udorn air base thailand photos

. My medical history includes platelets count over a million per microliter of blood, had my right kidney removed due to cancer, had heart surgery and currently dealing with skin cancer. we were often on red alert and the ubon base had been attacked by sappers who were all killed during the attack. Please note that there are various VA Websites that discuss the numerous side effects of being exposed to Agent Orang, one of which is: https://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/agentorange/conditions/index.asp. I pulled that duty several times. there were also rescue misssions being conducted daily for downed us pilots. Thanks to all of you veterans for everything youve done and I hope you get the help from the VA that you deserve. has recognized ALS (Lou Gehrigs Disease) as Service I have heart disease and Parkinsons. All I can say is thank you to those who served in Thailand. Adobe Acrobat PDF format, about 290K in size. K9, I have Ischemic heart disease. Even I was stationed at Korat at that time period. I now take that to mean Hmong tribesmen. I have no idea if I was exposed to Agent Orange during that time. Prior to the formation on of the squadron, support personnel were provided by temporary duty personnel from the 35th Tactical Group at Don Muang Royal Thai Air Force Base. My husband was at Udorn and died at 48 from massive heart attack. I guess our government is waiting for us to die off. I left a wife and a 8 and 6 year old on Christmas day 1969 heading to San Francisco for my flight to Bangkok. Photo Location; Udorn Air Base; Thailand; Photographer; Alan Campbell; Photos | Profile | Contact; Taken during the USAFA Summer Seminar. It gathers intelligence. Of course it spread around the base. He has a lot of health issues and cant remember. I know some history of it from locals and a few US VFW visitors, but I would be interested in anyone who remembers visiting this place back in the day. (Click on it to enlarge!!). Has anyone had a claim approved for agent orange exposure during that time? However, there was a terrible consequence:Exposure to Agent Orangeresulted incancer, birth defects, and other significantailments. I had no idea of AO at Ubon. It also is listed on the maps index under Army bases, which appears in red. records,clipping from newpaper and was turn down. 500 meters is measure from base perimeter fence. If he was assigned to a PPIF, he was at the end of the flight line which was very close to the perimeter at the very end of the base (runway 12 across from the Weapons Arm & Dis-Arm dump. I noticed some people spraying in that area and ask if they were spraying for mosquitos , and was told yes with some new stuff called AGENT ORANGE! I was TDY to Utapoa NKP Tahki 72-73. . Were you on the Flying Tiger Airline that set the brakes on fire when we landed hot in Yakota Japan? What they did to everyone is terrible and not just. Appealed and was denied again not service connected. I was deployed to NKP Thailand August 1962 with USN MCB3 to construct the battalion base camp and later to defoliage the jungle and underbrush to construct the airbase 8 miles inland from the Mekong River, out of mortar range. They claim agent orange was not used in Thailand which we know is a lie. The Navy patrol squadrons were located right near the southwest end of the runway. In Thailand, Agent Orange was used to clear the jungle around bases, as a meansto enhance security. Simply google namphong.com and take a stroll down memory lane. Would anyone have a complete list of army or marine camps? I am sure his ailments were as a result of AO while in Thailand 68-69. The O2A was cut up and loaded on a C130 back to NKP. Before moving on to the 1969map andexample from theAMS 1:50,000 set, it is necessary to explainthatthe U.S. governmentviewedThailand as a logical staging area for American forces because of its proximity to North and South Vietnam. I was an aircraft painter. Why shouldnt I. I was there at the same time. Only recently am I wanting to find if I qualify for in-theater service. I was with 53 trans in sattihap .67 thru 68 we h..auled cargo and bombs to utapo A B and other places.agent orange was shipped to air bases.69 and 70 i was running the roads in convoys got sprayed with agent orange.i have problems claimed denied in 1970 when i reired .we got a prblem with the VA. I was TDY to Utapoa NKP Tahki 72-73. On 8 June 1967 the squadron relocated from Udorn to Tuy Hoa Air Base, South Vietnam and began to receive HC-130Ps to replace their HC-130Hs. Living in the hootches was really diff. I was stationed in NKP in 1968-1969. Follow the trail: AGENT ORANGE (TCDD Dioxin)->OXIDATIVE STRESS->VITILIGO. I was told it was due to working in the dusty supply building. our K9 dogs, who were left,,, cause of agent orange,, They would have been a good indicator,as what was used, in the name of war!! Im looking for any info about the men he served with, they may have been engineers Im not sure but they did alot of nuclear testing. I have not filed as I dont live in the USA. To prove my existence I drove from Udorn to Korat headquarters approximately 200 miles in a water truck scheduled for repairs. We were located by the Control Tower and the Fire Department. I had just gotten back in touch with him. (TDY Supporting the Airlift mission in SVN while I was stationed at Okinawa). Corroboration might help. My thanks to Dennis Farrington via Sharon Wall for this map. Find the document CHECO. 379th signal battalion in Nov 1970 to Nov 1971. In 2012, I developed chronic lymphocytic leukemia, then prostate cancer and coronary disease requiring a stent in 2020. It was no secret and the commanders knew as well as everyone else. I have had high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease. We (expeditionary elements of Task Force Delta) had NOTHING when we arrived there in the spring of 72..no food (other than C-Rats) and no sleeping quarters other than our sea bags to prop up up against in one of the four wooden structures along the aircraft parking apron. Stationed camp friendship 1965-1966.538 engineers.Anybody left sure would be nice too hear from you. My USAF unit was designated Det. Any help would be welcomed. ". It is scaled at 1:1,562,500 and provides coverage for all of Thailand. Worked at Communication Center. I was with the 355TFS at Takhli AFB 68-69 as an instrument -autopilot tech. o U.S. Air Force veterans who served on Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) bases at U-Tapao, Ubon, Nakhon Phanom, Udorn, Takhli, Korat, and Don Muang, near the air base perimeter anytime between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975. o U.S. Army veterans who provided perimeter security on RTAF bases in Thailand anytime Stationed at NKP 1967/1968. I Visited sites at Khon Kaen, Korat and Bangkok. No additional treatment. I was @ Don mong airforce base in 67 and 68. in communications. We stayed in concrete barracks. WATER PUMP later expanded to include forward air control, armed reconnaissance and close air support strikes by USAF Air Commandos flying from Udorn Air Base in Thailand. Always wondered why nothing grew at the camp. have type 2 Diabetes Prostate cancer skin cancer arthritis heart disease I left the police quick. Never paid too much attention to it. Denied 3 times. Any duty on or very near the base perimeter might also qualify.Good luck and God Bless. Until 1986 after my second son was born I became Diabetic. Ive had prostate cancer, heart disease, heart attack, COPD. Guys, get a VFW service officer to assist you. Rich Kollen visiting Chiang Mai. We worked on the Air America ramp next to the F102 run up area next to the deflector barrier. Made 100% disabled in 36 days. My husband served in the marine stationed in Udorn Thiland in 1962. I filed a VA Claim for PAD in early October 2019 and it came back approved in late October 2019. A great 24 years in Photo . Takhli was being reopened at time and the conditions were deplorable. I was a mechanic/crew chief/flight engineer on a Kaman HH43B. Working on his 2nd now. Due to my duties while I was there I was in and out of the jungle, plus I stayed in a hooch that had a wooden board walkway to the latrine. As a supply sergeant, I was on the flight line and in the all the time. I moved from the storage section over to the motor pool in the bomb dump. I am now 75 and suffering with prostate cancer and myastehenias gravis (a muscle disease). We on a regular basis ran our engines on the trim pad down by the perimeter. I saw the barrels often with lids off in storage area as well as it being sprayed on the perimeter during the time I performed compass swings as part of my job. The reason they gave me was that I was there in peace time. RM 2DDW263 - Korat RTAFB - 42d Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron - HQ - Group. Im trying to help my mother get benefits resulting from my fathers death. I was only on the ground for 8 days with my C-130, and I remember walking each day thru tall weeds between my barracks and the flightline. Said I would receive benefits in 4 weeks. Kaman HH-43B and -43F Huskie - based at Udorn Air Base, Thailand 1965-1966 . Tell an interesting story or get a smile from someone else's memories. I have been asked to present my Video Play at the Library of Congress this summer. I have info those where Takli AFB, We always traveled with lots of classified equipment and personnel (many in civilian clothes) so we always traveled on our own military transport. The whole camp was defoliated to build the camp. He was stationed in Thailand RTAFB but not sure where. Can anyone help me with my research No idea where to start gathering evidence to help support my claim. Bases in Thailand During the Vietnam War and Agent Orange. (Courtesy photo by Michael E. Fader) During my time there I was an aircraft electrician on the F-105 and EB-66. Did you by any chance know him? Stationed at Korat RTAFB from 1974 1976. I would like to get contact with anyone who was stationed there. and before = It shows Tactical Employment of Herbicides, and near the back it shows a 500 yard kill zone from the sprayed area. I volunteered both times believing it was my duty and honor to my country. I served at Udon, Thailand from 1967 to 1968 in the engine shop. Stationed at Takhli and Korat Thailand from May 1970 to May 1972. The location of the dwellings were 30 to 60 feet from the perimeter where all brush and greenery had been spayed with agent orange. He was a seargent. It should also bementioned that the Veterans Administration outlines other situations where veterans may have been exposed to Agent Orange on their website. Like to hear from anyone from CAFB, New Mexico , if you see this. USAF fighter-bombers first arrived in late1961. Im sure that the flight plans werent all the same though. It seems absurd they expect us to find someone we served with 50 years ago and their insistence only those who worked on base perimeters are considered. I am receiving 40% disability for prostate cancer and diabetes type II from Agent Orange exposure. And my Second and third sons both had Bladder Reflux which is a malformation of the bladder and it usually kills the infant before birth. Couldnt talk of it. He passed away from Pancreatic Cancer on July 4th, 2016, three and a half months after being diagnosed with diabetes and the cancer. 2) You served as a security policeman, patrol dog handler, security police . He was denied for the cancer drugs he needed. Here is hoping we all get positive results from VA. The VA has turned down my claim now three times. I do have two buddy letters but they are not great! Thanks. VA wants to deny my claim of exposure to Agent Orange present there and my exposure being the cause of this disease and disability. I dont think we ever cleared customs etc. I have a claim in for agent orange exposure. Yeah -Right! The bug in my head. My only AO disability is diabetes. I think I have identified the building on a map of the base but the building is only labelled 1665. photos are very powerful. While in the storage section , myself and others would be in or around the inventory shack on the holding row . Over the years have suffered and getting worse I would like to hear from others on how they are doing. Lasted 4 n 5 months till pronoted to e4. It has the call number of G8025 s50 .U5. Think of getting a bad jungle fatigues sunburn: hands and face and head. Oh Mr Farmer who said he was at ubon 72-73 time frame. With H.R. Camp Ramasun was located approximately 290 miles northeast of Bangkok, about 12 miles south of Udorn and at the fringes of the small Thai village of Ban Nong Soong. Udorn RTAFB was the Asian headquarters for Air America, a US passenger and cargo airline covertly . The company headquarters in Koran was right on the perimeter fence line so may have contacted it then. Up to 1967, the ABCCC coordinating all air strikes were USAF EC-47s, and since 1967, they were Udorn-based EC-130E aircraft. Was stationed at Utapao in 1970 and 71 and worked in the 635MMS Storage Section.I saw U-2s land and take off from UT as well as SR=71s.We also had munitions folks who were assigned to augmentee duty with the Security Forces.Had a guy named Bristol who was TDY to UT on the SRs pitch on our softball team for MMS.He played with us because his unit was to small to field a team.He was a super pitcher. and tell me what awards such as VSM and CIB. Thanks. Accept for a couple of pictures taken on the second floor of barracks 2155, I have no proof that I was even stationed there, no orders, no performance reports, no VSM(ended in Jan 73, even though I refueled B-52s that were still bombing Laos and Cambodia). Have I tried to get any compensation for heart problems or skin cancer or other problems, along with the fact that I spent 10 days in the hospital in Udorn for an unknown problem, NO. I recently saw a Vietnam Zippo of the 600th Combat Photo Squadron with the name Ray Fischer engraved. I was an aircraft Mech and was in the 606 Air Commando Squadron. In communication and exposed to agent orange The date on the order is: 1/15/1968 and the other last names listed are:Fisher, Samson, Proctor, Mapano, Shively, Dyson, Sadler, Dorenzo, Gregory, Fountain. I was at Takhli right after it reopened till July or August 1973. Va has denied my diabetes. Read our Comment and Posting Policy. Battled neuropathy in my legs forever. Also document stating that base commanders were at liberty to use herbicides anywhere within the base perimeter. I was stationed at Don Maung RTAFB Dec 24,1966. If you go to your nearby VA OPC, VA Hospital, etc. Iwas stationed in Udorn 67-68,diagnosed with blood cancer, July 2021, doctor says could be caused by exposure to Agent Orange, looking for best way to file a claim, any suggestions? I was stationed at Korat from December 1974 until October 1975. I have been turned down by the VA two times now, and have retained an attorney. I was at U-Tapao for the entire year of 1970. 5, 3 ARRGp with a total of 23 airmen. Hopefully Ill have better understanding on how to manage my application through the VA. Ill research those websites mentioned to inform us on the 500 meter zone coverage. I was at Udorn from 1970 1971 Civil Engineers and near ubon rtafb.there were full cambat operations in this area, f4 phantoms from ubon attacked targets in n vietnam s vietnam and laos. Anyone willing to share photos or maps, etc? this was due to previous agent orange spraying. Youll find pictures, history and a roster of many who served. stationed at Korat Airbase in 1973-1975 looking for a medic by the name Wayne Berry. The fire fighting foam was made out of animal blood so it was pretty bad and I asked if I wouldnt be assigned that duty anymore. 2006 WCS Gorilla Reunion. Lived in the concrete barracks both tours and the same one both times 2257. believe it or not prostate cancer 2012 and kidney bladder cancer 2020. I started with tremors in 2015 and saw Neurologists at the So. I believe the later was for tracking flights. I have had cancer currently in remission, neuropathy in my feet and asthma. I was billeted at a small camp near Udorn belonging to a pole linemen company. Regardless no records indicated that was attached to the security forces. We were located 81K from Korat in the mountains, in the jungle. Worked F-4DS WCS looking for anyone on flight line during this time. Was load crew chief and my crew worked many sorty missions on the perimeter. It covers all the toxic burn pit issues for the Gulf Wars and also amends the most recent SEA OA requirements to include all service members during that period in all the associated countries by eliminating those proof of use, perimeter, or date requirements. First fueling B-52s on the East side, which meant driving the perimeter road, eating at the East side chow hall, than the West side, filling up our R-5 refueling trucks at the POL Tank Farm, that was next to the perimeter. I was an E-4 Air Force (then Sgt) and was responsible for a squad of airman during that period. I felt fine for years. My first base assignment after tech school was Eglin assigned to the 33rd TFW, MMS. In 1969/1970 I lived in a NCO hootch on the parameter of Takhli. God bless to all my USAF brothers that served in Southeast Asia. (Both are doing fine now after surgeries) Anyone have knowledge of or pictures of comm gear on the perimeter? Does anyone know where the Doctors living quarters were or have a map of the base showing the living quarters? Go where you are told and where you are needed.and make the best of it regardless of the situation or conditions. Although this map does not provide enough detail toclearly illustratethe perimeter of any specificbase,it doesindicate how massive the American presence was in Thailand and helps to inform the scale of the related problem of Agent Orange exposure. Udorn Thailand 1966 and 1967. We further reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to remove a user's Even cancelled my C & P appt. What other tasks did he do that could have brought him to the perimeter? I was approved for agent orange benefits by the VA Dr who evaluated for my condition. Both the 13th Fighter Squadron, known as the "Panther Pack," and the 421st Fighter Squadron, known as the "Black . He died of a heart attack at 48. I was stationed at Utapao afb. There were canine units there. We both had prostate cancer at the same time. Thanks. I remember him talking about tents beside the runway. Finally approved in 2017. Did a three month TDY back and forth to Phnom Penh for the airlift. If you were there and remember AIC Bennett , send me an e-mail. After May 7th, I am sure they did not go out to the perimeter fences and do a massive AO cleanup. The way my research has shown, all servicemen that flew out of Travis AFB by commerical travel stopped in Viet Nam and had to get off plane for refueling, my case I switched planes to military aircraft. ASA units in Thailand, clarified by Gary Kay: The 5th RRU was there first, of course, and it morphed into the 83rd RRSOU, still in Bangkok. I was the Deputy Fire Chief till mid term then Assistant Fire Chief. This progressed to bladder cancer,2 brain tumors, and a epitheliod sarcoma on his leg. Didnt happen. We eventually got moved into the hooches. I did not find anyone I knew on this listing, but I came across Jackie McKenzie who wanted to get certain info about her husbands locations on base. Then again Nov 1972-Nov 1973. I was in Life Support, maintained all equipment used by pilots. Look to see if there is a Disabled Veterans Office like the one near us at VA Mather in Sacramento, CA. I had to enlist the aid of my Congressman because up to then the VA kept rejecting my claims. If you were stationed at Takhli or Korat, you were exposed to agent orange. It was so nasty there it is a wonder we all didnt come down with a lot of stuff. I now have a Neo Bladder . need any pictures of Phitsonulok perimeter showing the burnt vegitation just dia with prostrate cancer. I was with the 49 TFW and served in Linebacker 1 & 2, Ive been trying to research what army inf units were in thailand at that time and where they were stationed. I was stationed at Ubon RTAFB from Nov 1968 to Nov 1969. This documents U2 operation out of Utapao. QUANTICO, Va. --. For all of 1975, I was the NCOIC of the Communications Center at 667th ACWS Hofn, Iceland. Here are the basic "rules" to get the presumption of Agent Orange exposure if you served in Thailand during the Vietnam War: 1) Service at U-Tapao, Ubon, Nakhon Phanom (aka, NKP), Udorn, Takhli, Korat, and/or Don Muang, between February 28, 1961, and May 7, 1975. privilege to post content on the Library site. The soldiers got off the plane (deplaned), and walked on the tarmac. At that time I was seen and diagnosed with Vitiligo. We all were exposed due to winds, aircraft movements so the VAs claim of perimeter exposure is their way to throw us under the bus. Was stationed at Takhli and Korat from Feb, 1970 to April 1972. Developed prostrate cancer and didnt know I could file a claim! I am at this site because I believe his cancer may have been caused by agent orange and need to know how to proceed. 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udorn air base thailand photos