! Thank you so much!!!!! Home. Discover the energy frequency healing machine. Following the operation, the eye was not healing up right, and several different medications were tried, and all they seemed to do was make the eye worse. I bought a second one! I felt it coming on and wasted no time. I used the Rife 101 every other day for 6 months doc couldn't believe it. This morning had a headache for about an hour but noticed no limp and my knees were not in any way aching! One treatment you may have heard of is a Rife machine. That's when I started using the Rife 101 and from March to now (July) my blood work improved tremendously - the doctors don't know what I'm doing but they are astounded at my numbers! ALS Untangled no. They requested a 6 month follow up sonogram to check growth rate knowing they would request surgical removal of the gall bladder if growth rate was evident. For at least 13 years! His doctor is even more surprised at how well he is doing. - R. Fernandez, NM 1-14-17. There also havent been any large, controlled clinical trials to evaluate Rife machines or similar devices. Recent MRI showed arthritis so I ran the arthritis program on her last night and she had remarkable relief.none of the pain meds did that. When I asked my doctor about Rife machines he said "They don't work. WebRife Machine Success Stories and Testimonials Share this: Spooky2 Success Story - Hannah: Cancer Could Not be Found After My Father Used the Spooky2 Rife Machine for 3 Months. Thank you so much! That may not seem like a lot, but it is. My hearing back after one treatment. Ironically enough, I ran into an old classmate at a class reunion, and was exited to find out he was an orthopedic surgeon who had a practice locally, and who agreed to see me. Im a retired nurse and I have had numerous patients that had peritonitis. he month of February 2023, and we will send, you a check for $750. Feb 17, 2023. - K. Buchholz, MI (5-29-18). The list is nearly endless, but a handful of them are: Breast cancer8 Melanoma Prostate cancer Leukemia Bone After seeing the steps required to create the "conditions, programs, and channels master list, it was worth every penny of the additional $50 that I spent to have my unit come pre-programmed by URparamount with more than the 2 that are offered for free. Of course, the doctors told him he didn't have any options other than chemo and surgery and more chemo. I was heading towards prostate cancer. Shirley, TX, I had a painful strep infection in my larynx. - Louise J. Rife theorized that these microbes were responsible for cancer and lived inside of the tumor cells. Thanks so much for your quick, hassle-free response, and thank you too for making doubly sure we could "get up and running" again & fast! Masaki had know about Rife Royal Raymond and his Rife Machine before, but at that time, it was very expensive. It's been a godsend, I'm so happy! The doctor at the VA hospital said the lump may be scar tissue. He is very happy. Since Thursday, Duchess our German Shepherd dog, has been getting a treatment a night running the inflammation program for her, putting the sticky pads on her paw pads. Thank you for speaking with us over the July 4th weekend. The frequency is lower than that of waves emitted by cell phones. That must mean it's working and killing the bad bugs. Whats more, opting for alternative therapy with the Rife machine in lieu of regular cancer care may harm your health. SOLD OUT UNTIL FEBRUARY. I also use the Rife machine right away if I get the sniffles and feel a cold coming on - I use it right away and it stops. Used sticky-pad electrodes above and below the bites, on Program 300 Itching/Insect Bites. All you have to lose is a lot of pain, and that's a good thing. - Vera G, IL (10/18/13), I call my Rife 101 my Bug Zapper! I was listless, despondent, no energy, sad and nervous about everything. Nothing worked. Treatment is not covered by insurance. (They'll have to share!). No more cancer. Congestive Heart Failure CHF, Edema, Swelling: Hello, I use my brother in law's Rife 101 machine, I was wasting away in a nursing home with, CHF feeling bloated all the time with weak and swollen knees. (2013). (Except for H. pylori, associated with stomach cancer, no other bacterial cause of cancer is known.) These are my babies and I wanted to keep trying. I got the Rife 101 Bio-Frequency Machine and I gave it a chance with nothing to lose. Be sure that your doctor is aware of all the treatments you try. He has practiced anesthesia for over 25 years. He asked for the details of my affliction and said he may be able to help me. My husband spends 3 hours per day on his Rife machine (this isn't so bad, he likes to watch TV anyway!). I was constipated for five days and in so much pain I thought I was dying. Right now, I want to use the machine, however, I do not seem to have the manual. It was a huge help. I had the shot administered, and the pain went away for 3-4 days and then returned. Yay!! Second, Spooky2 can do Remote treatments. And still feel great! My body for the first time was fighting back. Her CA 125 continued climbing to 1,400 but she still looked and felt great. - S. Rausch, WI (7/30/15). - each time you hit ENTER it will move to the next incidence of your search term. He carried a syringe with him wherever he went. I have a heart condition and I am improving. The pain is going away! I saw 3 orthopedic specialists. I think it will be gone in another 3 weeks. - M. Sharon, AZ 6-27-14, I didn't know what to do. I can use my hands without pain. I started using your Rife machine and all hell broke loose. This made all the difference in the world. The very first day I got the Rife 101 I was able to breathe in the evening! Give the 72 minutes and the fact that I am treating in my liver, lymph nodes and lung, I realized that the amount of toxins produced would be very high. After about maybe 6 months, he got a Cancer free diagnosis! WebRife machine Reviews and Testimonials USA - Suzie - "Three months ago my husband was in hospital on the edge of a final heart attack and with prostate cancer stage 4, in medical terms, he was a dead man. My latest bloodwork shows no mspike and all numbers of a healthy person without multiple myeloma. Also less pain and more energy especially in the morning. I wish to point out that there are some areas where modern medical science and Rife's work appear to be converging. - Tina Rappaport (May 2014), I recently had Shingles for the third time. Laryngeal Carcinoma - Cancer of the Larynx: I first used the frequency resonator clinically on a Native American, a handsome, strapping follow, forty-five years of age, weighing 225 lbs, with cancer of the larynx. I always said that if I get Cancer I will never take chemotherapy. Over the years, some owners of health clinics that promote Rife-like machines have been sued and convicted of fraud. Primary care doctor ran more tests, rheumatologist tests were all negative and said it's probably stress. It wasn't long and we had one of our own and it cost less than funeral expenses!!! I had a cold in the fall of 2010, which was the first time I was sick in about 10 years. I was on a lot of medication and it caused terrible side effects. I would give him a 10 score of possible 10. Take Care! With no hairloss! It's every exciding! Leprosy, Mycobacterium Leprae, Colds, Nasal Infections, Parasites: I've had my Rife 101 since 2005 and I've used it for so many things like colds, nasal infections and parasites, but the most remarkable was when I actually came down with LEPROSY! I can see my face getting clearer and the definitions of the nose and chin coming back after being bloated or swelled for years! Testimonials. Thank you Royal Raymond Rife, Hulda Clark and our creator. ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - Lou Gehrig's Disease), Virus Miracle Machine, Infection: In 1993 I was diagnosed with a virus in my muscles. But it is so nice not to have to go to the bathroom more than once a day instead of 5 or more times. She had initially been exhausted and out of breath just walking from the parking lot up the steps to my office; now she was hiking several miles a day in the woods and walking about town doing her shopping, and reporting no fatigue. He was on a ventilator, had many surgeries, skin grafts, muscle grafts, artery grafts, a rod in his leg, and he was told he'd never walk again. He suffered from many health problems for a long time until discover Spooky2. My brother has mine right now, is using it for cancer and his numbers keep going down. He agreed to come home and got the treatment from a local lady who also does QXCI testing. In two weeks, still asymptomatic, she was given a follow-up treatment just to be sure. It was instrumental. This machine eases it for several days each time I use it. It's also cleared up a few other things so far - I broke my left arm when I was young and the skin on that area was just never right. The cancer was spread throughout his entire digestive tract. I used the setting for headaches and now no more headaches. J.S. Suddenly the open wounds were closing up. They used customer testimonials and anecdotal evidence to support claims about the machine. Dons immediate breathing improvement after a sinus treatment was his most-impressive reaction. My husband, Tom, is doing well right now, except for weakness due to medications. After three days I thought"Carol, you're getting a cold"! He began using the Rife machine and it's held the PSA at bay at 1.1 since January - he's thrilled it's no longer getting worse! Theres no evidence Rife machines are effective in treating cancer. My numbers where climbing for several months and my doc started me on some steroids coupled with Revlamid. Even I say that the Rife machine is a miracle. I've seen all kinds of crazy cancers and I've had some success with the Rife 101 Energy System helping guys with blood cancers. - Phillip, NC, I have the Rife Model 101. The test results showed it is a 4.82 and the Doctor said if it is 5 or lower it is normal. Their outlook for me was not good. That night and the next day she felt more fatigued, but all other symptoms had improved. I immediately got my Rife 101 and put in the shingles program. I am truly grateful to be able to help her in this way. I'm really impressed with this machine! 84 minerals from the sea, matching your body's profile to energize your life! Bless you Tina Rappaport - you are an Earth Angel! I believe that is what I had. After that I looked up my problem and it turned out to be a bacterial infection that manifests itself in the optic nerve! It is very convenient for people who are always very busy and have to travel to different places frequently. Dental Foci, Dental Infection, Tooth Infection, Toothache: I just discovered that a recent crown installation on a tooth on right top side of my mouth, is infected. Rife for this wonderful life-giving technology you have given us. There was this red line extending up her arm (blood infection). I started daily treatments for pain and within three to four treatments, the pain was gone. I placed the small sticky pad electrodes on my temples. It's not just that you are there to support your customers, but you are obviously into this equipment and extremely knowledgeable about it. I put the pads right on the cyst. See full details on our. I was surprised when I recently got a scratchy throat feeling, a bit of a runny nose and started sneezing. Rife treatment works by finding the frequency of the condition. I am trying to do twice a day, but some days, I only get one in. It has relieved my friend's chronic back pain for the past two years. It was a constant annoyance, and embarrassing when I was around people. Blood sugar levels were monitored over one week and found to be always normal. I purchased a Rife frequency instrument. - K. Brock, MT (7-30-15). Now he is symptom free as long as he does some healing session twice a week. My vision has not changed yet, but those results were encouraging. - Mike F. My husband a truck driver has been getting very annoying hot flashes and night sweats. I went and ordered my own machine so I can continue their care. WebRife machines are generally thought to be safe, but we dont know for sure. I call it my doctor machine! (Rife101 user since July 2016) - DRT, OK (8-5-16). My Father was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. We are the leader in Rife Technology. Most recently, physician Gregory Howard,MD with 30 years of clinical experience was added to the TrueRife team. Spooky2 Success Story - Frequency Healing. T&R Laury, MN (12-31-20), I've been using the Rife 101 since 2009 for many things. It's been a long 15 months for us but my husband is now free..the doctors seem to be amazed!! We both use the Rife 101 everyday for something. But I knew how well the Rife machine worked. - Leo G., OK. What a remarkable change! I did not have to do chemo or radiation. Heres what you need to know. Before I placed them like I do now, the treatment helped somewhat. - Jerry, PA. General Rife 101 Use and Customer Service: Tina Rappaport, I just want to mention - if I haven't already - how impressed I am, not just with the Rife 101 itself but your entire presentation; the whole package. Research is still in the early stages. My left leg just about cleared up. We need another one! Two of them, a chiropractor and a naturopath, had frequency generators. I didn't expect much (I have gone through so much with my doctor!) Sue H., FL (10/2/08), Hi Tina. We have battled the acne and it has been a sorrow for my one twin who was on acutane and had one battle at age 14. A week later it was all gone. Today I walked down my stairs. I have been feeling much better with the Lyme protocol you gave me for my Rife 101. - Mike, This machine really works! Something I normally am hospitalized for and have to take major antibiotics. The painful boil that has been such a troubling discomfort had also begun to heal and has now gone away. The constipation and digestive problems started to dissipate with the first use. I have had some good success with a person with liver cancer written off by the doctors, since Easter I have treated him with the Rife 101 and a modified diet including good nutrition and vitamin C he is very well and his doctor annoyed "You were supposed to be dead a month ago!" Love, Margaret S (11/4/15), I bought the Rife Model 101 recently and I'm very happy with it as it's helped my son a ton with his acne. My husband and I are nature type people, we love long walks. Prostate Cancer, Gout, Candida Yeast Infection: Cancer is a scary word & so is everything else that comes along with it. In the meantime, thank you so much. He thought that Spooky2 database is so worthy and effective. Stiffness and joint aches seem to have eased up. This means that the quality and construction of these machines can vary considerably. (Rife 101 user since 2009 - Pancreatic Cancer survivor!) WebSpooky2 Cold Laser Devices Helped Me with Increased Energy and Better Mood. That night I slept!!! YOU are the BEST *::) [batting eyelashes] - Hilde B., WA (4/18/14). We finally remembered about our Rife 101 and we both used the Rife machine on the Itching Program AND the Diabetes Program, and, instantly the itching stopped. She'd scratch her feet so bad I thought she'd bleed to death! Since getting our Rife 101 two years ago she's using NO DRUGS when at one time she had been prescribed up to 120 Mg of morphine to control the pain! Stage IV Mantle Cell Lymphoma, MCL, Cancer, Colds, Flu, Fungus: Late fall in 2011, dad was diagnosed with Stage IV Mantle Cell Lymphoma. Thank you so much for hurrying things along and sending the machine - please let me know asap about the manual. By using our site, you agree to our Terms of UseandPrivacy Policy. - D. Ables, VA 9/19/17. Thats how long it took to convince me the cancer was gone. I used the SWELLING program and took the second photo that same night no ice, no ibuprofen, just the machine. True Rife is a research company and all information enclosed within this website must be considered theoretical and for experimental research only. I attribute this positive increase to the Rife 101 so I am very grateful to have this frequency generator as a tool in my healing arsenal. My only hesitation in giving the Rife 101 full credit is that, for a day or two (and not overnight) I put a tight wrap around that elbow. - L. Gottberg, CA 11-14-17, While attending a bluegrass festival in Palatka, FL we returned to our RV after the music, about 10:30pm. Keep up the good work! We suggest enabling javascipt. She has lung cancer and uses it 1x/day sometimes every other day and it's helping. I have used it for a week now and have discovered several things. It's been a couple of days now and even my nose has cleared up now. He believed that by detecting their specific electromagnetic frequency and transmitting this into a persons body, it would kill the microbes by vibrating them at a mortal oscillatory rate and cure the disease. I started at 3.5 and by the end was close to 8. It is also very beneficial to re-set normal cell frequencies. However, these frequencies are different from those the Rife machine produces. Here is my latest story: 8/2/17: I am working with someone that has Parkinson's and we are starting to see some result's. - S. Irving. I then ran only the detox program for two days and my condition once more improved. about alternative (self-help) medicine thinking THEY have the best doctor available! Sincerely, Leyvi Y, NY (Rife 101 user since March 2013), Hi Tina. I have had a herpes virus with frequent very annoying outbreaks. My hearing got so bad I could hardly hear - someone told me I might have water in my ears, but I used my Rife Model 101 for INFLAMMATION and it was gone after one treatment! He didn't want to try alternatives but I persuaded him to and told him I'd pay the cost. I brought the Rife 101 over to her and she ran it on the Streptococcus Program right away. Sarcoma, 7 tumors, Stage III Cancer going into Stage IV. D & C Lee, SC 1-30-17. I even sleep with it and do treatments at night. I've been helping this stranger as his daughter asked me for help and what a wonderful reward: HIS HEALTH. His father Lowell turns 90 December 11, 2022. But I kept using the Bronchitis program when it came back and gave my body the chance to heal enough to experience a change in the air pattern to take the smoke elsewhere. She finds she's not as tired after the ozone treatments anymore! Those bites are wicked and if it will help someone else that would be great. We will continue to run it once a day on her. The quality and construction of these devices can also vary considerably, and low-quality machines may be unsafe. Also she had chronic recurring herpes cold sores on the lips. My niece started using the Model 101 Rife machine when she was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer. diagnosed with lung cancer & throat cancer in May of 20054 months after my only sister died of lung she was only 57. DOI: Brigden ML. - Wanda M, FL (8-20-14), I've been using the Rife 101 for 5 months now and I decreased my HBP pill to 1/2, now I'm at just 1/4 and I hope to be off it soon! I followed the Quick Start Instructions and used the Bruise program. By the way, fyi, I use the small sticky pad electrodes low on my abdomen on either side of the top of my penis. But each time, I used the Rife 101, it would kill it in minutes and the relief would be amazing, but within a half hour to hour, I would have the condition come back. The TrueRife machine has all the accessories you could want to treat both serious and mildly inconvenient ailments. - Beverly H. I have been diagnosed as Glaucoma suspect (I am 51), my eye pressures are high at L-26 and R-30 (normal range is 8mm=21mm). #8285, CA (1-18-20), A friend reported that her friend, who is 91, got his Rife 101 for his eyes. It has helped my wife's insomnia, and she got rid of her cold in record time. I'm am soooooo happy about this! 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rife machine testimonials