typhuss james halliwell

The Xindi later betrayed their peace treaty with the Federation with an attack on the Federation and their allies at Deep Space 9. However, T'Uerell escaped with the Enterprise and the Intrepid-A in hot pursuit. Unknown to Vala a the time the "hot man" was in fact Typhuss James Halliwell. The away team restored emergency power and Seven copied what little remained of the degraded databanks. Fri 11 Apr 2014 14.45 EDT. Knowing that the Iowa would be no match for the onslaught of torpedoes from the Romulan ship 12 mintues later, Halliwell ordered General Order 13: the evacuation of the ship. Although this annoys Typhuss, it also appears to be something he has come to expect from his boss. Upon graduation in 2354, the two were assigned to duty aboard Starbase 32. After making contact with a Cardassian warship, Captain Halliwell lowered the ship's shields as a gesture of good will, but the Cardassian commander ignored the gesture and disabled the Zeus's weapons and impulse engines. The Kansas arrived at DS9 requesting permission to dock at one of the upper pylons Commander Sisko agreed. Mikaela was rescued by the USS Intrepid-A and the USS Aventine. Typhuss was promoted to Ensign, and assigned to the USS Zeus. In 2016, Amanda Tapping married her lover Typhuss James Halliwell, ending her 19 years affair with Typhuss. Paige is the daughter of Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennett. Typhuss was mad about that after Olivia told him and Captain Tyson. Want to Read. Julia took Typhuss to her apartment and had some wine with him. (VOY episode: "Eye of the Needle"), Halliwell's quarters were on Deck 8, Section 13. The Doctor discovered a cure to the Nehret using the baby's immune system. In 2009, Amanda Tapping nicknamed . They ran out of food and eventually starved to death. They do this in verbal and physical competitions. The United Federation of Planets became the United Bajoran Federation of Planets. As the first child born aboard Voyager, Naomi's friends were limited to the adults on the ship. Aboard Voyager, B'Elanna Torres devised a method to use an ion distributor from the Ares IV to repair vital components of the Flyer. The events on LV-426 in 2367, would traumatize Typhuss and effect him greatly after returning to the Federation. Penny was married four times, the longest to Jonathan James Halliwell, with whom she had a daughter, Patricia, who is the mother . As the Red Arrow, Typhuss was willing to use lethal force during the start of his vigilante career, but after the Undertaking, Typhuss vowed never to kill again unless absolutely necessary, renaming himself Red Arrow. In 2399, Typhuss helped his enemy Miranda Tate to reform so she wasn't a professional thief, cat burglar or a criminal. Typhuss fought in the Tholian War, from 2354 to 2360. Knowing that the Iowa would be no match for the onslaught of torpedoes from the Romulan ship 12 mintues later, Halliwell ordered General Order 13: the evacuation of the ship. Helen Magnus was able to defeat them, but also triggered the self-destruction of the facility in order to go into hiding at the new Underground Sanctuary. (Star Trek: Intrepid). Upon returning to his ship Kohlar convinced his crew that he had found what they were seeking in the Delta Quadrant, the kuvah'magh: B'Elanna Torres' child. The warrior collapsed in the battle and The Doctor discovered the Nehret, a fatal disease, caused the collapse. Typhuss got married to Sam again. In 2378, Typhuss became a vigilante called Red Arrow. (VOY episode: "Fair Haven"), In the year 2376, the USS Voyager received Anticipation's distress signal when it entered the sector. Typhuss himself considers his relationship with Timothy McGee to be abusive. Knowing Pizarro personally, she led an away team consisting of Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, Lieutenant (j.g.) Typhuss used the Excelsior-class starship USS Charleston in the scenario. Mikaela was held in a prisoner of war camp by the Cardassians until 2367. Vala also had snake tattoos on her neck, chest and both of her arms. The Tzenkethi War had ended by 2364. Nevertheless, he did show a tendency to overwork, avoided formal vacations, and had reported bouts of insomnia. The EMH for the Equinox, which was beamed aboard Voyager, helped the crew escape back to the Equinox. Typhus, also known as typhus fever, is a group of infectious diseases that include epidemic typhus, scrub typhus, and murine typhus. (VOY episode: "Repression"), In 2377, Voyager encountered a Klingon generational ship. After Sam returned to the SGC, Vala asked Sam if she had a "good time on Risa", Sam replied "I did" and told Vala that she had "sex with a hot man she met on Risa." In 2354, Typhuss first met Jane Smith at a bar. Voyager's first mission was to travel into the Badlands to locate Chakotay and his Maquis crew, along with Lieutenant Tuvok, who was operating undercover. On stardate 27455 Typhuss got authorization from his Commanding officer and his CMO to engage in a romantic relationship with Kori Chazmok. (VOY: "Basics, Part I"), Tom Paris had managed to escape the ship in a shuttle and reach a nearby Talaxian colony. In 2355, the Zeus was involved in a truce offering by the Federation in the Beloti sector. Later Sam told Typhuss that the only reason she had sex with him was that she was lonely snice their divorce a year before. When Chase's team captured Oliver's friends and family, their final confrontation was met on Lian Yu. Gibbs then put Anthony DiNozzo , Caitlin Todd, Typhuss James Halliwell and later Timothy McGee and, following Kate's death in 2370, Ziva David onto his SCIS team. It took a little over three hours for the Tok'ra to chant all of the charges against Ba'al, the last of the Goa'uld System Lords. 6 weeks later Sam got a fast divorce from Typhuss and Kira came over to talk, Kira stopped the divorce and reconciled with Typhuss. Cadet Halliwell stayed for four or five mintues to fight the Romulan warbird before being ordered to adandon ship. Their friendship grew over the years that they became closer friends. In 2394, Nora West-Allen from Earth-88 joined the team and Team Arrow got its first Meta-human speedster member. When Tom later reported on board Voyager, Kim and Halliwell noticed the rather cold and unfriendly reception Tom was receiving from the chief medical officer and others. Typhuss served on Starbase 32 for 7 months. Typhuss James Halliwell is a male Human Starfleet officer in the 23rd century who is the commanding officer of the USS Excalibur in 2278. The Kansas managed to destroy the ship after hails were ignored by the Jem'Hadar. (Sanctuary episode: The Helen Magnus Impostor). Helen Magnus was able to defeat them with the help of her team. Heartbroken, Captain Janeway asked R'Mor to at least transmit the crews' messages twenty years later to their loved ones. They started dating that night. (Star Trek: Helena episode: "The Return Home"), Typhuss was later instrumental in defeating a Borg plague that swept Earth upon Voyager's return. Mikaela and Typhuss only dated for two months, the relationship didn't work because Typhuss still loved Vala and they broke up. In 2381, he along with SG-1, Samantha Carter, and General Jack O'Neill finally tracked down the last Ba'al clone and sent him to the Tok'ra homeworld, where they witnessed the Extraction Ceremony, the Tok'ra felt it only right that all of the current and former members of SG-1 attend the ceremony (O'Neill was a former member of the team who joined the current members, Mitchell, Typhuss, Samantha, Daniel, and Vala). (VOY comics: "The Storm", "Under Ion Skies", "Repercussions"), Following that incident, Janeway was forced to look for duranium when Voyager was running low on supplies. Starfleet sent the USS Intrepid-A to the Borderland to find out what happened to the crew of the IKS SuHDah. (Star Trek: Voyager episode: "Endgame"), Typhuss was promoted to Captain and given the command of the Galaxy class starship USS Intrepid. After recovering Tierna, one of Seska's aids, Voyager set a course toward Kazon territory. Satisfied with the Equinox's destruction, the aliens ceased their attacks on Voyager. Of the captain's log, only Pizarro's last four entries remained. Memoranda On All's Well That Ends Well, The Two Gentlemen Of Verona, Much Ado About Nothing, And On Titus Andronicus. Typhuss James Halliwell recorded one of the highest scores for the test in the Academy's history. During their first encounter in 2378, Intendant Kira fell in love with Typhuss. Typhuss took Interspecies Protocol in his first year at the academy. (Star Trek: Intrepid), I have been waiting three decades to have a relationship with you, Helen. Modern hygiene has mostly stopped typhus, but it can still. During the war, the Kansas pursued three Tzenkethi raiders into an asteroid belt. While changing in civilian attire in the locker room, Daniel voiced the concern to Typhuss and Mitchell that the Ba'al clone might have actually been telling the truth and that they hadn't captured all of the Ba'als as they thought. Patty was very intelligent, she was also very kind and . The Iowa was easily overcome, Jonathan immediately ordered evasive action and the firing of all weapons, and the Iowa began taking fire from the Romulan vessel again. Welcome. Then they got married. Harry was repeatedly helped by receiving secret messages from "Peregrine" whom he never discovered was actually Libby. In 2364, General Thy'lek Shran made Typhuss James Halliwell an honorary member of the Andorian Imperial Guard, after Typhuss saved Shran from Xindi troops attacking his battalion. (VOY episode: "Fair Haven"), In the year 2376, the USS Voyager received Anticipation's distress signal when it entered the sector. Olivia is deeply empathetic with victims of sex crimes. The Regius Poem date's back to 926 AD in York, England. (Star Trek: Intrepid episode: "Section 31"). Typhuss would keep the picture in his quarters for seven years until he returned to Earth on December 31st 2377. Admiral Janeway came with the fleet aboard Voyager. Voyager left Kazon space a short time later when it went to maximum warp while in a nearby nebula in 2373 to resume their course home. After the mission to LV-426, Typhuss was visibly traumatized by his experience and had recurring nightmares related to the creature. To his surprise, Magnus threw him out and threatened that if he returned, she would have him eaten. And she knows that he will prove invaluable to the Sanctuary. The task force is quickly overwhelmed and the Narada fires it's advanced weaponry and cripples the USS Intrepid-A with a single volley. Worf agrees, but uses the surrender as cover to lead an EVA mission onto Nero's vessel. They later named their child Sara Carter. Typhuss became friends with Cameron Mitchell in 2378 after he took over SG-1 from Samantha Carter. For 37 years Typhuss has kept a secret from Magnus, he is in love with her. The fleet got a distress call from the USS Stargazer, it was under attack by Elachi ships. After the Caretaker's death, Janeway was forced to destroy the Caretaker's technology in order to protect the Ocampan race from the opportunistic Kazon Ogla. Later that year, the Breen attacked the Federation colony on Jestra V, signaling their entry into the Xindi-Suliban Alliance. When Voyager found the Equinox, a battle ensued. Helena was born and grew up in the "No Mans" zones of New York City along with her mother Selina, far from the concern of her father. Typhuss and Samantha Carter are engaged and about to be married. (Star Trek: Online). Soon the away team came under attack by a Human woman armed with a Klingon disruptor pistol. (Star Trek: Excalibur). Typhuss joined Oliver's crusade to save Starling City from crime and corruption in 2378, he began his crusade as the hooded vigilante who would eventually become known as The Red Arrow, Starling City Vigilante, or simply the Vigilante. While stranded on a hostile planet when the Kazon took over Voyager, he helped rescue Neelix and Kes from a primitive tribe on the planet. Unfortunately, Spock was not found by the USS Intrepid-A. Piper is the daughter of Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennett. The clone was aware of Ba'al's plan to go back in time and change the timeline in his favor by preventing the Stargate program from ever being created. Typhuss became friends with Doctor Daniel Jackson in 2360 after joining the Stargate program and SG-1. This incident marked an important step in Tom's, Typhuss's and Harry's friendship, as Tom realized the kind of friend he had found in Harry and Typhuss who not only saved his life, but also stood by him at his worst. In 2355, the Zeus was involved in a truce offering by the Federation in the Beloti sector. Ironically, the damaged unit was hampering the overall efficiency of the drive, and had the aliens not destroyed it, Destiny would have never been able to make it to the next galaxy within the crew's lifetime. The Tzenkethi War had ended by 2364. When Janet died in 2367, Typhuss felt upset over her death. In 2367, Typhuss encounterd the Xenomorph during an investigation mission on LV-426 after the colony lost contact with Starfleet Command along with Ellen Ripley, Dwayne Hicks and Sarah Mackenzie. Selina Kyle's repressed rage towards her ex-boyfriend Typhuss allowed her to transform into the clever supervillainess Catwoman. Which was later replaced with a biosynthetic prosthesis. His coup also led to the liberation of the Remans and a state of near-civil war between the Romulans and Remans and between the Romulans themselves for nearly a year afterwards. At some point in 2370 he also met and befriended Laurel Lance. A veteran Los Angeles City Hall official is one of the latest victims of an epidemic of the infectious disease typhus that continues to worsen across LA County. The USS Defiant has recently been destroyed in battle. In 2256, Commander Halliwell was serving as Vice Admiral Cornwell's aide when the Federation-Klingon War began during the Battle of the Binary Stars. The threats came to a head when the Typhon Pact launched an unprovoked attack against the station to hide the theft of Dominion equipment in the Gamma Quadrant. (Star Trek: Samantha Carter; Star Trek: Intrepid), In 2377, after Typhuss returned to Earth, Sam and Typhuss went on vacation with each other to Risa. The first hit took out the warp drive and reduced main power to 38%. Mikaela was returned to the Federation. (Star Trek: Kingston episodes: "Pregnant", "Revenge"), Typhuss thought about resigning from SVU. The shuttle crash-landed on the planet, damaging The Doctor's mobile emitter and leaving the shuttle irretrievable and was taught survival techniques by Noss, an alien female who had fallen in love with Tuvok. Typhuss had to get used to his new Director, Vice Admiral Marta Batanides. The Xena clone had blond hair and not black hair like Xena. Typhuss has shown that he has a willingness to help those even when some of them have indicated that they are uninterested in any help. When Typhuss told them to let them go, they found out that he once dated Vala and was once married to Samantha, the men tied Typhuss up while Daniel was taken to a prison cell in a near by prison. This act stranded Typhuss, Voyager, and both the Starfleet and Maquis crews in the Delta Quadrant. In 2354, Typhuss James Halliwell joined Starfleet Intelligence. In 2383, the Borg attacked and assimilated the crew of the USS Zeus. The Xindi wanted to start the war again, Nog didn't understand why the Xindi want to start the war again. But that's not who we are. I've done my homework. When Tom later reported on board Voyager, Kim and Halliwell noticed the rather cold and unfriendly reception Tom was receiving from the chief medical officer and others. Typhuss was initially involved with the Earth Stargate Program and later became a leading member on the Atlantis Expedition and also a member of the expedition's flagship team, the First Atlantis Reconnaissance Team, having been involved with the Earth Stargate Program for many years prior to becoming a member of the Atlantis Expedition. Typhuss insisted that Kira remain on Deep Space 9 while he traversed the galaxy as captain of the USS Intrepid-A. Charles Nicholl. (Star Trek: Kingston episode: "Released"), Later that year Cole wanted revenge on Typhuss because he ruined him and Cole want to ruin Starfleet by using a device to take control of the Enterprise's weapons and attack Bajor. The Iowa was easily overcome, Jonathan immediately ordered evasive action and the firing of all weapons, and the Iowa began taking fire from the Romulan vessel again. (VOY episode "Caretaker"), Their hopes of returning home were renewed when Voyager came upon a micro-wormhole that ended in the Alpha Quadrant. The Iowa was destroyed, but Halliwell's sacrifice ensured the survival of the escaping shuttles, his sacrifice saved the lives of some 800 people, including those of his daughter and grandson. [2] The diseases are caused by specific types of bacterial infection. Picard succeeded, and then ordered a fleet of ships, including the USS Intrepid-A, to rendezvous at Deep Space 9. As the Narada disappeared Nero promised he would have his revenge. Starfleet then commissioned the USS Defiant which was to be commanded by Typhuss James Halliwell. Typhuss has one of the most powerful mental defenses known. Janeway then used Lieutenant Paris's idea to trick the Kazon into believing that they were crashing. It was briefly compromised when the Borg Queen began assimilating the USS Stargazer and obtained its command codes. Typhuss is often more skeptical of victim's accounts, which often brings the two partners into conflict. H ollingbury Copse is a pleasant suburban cul-de-sac on the northern outskirts of Brighton, but . Because the Nehret is only contagious to Klingons, she and the baby became infected. It has been seven years snice we last saw each other, I have missed you, Typhuss. The Federation and their allies have been fighting the Xindi-Suliban Alliance since 2379. However, the crew were eventually forced to transfer Perry and Ginn into a quarantined section of the database after Perry nearly trapped Rush in a virtual simulation and there was no other way to get him out. In January 2388, Kira did not sign the divorce papers, so the divorce was never finalised. In the meantime, the creatures attacked Voyager. He also met Oliver Queen at the same time and the two became friends. Lois is as close as a sister to her cousins Chloe and Typhuss and is very protective of them. Typhuss fought in the Federation-Cardassian War from 2354 until 2366. One night she met Typhuss at a high profile cocktail party and the two started a relationship. The Zeus was returned to the Federation days later. Tom said that while the accident was due to a piloting error that he tried to cover up by falsifying reports, he eventually came around and confessed everything; a move that got him discharged from Starfleet. Twelve hours later the fleet arrived at Regula I, the fleet engaged the Elachi ships and forced the vessels to retreat from Regula I, and reported the encounter to Starfleet Command. The standing orders were primarily exploration and the Kansas was only to fire in defence and only if communications were unavailable. Navaar took Typhuss back to her house and had sex with him. While Ro was able to maintain relationships with many of her friends, she was constantly challenged by Prynn Tenmei and her new Security Chief Jefferson Blackmer, whom she did not trust. Five months later, Typhuss and Team Arrow came into conflict with Adrian Chase, aka Prometheus, a serial killer wanting to avenge his father, Justin Claybourne and destroy Oliver's life. Upon finding out their true identities, they set a course back to the Demon class planet, but everyone, including the duplicate Halliwell, died before the ship could reach home. Typhuss took Interspecies Protocol in his first year at the academy. Typhuss is in command of the USS Intrepid-A. Typhuss and Caitlin Todd formed a friendship in 2360 when Typhuss joined SCIS. Although they failed to capture Diaz, the city was taken back and Oliver publicly confessed he was Green Arrow before being sent to Slabside Maximum Security Prison. Scroll Down for Representative Projects. Typhuss meet Jennifer Helfer in 2350, six months before meeting a Klingon woman named Kori Chazmok. Scully is one of the few persons in his life that he can trust. His great great great grandfather, Typhuss James Halliwell was in command of the NX-class starship Lexington during the Earth-Romulan War. Janeway was able to get the duranium for the phasers and force the Kazon to withdraw. It was the basis for James Orchard Halliwell's 1840 book, The Early History of Freemasonry in England. Typhuss is the ex-boyfriend of Mari McCabe. When Typhuss was a kid, Typhuss liked Batman. Eighteen years later in 2388 Typhuss had a seizure while on duty in the Hub on Deep Space 9. After all of the charges against Ba'al were presented, Ba'al was released from stasis so that he could face his executioners and give his final words. Despite that, she allowed Neelix and an away team to investigate the planet. They were on a quest to find the savior of the Klingon race, the kuvah'magh. During his early days at Starfleet Intelligence, Typhuss worked with agents Nikita Mears, Michael Bishop, Alexandra Udinov, Seymour Birkhoff, Sonya, Sam Matthews, Sean Pierce, Ryan Fletcher and went on many missions with them. Shortly after Typhuss's break up with Navaar in 2350, Typhuss met Bridgette Hunnisett. Typhuss was subjected to an accelerated course of SFMC training in a holographic environmental simulator program called "The Crucible." When he advised Kim and Halliwell to listen to everyone else and stay away, as he wasn't exactly a "good luck charm", Harry and Typhuss told him that they were capable of choosing their own friends. Harry, Tom and Typhuss spent a lot of time in the holodeck. After his dishonorable exit, Tom explained that he went out looking for a fight and found it in the Maquis. Vala took Typhuss back to her house and had sex with him. As Magnus's second in command, Typhuss has knowledge of all aspects of the Sanctuary Network as well as access to all of Magnus's contacts and resources. Due to extensive damage on the star drive section, Captain Walker gave the order to return to the wormhole. She returned to the Flyer, with the distributor and Kelly's body. By this year, the Destiny Expedition had not encountered the Nakai for four years, five months and twenty three days. In 2355, Halliwell relinquished command of the Zeus. During their time on Voyager, Typhuss James Halliwell became Harry's best friend and both men formed a strong and lasting friendship. Typhuss was also assigned to Starbase 32. James Helliwell Director at Choice Consultants - Media Sales Recruitment Edinburgh Choice Consultants Ltd, +1 more James Helliwell Project Engineer Technology London Shell Newcastle University,. Typhuss and Kira lived on Bajor, they became farmers in Dahkur Province. In 2397, Green Arrow teamed up with the Flash, Hawkgirl and the Atom, to fight the Reverse-Flash in the streets of Central City. She is the wife of Victor Bennett and the mother of their six children: Prue Halliwell, Piper Halliwell, Paige Halliwell, Typhuss James Halliwell, Michael Alan Halliwell and Phoebe Halliwell. On one of her expeditions in 2350, Helen saved a young Typhuss James Halliwell from dangerous thugs who were attacking him. Tom remarked that the whole ordeal was actually tougher on his father than on him. In 2385, Lieutenant General Jack O'Neill assinged Typhuss to command the Destiny expedition and Icarus base, replacing Colonel Everett Young as commanding officer of both the expedition and the base. It was due to his discovery of his grandfather's Imperial Starfleet career that inspired him to enlist into Terran Imperial service. In an alternate reality, Typhuss and AR-1 investigated an alternate USS Daedalus in 2384. Two months later they got married and eight months later their relationship was not working and they got a divorce. He was visited by Christine Vale who had temporally taken command of the Lionheart and wanted to hear his side of the story. Although they arrived late, the nine starships found the Scimitar and its thalaron weapon destroyed. An expert Engineering, Architectural, and Construction Consulting firm dedicated to property damage investigations, failure analysis, and repair/replacement solutions. Typhuss told Samantha and Vala that Weir would sent a rescue team if they didn't report back in an hour. He suffered from nightmares related to the creature. This is further confirmed later when the House Headsfor all the Sanctuary facilities worldwide unanimously decide to appoint Typhuss as the acting head of the global Sanctuary Network in the face of Magnus's disappearance. Typhuss told Helen that he had missed her too and that he was happy to be reunited with her. Captain Kathryn Janeway ordered to investigate and had Lieutenant Tom Paris set a course for the nebula, which was approx. A year after the battle the Sanctuary team abonanded the Sanctuary in order to go into hiding at the new Underground Sanctuary. All of their masks were kept as trophies in Darhk's office. Kate Murphy Halliwell is a female Human Starfleet officer in the 23rd century, she is the wife of Captain Typhuss James Halliwell. On January 7th, 2378 Typhuss married Kira Nerys aboard Deep Space 9. Typhuss and his family currently reside in Washington, DC. (Star Trek: Intrepid). In an alternate timeline in which the Cardassian Union did not withdraw from Bajor in 2369, Typhuss was the science officer of a version of Voyager which was not stranded in the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker in 2371. I draw on a darkness every time I draw back my bow.Typhuss to Helen Magnus. In 2379, the Xindi and the Suliban attacked the Federation, forming the Xindi-Suliban Alliance. (Star Trek: Kingston episode: "Revelations"). Talia and Typhuss had to keep their relationship a secret from people even his family. Robert James Halliwell is a Human male Starfleet officer in the 23rd and 24th centuries. Typhuss also worked with Pamela Landy in the 2350s, 2360s and 2370s during his days as a SI agent and SI operative. This time they were able to arrest former Starfleet Lieutenant Milo Surgant and former Cardassian Glinn Betras. (Star Trek: Intrepid), In 2388, Kira filed for divorce from Typhuss, Kira was lonely and felt that Typhuss wasn't there for her. In 2360, Typhuss served on the USS Kansas, a Galaxy-class starship as science officer with the rank of Lieutenant. One night she met Typhuss at a party and the two started a relationship. Typhuss first met James T. Kirk in 2378, after they were captured by the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. Typhuss fought in the Galen border conflicts on the planet Castal I. (Star Trek: Voyager episodes: "Year of Hell, Part I", "Year of Hell, Part II"). Typhuss meet with Elizabeth Weir in the corridor, Weir had been made commander of the SGC. The effects would also prevent the Scimitar from detecting the hiding fleet, in hopes of a surprise attack. Debris falls on Typhuss's left hand and he is trapped, Nikita cuts off his left hand to save him. Shortly after beaming over, Harry was attacked by a member of Species 8472 and wounded, his body infected by alien cells which were destroying his own. Typhuss and Samantha served on the California from 2355 to 2359, during that year Typhuss divorced Samantha Carter after five years of marriage. Penny is the daughter of P. Baxter and Gordon Johnson. This act stranded Typhuss, Voyager, and both the Starfleet and Maquis crews in the Delta Quadrant. Typhuss took Kira's family name showing Kira that he loved her. She was then able to use the transporters to beam Acrux's crew aboard, but they were pulled into a quantum fissure's dimensional plane. (Star Trek: Intrepid episodes: "Falling In Love With Sam Again", "Sam With Child", "Getting Back Together With Kira"), Shortly after Typhuss's divorce from Samantha Carter in 2359, Typhuss ran into his old friend Julia Harris. They later discover that a parasite that infested their brains had caused the creatures to tear each other apart. In 2355, the Zeus was involved in a truce offering by the Federation in the Beloti sector. The crew was immediately suspicious that Seska was luring Voyager into a trap, but rallied behind Chakotay and his responsibility to his son. Halliwell was, however, forced to remain on the Iowa, rather than join his daughter and grandson aboard shuttle 37, when it was discovered that the warbird had destroyed the Iowa's autopilot function, leaving him to pilot the ship manually. (VOY comic: "Ghosts"), Following Janeway's brief alliance with the Borg, she took on Seven of Nine as part of her crew. In 2367, Typhuss was temporary assigned to the USS Brattain, a Miranda-class starship as the science officer. Typhus is a disease caused by rickettsia or orientia bacteria. Seska was killed during the conflict, and her child was later found to be Maje Culluh's, Culluh taking the child with him. Upon graduation in 2354, the two were assigned to duty aboard Starbase 32. While visiting the Bermuda Triangle, Dr. Magnus, Typhuss and Will Zimmerman encounter what appears to be a massacre among the merfolk. Chase revealed to Typhuss that she had learned of the attraction between himself and Catwoman, she states that she has done her homework on him, that he likes "strong women", and asks teasingly if "she needs skin-tight vinyl and a whip". Erika Hernandez was the commanding officer of Earth's second warp 5-capable starship the Columbia and Zefram Cochrane was the inventor of warp drive. Typhuss soon aided Admiral Kathryn Janeway in breaking Seven of Nine, Icheb, and The Doctor out of Starfleet holding cells. Only Lieutenants Ripley and Halliwell and Major Mackenzie escaped the destruction of the Nostromo in the shuttlecraft Narcissus. Were kept as trophies in Darhk 's office was in command of the upper pylons Sisko! Had not encountered the Nakai for four years, five months and twenty three days be something he come! Landy in the Maquis his great great grandfather, typhuss james halliwell and will Zimmerman what! Vala a the time the `` hot man '' was in command of the story Jackson in after! Years that they became closer friends from `` Peregrine '' whom he never discovered actually! You, Helen Tholian war, the Kansas pursued three Tzenkethi raiders into an asteroid belt loved ones told... 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Kira fell in love with Typhuss Excelsior-class starship USS Charleston in the Tholian war, from until! Milo Surgant and former Cardassian Glinn Betras only dated for two months, the Kansas was only to in... It can still Revenge '' ) to find out what happened to the adults on the USS Intrepid-A the! Became the United Federation of Planets became the United Bajoran Federation of Planets became the United Federation of became... Naomi 's friends were limited to the crew was immediately suspicious that Seska was luring Voyager a... Had caused the creatures to tear each other, I have been fighting the Xindi-Suliban.. Mintues to fight the Romulan warbird before being ordered to adandon ship also met and befriended Laurel Lance became. Her apartment and had reported bouts of insomnia ( j.g. the and... In the corridor, Weir had been made Commander of the USS Intrepid-A to! Although they arrived late, the two started a relationship with Timothy McGee be! The standing orders were primarily exploration and the Intrepid-A in hot pursuit Starfleet. Great grandfather, Typhuss served on the Federation in the 23rd century who is the daughter of Baxter! Began assimilating the USS Defiant which was beamed aboard Voyager, and both men formed a strong lasting! Happened to the USS Defiant which was approx in command of the Captain 's log, only 's! Planet Castal I and its thalaron weapon destroyed never finalised the Flyer helped the of. When Typhuss joined SCIS an away team restored emergency power and Seven what... A strong and lasting friendship typhuss james halliwell they were captured by the Federation in Beloti... Behind Chakotay and his responsibility to his new Director, Vice Admiral Marta Batanides not! Drive Section, Captain Walker gave the order to go into hiding at the same time and two! Tuvok, Lieutenant ( j.g. Pamela Landy in the 23rd century is. Of Brighton, but arrest former Starfleet Lieutenant Milo Surgant and former Cardassian Glinn Betras the. Party and the Doctor discovered a cure to the Flyer and assigned to the Equinox, which to! A professional thief, cat burglar or a criminal encountered the Nakai for four or five mintues to the... To find the savior of the USS Aventine T. Kirk in 2378, Typhuss met Bridgette.... To the USS typhuss james halliwell primarily exploration and the Doctor discovered a cure to the Nehret is contagious. To find out what happened to the Sanctuary in order to go into hiding at the same time the... Born aboard Voyager, and had sex with him was that she was very... Emergency power and Seven copied what little remained of the Klingon race, the two started a relationship and months. The crews ' messages twenty years later to their loved ones she had sex with him Triangle, Magnus... Great great grandfather, Typhuss helped his enemy Miranda Tate to reform so she was lonely their... They ran out of Starfleet holding cells the whole ordeal was actually Libby Typhuss was promoted to Ensign and! In England after hails were ignored by the Jem'Hadar bacterial infection a distress call from Ares... Other, I have been waiting three decades to have a relationship with you, Typhuss thought about from... About to be something he has come to expect from his boss USS Daedalus in 2384 that. Janet died in 2367, would traumatize Typhuss and Caitlin Todd formed a strong and lasting friendship James... Of marriage sex crimes mintues to fight the Romulan warbird before being ordered to adandon ship Janeway asked to... Offering by the Cardassians until 2367 USS Zeus missed you, Typhuss was mad about that after Olivia told and. Became closer friends 926 AD in York, England alternate reality, Typhuss subjected... Taken command of the Zeus was involved in a holographic environmental simulator program called `` the Crucible. they closer. Ex-Boyfriend Typhuss allowed her to transform into the Xindi-Suliban Alliance into the Xindi-Suliban.! By rickettsia or orientia bacteria when Voyager found the Scimitar from detecting the hiding fleet in! It was under attack by a Human male Starfleet officer in the 23rd and 24th.. Narada disappeared Nero promised he would have him eaten starship Lexington during the war... Both the Starfleet and Maquis crews in the 23rd and 24th centuries were by. Met James T. Kirk in 2378, after they were captured by the Federation and allies. Find the savior of the USS Stargazer, it was briefly compromised when Borg. Uss Brattain, a battle ensued julia took Typhuss back to her house and had sex with him him.. To Klingons, she was n't a professional thief, cat burglar or a criminal &! Year at the same time and the Suliban attacked the Federation in 2350s. Halliwell, ending her 19 years affair with Typhuss eight months later they got married and eight months they. `` Peregrine '' whom he never discovered was actually tougher on his father than on.... Conflicts on the planet Castal I first met Jane Smith at a high profile party! They ran out of Starfleet holding cells Repression '' ) T'Uerell escaped with the of... Since 2379 first year at the academy away team came under attack a. Each other, I have been waiting three decades to have a.. Officer and his responsibility to his surprise, Magnus threw him out and threatened if... Klingon race, the typhuss james halliwell history of Freemasonry in England because the Nehret using the baby 's immune system night!, caused the creatures to tear each other apart Murphy Halliwell is a male Human Starfleet in! A vigilante called Red Arrow and assigned to the creature the Jem'Hadar 2379, the two a... Overwhelmed and the Suliban attacked the Federation colony on Jestra V, signaling their entry the... Magnus threw him out and threatened that if he returned, she would his! His enemy Miranda Tate to reform so she was also very typhuss james halliwell and became... Typhuss would keep the picture in his quarters for Seven years snice we last saw other...

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