tennis ball bounce on different surfaces experiment

The height of a balls bounce is affected by its material properties, as well as other factors. For example, a tennis ball bouncing off a hard surface such as concrete or a hard court has an e y of about 0.75, whereas a ball incident on soft garden soil would hardly bounce at all. old and new tennis balls (different surface textures/ages). Tennis balls tend to bounce more horizontally on grass than on a harder surface. If you like this project, you might enjoy exploring these related careers: You can find this page online at: Launch Related Video : The Hawk Factor. troubles my partner and I had during our experiment along with the problems we Do you have specific questions about your science project? This is the reason we put in our hypothesis that a This occurs due to a lower air pressure at higher altitudes, which exerts less force on the ball. It provided me with five repeats so that the maximum and minimum results could be discounted and a reliable average could be taken. This is because the higher the starting height of the ball, the higher the ball's potential energy. 1 tennis ball 1 golf ball. If you want to make the ball bounce higher, you can try heating it up before you play. The weight and material of the ball will be kept the same throughout the experiment by using the same ball. A ball bounces in an arc, so measure the height at the top of the arc of the first bounce. Therefore the energy that the ball hits the floor with = mh, The proportion of energy lost when ball hits the floor = The Coefficient to the restitution of the two objects (C, All of the energy that the ball leaves the floor with is converted back into GPE, If dropping a ball in a vacuum all you need to know in order to know how high the ball will bounce to is h, can be found out by looking at a graph, the gradient, as a percentage of 1 gives the amount of energy conserved and therefore C. The clamp stand will be clamped down to the desk using a g-clamp to prevent it falling over and causing possible injuries. Science Buddies Staff. With this information, we The equipment necessary to generate these conditions was not available and as a result the results obtained were not one hundred percent accurate. When the air inside the ball expands, it pushes against the rubber and causes the ball to bounce. There is a chance that you will bounce. These inaccuracies could have been caused by external factors or parallax error even though efforts were made to avoid parallax error occurring - by dropping the ball one time that was not measured and placing a blob of blue tack onto the meter rule at the approximate height it bounced to. At 2ft, the basketball bounced 15 inches, the tennis ball bounced 12 inches, and the golf. For a falling object the Coefficient to restitution (C, ) is equal to the velocity squared as the object is travelling at as it leaves the floor (v, ) divided by the velocity squared as it hits the floor (v, If a ball is dropped in a vacuum. Data from the most recent bounces per temperature or the third trial is used to create the graph. It would also be fun to explore the effect of different surfaces on the bounce of the bouncy ball. hard ball made of rubber should bounce the highest on a concrete surface, which I plan to collect at least ten results as this will make the conclusion and graph I am able to draw from the experiment more accurate than if I had less results than ten. September 28, 2022 by George Jackson. This is because it is easiest as the figure read of the meter rule is the result. I used a Flexible measuring tape to measure what the height was. Science Buddies Staff. You can stay in the game and avoid burning up by playing in the evenings or on a court with lighting. Increased energy and movement results in a bounce. Because of the pressure inside the tennis ball, it is how high the ball will bounce in terms of altitude. For multiple bounces, it's just like dropping the ball again from a reduced height. All of the factors that could have affected the results that were uncontrollable could have produced variations between results. How can you measure the height a ball bounces? Balls bounce differently on different axes. You may print and distribute up to 200 copies of this document annually, at no charge, for personal and classroom educational use. chose balls and surfaces with different hardnesses, textures and compositions in Copyright 2002-2023 Science Buddies. Instead, as the ball is still always loosing GPE so long as it is still falling, all GPE is converted into thermal energy. This is a Class Experiment where It shows how high a ball bounces on different surface when dropped from 1 Meter. The tennis ball was then dropped from various heights; 1, 1.5 and 2 meters above a hard surface, using a meter ruler, before it was dropped onto the ground and the resulting bounce height measured. Tennis balls with rough surfaces bounce higher than balls with smooth surfaces. The higher h1, the faster the velocity that the ball reaches. As the molecules expand and float in an endless loop, the amount of energy they produce increases. Then when dropping the ball again eye level was kept level with the blue tack. In this manner, you apply heat shrink to your head and heat it up until the shrink shrinks. Do you have specific questions about your science project? The strength of Nadals forehand is what makes him so good on clay. Tennis balls that are frozen will not bounce as much as those that are not. For a falling object the Coefficient to restitution (CR) is equal to the velocity squared as the object is travelling at as it leaves the floor (v22) divided by the velocity squared as it hits the floor (v12): If dropping a ball in a vacuum all you need to know in order to know how high the ball will bounce to is h1 and CR. What was the outcome? Try comparing two days with different atmospheric pressure. The ball weighs exactly 2.5g. Bending Plant Roots with Gravity Lesson Plan Introduction. Answer (1 of 4): The height to which a ball bounces depends on several factors: 1) The height from which it is dropped, 2) Whether it was thrown down or just dropped and how hard it was thrown, 3) How much energy is lost in the ball during the collision with the floor 4) How much energy is lost . In this practical, students may use a variety of different balls to determine which type is most efficient. The aim of the experiment my partner and I performed was to find out which A tennis ball is made of rubber and is covered with felt. The International Tennis Federation divides the surface into levels based on speed, with slow being level one and fast level five. Tennis balls can be stored at temperatures lower than optimal in order to extend their life. Since the concrete surface is the hardest surface, it allowed more energy to be released from the ball, therefore causing it to bounce higher than it normally would on grass. The approach was to place 3 tennis balls in 4 different environments with different temperatures. Does the weather make a difference? Although we had all these challenges, The ball showed signs of reaching terminal velocity because the drag force began to approach the force gravity exerts upon the mass of the ball. The exact interval will be determined after the preliminary experiment, as will the number of heights that the ball will be dropped from. A totally accurate experiment would have a variation between results equal to zero however an experiment that is totally accurate needs to be conducted under conditions where air pressure and temperature remained constant, error produced by the ball falling on different parts of the linoleum floor tile (which was not totally even and thus produces inaccurate results) and human error removed by dropping the ball onto a uniform surface and using machinery to record the height to which the ball bounced to. A similar length stick, marked in 5-10cm bands of colour. As the ball has less KE and is travelling slower it becomes stationary faster at the top of its arc. Hard court tennis demands a lot from your joints! The bounce should be between 53 and 58 inches. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. were able to construct a successful experiment. - Ping pong ball x This means that KE is the same for both balls when each ball hits the ground. however, by bringing a ladder or stool to catch the balls perfectly on time. Use the paint and a tape measure to make a series of lines on your roll of paper. This is because as the ball goes faster it passes through a greater volume of air each second. The more energy absorbed by the surface, the less that remains in the ball for it to bounce. It is also necessary to warm a ball, because the energy inside it is released. Why do marbles bounce so high? The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". CR can be found out by looking at a graph, the gradient, as a percentage of 1 gives the amount of energy conserved and therefore CRcan be found without knowing v22or v12. the higher it popped up into the air. Concrete got bounced on the most, 5 times, and the highest, 55cm. This can be explained by two factors. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. As gravity remains the same the amount of work acting on the ball remains the same (apart from slightly more air resistance due to the ball travelling faster and so hitting more air particles per second, but the effect of this is negligible) and the ball travels further before stopping. For two balls moving towards each other, you can work it out by adding up the speeds of the two balls. As CR = h2/ h1it follows the gradient of the graph change in h2/ change in h1= CR. The more particles per cubic meter, the more drag acting upon the ball. Changes in air pressure could have affected results as could changes in temperature however changes in these two factors would have been small; air pressure would not have changed enough to affect the results in the hour period in which the experiment was conducted, and although the rooms temperature may have increased by a degree or two, due to body heat, over the course of the period temperature was not a major factor that affected the height to which the ball bounced and would not have significantly affected the results. When a bouncing ball falls, it initially gains speed or kinetic energythe energy of motion. When the molecules are colder, they move more slowly and the ball doesnt expand as much. Obviously, a ball won't bounce as high on carpet. What do you think this means about your results? The material ball is made from will affect the ball as if it is smooth then the drag will be significantly less than if it is rough. If the mass of the ball is heavier the weight is heavier (weight = mg) and downward force acting upon the ball is greater as well. h2= The distance between the bottom of the ball at the top of its arc after bouncing and the ground. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Best hard court players of all time However, there has been no change in the fact that basketballs bounce better when they are inflated more thoroughly. his the height of the balls bounce. The ball bounces pretty badly when its on a soft surface because it absorbs more energy from the fall. The bounce of the ball is a major factor in the game of tennis. In a ball bounce experiment, a ball is dropped from a height and is allowed to bounce on a hard surface. As there is more KE, more energy is converted into elastic potential energy, As there is more elastic potential energy, more energy is converted back into KE energy. Materials 1. For any other use, please contact Science Buddies. Note whether the ball and surface showed more of an elastic or inelastic collision. Therefore the coefficient to restitution = 0.7. Most people believed that concrete would have the most bounces, and mud the least. This means that we can approximately calculate the amount of energy that the ball conserves as it hits the floor and therefore the height to which it will bounce for any given height in a vacuum. On a grass tennis court, e y varies from about 0.6 to 0.75 depending on the length of the grass and the softness of the underlying soil. h1 = The distance between the bottom of the ball before it is dropped and the ground. This means that if a heavier ball is to be used then it will need to be dropped from higher to reach its terminal velocity. The reason balls bounce is quite advanced science. An alternative method would be the measuring person holding a video camera level with the approximate height that the ball reaches after bouncing and videoing the ball reach the top of its arc. consisted of us randomly selecting different balls along with different surfaces. To get started, all you'll need are two balls of different sizes - we recommend something like a basketball and a tennis ball. Graph 1. Measure from the bottom of the ball. Basketballs have been around for over a hundred years, and they have undergone a lot of evolution in terms of shape, size, and inflation. was blowing in, so that if the balls were blown away, they would come straight to because a basketball is very well-inflated and hard, which gave it a higher bounce. Air resistance exists but does not affect the velocity of the ball significantly. It is usual in science to plot the dependent variable on the vertical axis (y-axis) of the graph and the independent variable on the horizontal axis (x-axis) of the graph. If you know that it will be freezing, you can adjust the tension of your string. The results of the experiment were obtained with a method that ensured that every drop was under similar conditions which ensured a fair test. Repeat the process three times with the same ball and record results. = The distance between the bottom of the ball at the top of its arc after bouncing and the ground. When the temperature rises above 90 degrees, it becomes extremely dangerous to play tennis outside. It will not have enough force to bounce if it is lit. Taking an average of several results creates a measurement in the middle of the variation created by the experiment, which is the result that is closest to the height that would be recorded for the balls bounce if it were measured in an experiment that was totally accurate. The maximum and minimum results were included when working out the variation between results however, seeing as the maximum and minimum results were produced by the experiment and are therefore part of the variation between results produced by the experiment. Tennis Builder shares with you the tennis court construction tips and knowledge. The decision for the size of interval and the amount of results collected will depend upon the time taken to conduct the experiment and any other factors that may become apparent during the preliminary experiment. The ball moves upwards, reaching stage 1, i.e., maximum height, and its velocity is momentarily zero. Make a line at the top to indicate where you will drop the ball from, so that it will be the same for each test. Here's what our experiment showed: different ground surfaces will absorb more energy than others, which means that that push back they give to the ball won't be as strong. When it reaches Earth, it collides head-on with an . Tennis balls on hard courts have a greater bounce and speed than on artificial turf or grass courts. It is important to let the ball fall out of your hands, and not to push it down with your hands, wrists, or arms. Such an impact compresses the ball 1.4-1.6 inches, or about 54-62% of its diameter. Reproduction of material from this website without written permission is strictly prohibited. Reverse Engineering: Ball Bounce Experiment Hands-on Activity Reverse Engineering: Ball Bounce Experiment (2 Ratings) Click here to rate Quick Look Partial design process Grade Level: 4 (3 - 5) Time Required: 1 hours 45 minutes (2 or 3 class periods) Group Size: 3 Subject Areas: Students investigate balls and their bounce copyright Summary Because air is a gas, when compressed, it becomes harder and pushes back harder than any other substance. from the ball, therefore causing it to bounce higher than it normally would on dirt However, it was the basketball To be consistent, again measure to the bottom of the ball. For the lowest three points air resistance is approximately equal to zero due to the ball having a low velocity, as it was dropped from a low height, and therefore hits less air particles per second than a ball traveling at a faster speed. are from the bottom of the ball as it hits the floor to the bottom of the ball at the top of its arc after bouncing. The temperature of a tennis ball greatly affects how high it bounces. The chains stretch back out as rubber cools, allowing the original form to return. As the ball is accelerating due to gravity, at 9.81m/s2it is constantly getting faster and therefore the drag force gets bigger and bigger. The mass of the ball will affect the height the ball bounces to because it affects the balls starting energy. When the temperature is below 68 degrees, the ball will bounce less. Now use your data table to plot points on the graph. Use two people to measure the results; one person to drop the ball and one to measure the height to which it reaches after bouncing. From the above table it can be seen that there were inaccuracies in the experiment. is well-inflated and made of rubber which would give it more kinetic energy and Then draw a line to connect the dots. You will use an air pump, a basketball, and an air pressure gauge to test if changing the air pressure will change the bounciness of the ball. Our team of volunteer scientists can help. Friday - 25/04/14 However, even if its bitterly cold outside, indoor balls are a good choice. Its a great way to get some exercise while also getting some quality time with friends. Repeat step 5 with all of your other surfaces. A cold tennis ball will not bounce as high because the air inside the ball is not as expansive. Each ball in a can is different in weight, diameter, and bounce. Try the experiment again, but this time change how high the ball is dropped instead of the air pressure of the ball. Balls are not round. But what makes a ball bounce? The balls bounced higher on the concrete The Cold Group (-15C) averaged 53.5 cm, the Cool Group (6C) averaged 98.5 cm, the Room Temperature Group (46C) averaged 114.5 cm, the Warm Group (100C) averaged 136.5 cm, and the Hot Group (142.5 cm) averaged 142.5 cm It was determined to be correct to my hypothesis. The ball shoots back up after being slowed down. AIM: To investigate how the bounce height of different types of balls changes. The Swiss like to get points over and done with in a short period of time. The bounce can be created when the air on the inside pushes the ball back off the ground. This would eliminate parallax error further. bounces the highest on smooth concrete. Some balls to try are: soccer, basketball, volleyball, golf, tennis, or handball. Floor BoardsEach of the drops was performed 5 times to get an accurate Reading and Average.In this experiment this shown what types of surfaces absorb a lot of the dispersed energy and the surface and which ones do not do it as well.This was done on iMovie and took 2 Hours to Create.So Please Enjoy! energy a surface absorbs, the more of it will remain for a ball to bounce. Use the pressure gauge to release some of the air pressure from the ball. You can also try using a hair dryer to heat the ball up. Concrete will help bounce a ball the highest as it's hard and, My partner and Is experiment which surface bounces a ball the highest?, consisted of us randomly selecting different balls along with different surfaces. Aim: to find out which surface bounces a ball the highest. half the results (concrete), we were incorrect about the basketball. Anyone, regardless of age or ability, can take part in tennis on a court with a ball. METHOD: 1. When a ball drops in air there is air resistance to which the ball loses energy in the form of thermal energy. I'm a semi-professional tennis player for 15 years, and I can clearly claim that tennis court is my 2nd home. small balls sometimes, but we could have improved this by taking many attempts This will be repeated five times, possibly more (for accuracy), for each height and the top and bottom results will be discounted. This means for the ball to reach terminal velocity the drag force has to be bigger and for the drag force to be bigger the ball has to fall faster (so that more air particles hit the ball every second). This means that the higher h. will differ from the height that the ball would have reached had it been dropped in a vacuum. As drag is a squared function, proportional to the square of the velocity, it is impossible to calculate the velocity that the ball hits the floor at. At 3ft, the basketball bounced 20 inches, the tennis ball bounced. that when a ball hits a surface, all its kinetic energy has to go somewhere. The experiment will demonstrate that if the temperature of a tennis ball was altered, it would bounce either higher of lower. Why a ball bounces: The ball's energy is matched by the ground it hits. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. This was when the ball was falling in air. hypothesis, we predicted that a rubber ball would bounce the highest on rough Does it slope up or down? When printing this document, you may NOT modify it in any way. Is also necessary to warm a ball bounces on different surface when dropped from constantly! Will demonstrate that if the temperature of a tennis ball, because the pressure. And distribute up to 200 copies of this document, you can try heating it before... 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tennis ball bounce on different surfaces experiment